Firstly, hi Phil, welcome to the weird and wonderful[!] world that I live in...

Mostly, there is a lot of this ->
Secondly, :thankyou: thank you all
so much for the piccy comments! You make me feel like a million dollars, which is more than can be said for Biker Boy, who refuses to comment on my appearance ever, I don't know why but it sometimes upsets me. Like this weekend particularly, but never mind!
As for the expedition to see the Polar Bear in Aviemore... We were going to go this weekend but then on the way to the pink party, I said when was his next night out with the lads from work? "Spose it's random dude's stag do next weekend".... So I changed the subject, not wanting to fight before my mates party, and then last night I said to him could I please please get him to keep the 3rd/4th July free, so we could go to Aviemore.. "But we're doing that this weekend?" "No darling, you're off for a beer and strippers do, remember?" I'm guessing The Girlfriend is not meant to "know" about strippers on stag dos or something... this lead to a huge fight about how I don't trust him with other women just because I dared to say that he'll be seeing strippers... I have no qualms regarding other women, I am 100% certain that he is not going to shug a stripper on a stag do, or any other female for that matter. Or male. Or animal. Or anything lol. I have no problem with pole dancers, strippers, whatever. If that's what they want to do, fair play to them, wish I had the confidence& figure to consider it sometimes! I can't understand it, wanting to stuff money in someone's pants while she wiggles her baps in your face, seems like a very expensive way to pass the time when you've got a perfectly good pair of knockers to play with at home for free, but it's a lads thing, a stag do thing and I accept that!!
For christs sake, he's an engineer, going on a lads night out with a bunch of engineers. Celebrating one of the crews last night of "freedom"... I'd be a bit niaive if I didn't expect naked women to be involved at some point! Maybe his problem is that I don't have a problem with it? I dunno. I just told him not to spend more money on those women than he does on me

Anyway, I have offered to be a taxi at the weekend. This way, worst that happens is he gets all worked up, and comes home to me. APs for me, can't be a bad thing!!
Anyhow, the potential strippers were just the tip of the iceberg for atmosphere last night. His answer to everything last night were "don't know", which was completely doing my nut in. And he could have offered to come and help me build my bed, but no, he hasn't. It's ok, I'm sure I'll manage. I tiled a bathroom all by myself, sure I can stick a bed together.
I think... in hindsight, knowing it was the 21st June which is not a good day for me, I should have locked myself in a cave and just let it run it's course, but on the other hand I didnt want to be on my own to think haha.
It was supposed to be my weigh in this morning, but I wasn't near a set of scales. Plus I ate 5 tonnes of KFC last night. Plus I didnt sleep. So when I got in after work just now, I weighed myself, and its 18.13.5. I'm not putting that down, that's not accurate. Ill see what happens tomorrow, and decide if I weigh in this week or not.
Time for a right proper kick up the jacksee though. I might try what my dad does. He has a starve-y day twice a week, and eats normally for the rest of the week. I could cut back to 16/18 points two days a week and stick to my 27 for the rest. That might help. Kinda like a JUDDD thing? I dunno, I'll have a play about. I need to get losing again, I feel like I'm losing my Jenny-ness, and that means losing what Biker Boy loves about me. I don't like the thought of that much. Need to get the Jenny-ness back.
Food in general today hasn't been too bad - Cereal, yogurt, fruit, pate and pittas [yes, plural. I had two and a half. GFB mode..] and a ham sandwich. I am never buying chocolate again, nor crisps, and I want to cut back on cake a heck of a lot.
Time to start shifting stuff out my room again, so I can build my bed