I would make a small suggestion which is just to leave him to it for a bit. Let him do the running - he'll soon realise that he needs to perk up and get his act together. Honestly - you sound like super chilled G/friend to me so he needs to sort himself out!
Dont worry bout BB play it super cool and let him do all the running for a while.
Oh don't you worry, you two, I intend to. Right after this Pink party is out the way. What, I want to get pictures of the macho man wearing pink first, to threaten & bribe him with at a later date..!! Plus... he'll pay for the drinks tomorrow night
I read your post about your sore noggin last night on my phone and my heart totally went out to you hun sounded so painful and yes you should have been told off for going to work, silly billy! Glad you are feeling better if still a little sore today.
I am feeling a million times better now, thank you!! I've been taking it easy, and even got a bit of tlc last night which was nice.
There are loads of cool packages you can do We had to do 5 weeks work exp each year on my course and one person went someone exotic, I can't remember where exactly, but they got to work in the zoo doing loads of hands on stuff, work with orangutangs and it was a couple of grand for the whole 5 weeks, flights, accommodation and a bit of travelling at the end.
See, I was GOING to do the lemur rehabilitation thing in Madagascar when I finished uni, but instead I fell for some bloke, and bought a house and all that jazz and decided to stay with him...! That must be such an experience though, absolutely amazing.
*Kals will come when she is less vexed at BB

It's ok Kals, you're saying exactly what we're all thinking. The slap with a wet fish..! He's redeemed himself somewhat now. Turns out, his dad wanted to do the walking in the afternoon, and instead BB is getting up early on saturday to go walking in the morning... so that he is free for JennyTime circa 4pm, which "gives us adequate time to get tea in town first"...
Must admit I've got my grumpy head on atm so am hiding from everyone
ooooh not good..! Hope the grumpiness has subsided, if not, get some bubblewrap. I did a full sheet earlier, it was most therapeutic. Then realised I had no more to wrap stuff in...
Really hope you do it Jen, sounds wonderful, and it's just for you too. Go for it!
Thank you so much

I am definitely going to go for something. Something different.. Not 100% sure what yet.!
I carried on researching all day yesterday and today at work, and made some calls. The schemes that let you work in the sanctuaries and reserves and stuff are all fully booked for the next 15ish months. Which is disappointing... Work have agreed full flexibility, given my contract is still ongoing by then. I understand they can't say 100%, but this is as good as concrete as I would get if I was permanent staff, infact, I'm probably in better standing as a contractor to do this, than if I was staff... But they have agreed I can have 4 weeks in one go, so long as I am there for the end of the tax year. So thats April/May I need to be in the UK for, the rest is up to me. And reading some reviews has put me off, implying that some trips are badly advertised and infact you spend 95% of the time cleaning and only 5% actually helping the animals, and doing fun stuff. I wouldn't mind a bit of hard work, but not sure I want to pay those amounts of money to clean up animal poo for a month when I have horses here, I do that for free
So... I still have lots to think about. One possibility, would be to go for a couple weeks, to China, see the sights and stuff, and visit the Panda place as a tourist, you can pay a bit extra to feed the pandas, see! Then go to Oz for a week and visit some of the places I want to see there. There's a Koala sanctuary, which I have my heart set on going to. Or I might just go on a mini tour of Europe. Either way, I need to lose the weight. If I'm backpacking, a weeks worth of size 14s is easier to lug about than a weeks worth of size 22s.......
There's been an awful lot of talk recently about people getting old... My parents just came back off a Saga holiday. The boy is 30 next year. My mate's just had her 40th and feels old.... Its making me realise that I haven't actually done anything yet. I'm optimistic regarding aging, but with the fella harping on about being 30 its making me think I'm not far behind him. And I know it isn't a race, but whats he done with life, compared to me. He's settled in a career, got his own house, seen loads of the world, got his hobbies, and lets face it, a partner who he just needs to click his fingers.... oops. Now look at me. I live in my parents box room, with no career, no career plans, I've been abroad once and that was with my parents, and I am obsessed with playing at diets.... I spend so much time convincing everyone else that it's ok to get older, since they've done this, and achieved that, and got their houses, jobs, kids, lifestyles and all that, that I don't have any of that myself! I'm kinda starting to get scared that one day Im gonna wake up 52, with no stories to tell the grandkids that I haven't got.. haha.
Last night, I did go to see the bloke. It was completely on my terms, I said I'd be round later, and casually showed up during the second half. He answered the back door [kitchen door] and let me in, first thing he said was "can you see my boobs in this top?"... haha. Well it was a little tighter fitting than his usual t-shirts, it was a football shirt he got on a lads holiday at the end of uni. 7 years ago. He then said "I didnt have boobs when I last wore this top".... He doesn't have boobs!! Granted, he might not be a skinny as he was SEVEN YEARS AGO but are any of us? really?? I asked where my tea was and he said that I knew where the kettle was, and went back to watch the football. So I made myself a cuppa, and went and sat down on the sofa next to him. "Do I not get a cuppa?" "Its your house, do what you want"

He was not impressed. I was most amused though. Hah!
Everyone said:
Good luck with the trip planning
Thank you, :sign0168: all