Jenny's moved on :)

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Nikki is an absolute star :) That is all x

Today -
Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast - couldn't face another bowl of snot.
Lunch - disappointing tomato pasta thing from Tescos
Tea - tuna steak and potato wedges

We need an elaborate plan. Big Oil Company has KIDNAPPED my fella. It was meant to be a 4 day trip away...
Then "Can't wait to come home on Friday" [7 days]
Then it turned into "I have to work the weekend :(" [10 days]
Then it was "Flights have been changed to wednesday, can you pick me up?" [12 days]
Today - "I might be here til Friday" ... That's 2 whole weeks!!! 14 days.... FOURTEEN DAYS!!!!

He has that stag do on saturday, the one with the racing. The groom-to-be has hired out a racing place and Biker has been looking forward to it for so so long, hell even I want to go to the stag do, it sounds really fun! but I thankfully don't look manly enough. If they end up keeping him in Norway past this weekend... No, they can't, please. That's too much, making him miss the British GP, half the World Cup AND the stag do...

I'm also slightly concerned that he'll have no clean pants left. But hopefully the hotel has some level of laundry service he can charge to the company.

The hotel he's staying in is a fish restaurant. There is a normal menu for hotel residents, which he gets the whole cost back from his company, and a posher a la carte menu which the company will reimburse 50% of the cost. The normal menu, he said, there are 5 options for the main, and he said it's all fish. We've been together pretty much two years now. I think I can probably count the number of times he has chosen to have fish on one hand. He really doesn't like fish... And I googled - There isn't even a takeaway place there he can use.

Breakfast - Poached eggs on toast - couldn't face another bowl of snot.

We need an elaborate plan. Big Oil Company has KIDNAPPED my fella.

God Jen - both of these proper made me chuckle!

Sorry to hear you are still without your BB though - not good at all. But absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that so he'll be soooooo pleased to see you when he gets back. Just think how nice he will be to you and after all that fish, any food you make will take on Gordon Ramsey qualities!

Have a good day x x x x

P.S. Totally agree with the tin and a roll thing for lunch. Much more satisfying than sarnies IMO.
Sorry Jen
had mucho chuckles at BB expense poor BB
will be even funnier should you do a slap up meal to celebrate
his release from his captors and make it a fish supper haha!!

Well done to mummy on her 7lbs loss

And I hope you have a nice day Jen
what's left of it
Hanging my head in shame admitting that the excess fish gave me a chuckle or 2 as well

Do we have an extradition treaty with Norway? Complain BB is guilty of some dastedly (sp) crime against North Sea fish, should get him back soon as

Have a fine evening
Hopefully ur BB will be home soon chick....but if i were you i'd be lapping up the peace and quiet and secretly chuckling at everything he's missing!!! But i'm married far too long and a b!tch at times!!!!hahahahaha!!.xx
Hahaha, <3 the honesty there Linz..!!!

It's ok everyone, I feel better now for laughing at the fish-ness..... and he has confirmed - He has enough clean pants to last til Wednesday. Wonderful...but the hotel does have a laundry service, so that's ok :)

And as for his return meal... I was thinking of getting some of that really thin steak, and I have a fish shaped cookie cutter........ hahaha or maybe normal steak with fish shaped rostis or something...

Something tells me, there may be a facebook-jealousy style lame murder story on the news after the weekend - "Enraged engineer murders girlfriend in fish-frenzy"

OOH NO!!! Not steak..... Pancakes for breakfast. Yes. Fish shaped pancakes for breakfast. That's easy to do!!!! He's just asked me to learn to make chocolate fondant... I cant see that being friendly to ANY diet plan....

See?? THIS IS WHY I STRUGGLE TO FIT A DIET INTO MY LIFE!!!! All these demands for cake, and cookies, and good things....... GADS!!!!!

Lost 1lb this week :) Better than nowt considering that yes, I am counting everything, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I am staying under my limit... oops.
Need to step it up a notch though...Only cheating myself..!

Breakfast - beans, one slice of toast [241]
Snacks - banana and apple [152]
Lunch - tin of chicken meatballs and pasta, with a roll. Yes it's a kids meal.. [330]
Tea - chicken chow mein [373]
Total / Remaining - 1096 / 404

I could rant about there being no milk at work for a cuppa.
I could rant about someone being held on the other side of the pond.
I could rant about mum being "funny" this morning.
I could rant about my headache.
Or I could feel like a selfish moo. The guy that died at T in the Park was one of our engineers. He was only 24. That's quite upsetting.

I'm in a funny mood..x
Well done Jen, a pound is better than nowt

Felt so sad when I heard about that guy dying at titp. Do you know what actually happened?.x
cheers Linz, right direction at least!! :)

It says that he collapsed with an asthma attack, on the announcement at work, the BBC said they're waiting for post mortem results. It's really sad :( It's a shame that it takes something like this to put things in perspective..

But.. at least the sun is shining. Foggy as hell out by my house, but at work, its sunny!!!
Thats so true

Yip, the sun seems to be shining here for now but i'm guessing it won't last long!!! Might attempt to hang washing out anyway!!

Have a great day Jen...xxxx
God that's awful Jen - his poor family. Hope you're ok, things like that can really shake you up. Sending you a very discreet squeeze just in case.

Well done on the lb loss hun - that's brilliant work. Seriously - a lb is a lb is a lb is a lb in my view. I'd give my right arm to find enough willpower to shift 1lb at the moment! Hopefully it's spurred you on a bit - I always find a loss inspires me, no matter how small!

Hope you have a good day x x x
Well done on your 1lb off Jen.

It does shake you up a bit when you hear of someone that young dying suddenly, it certainly puts things into perspective. Have a great night
After an 11 hr day at work, not hearing from Captain Norway all day, and getting home to my dad saying he would rather hang himself than deal with the b.tches that he lived with any longer [which I take to include me]... I couldn't be bothered with looking after myself last night. All I wanted to do was eat. So I did.

I do not know what I ate, it kinda went into a blur, but I do know that I have no WW desserts, icecream, crisps or biscuits left. Granted, mum had a good handful of biscuits too. But still.

I'm pi$$ed off at myself, I have been so good, was on track til I got home, turned down vanilla cream slices and danishes at work, stayed away from the machine, all sorts.

I would say today was a new day, but I woke up at half 4 with the dogs, couldn't get back to sleep, so decided to start eating...

It's not been too bad, but I'm not actually full, and it's hard to not go up to the vending machine and spend my last 50p on something. But I'll regret that, so distractions are needed...

Today I have eaten:
a bacon toastie, mushrooms & scrambled egg. A bowl of cereal with semiskimmed milk, a banana, two cheese rolls...

This doesn't actually seem that bad when I write it down.
I think I am hungry.
And I don't have much left space-wise for tea.

I'm really angry today. Angry with my dad for saying all those things last night. Angry with BB for not asking how I am, not caring. Angry with my brother for having the audacity to ask me to pay for mums birthday present again. Angry with work for not having a proper job for me. Angry with myself... But on the plus side, I've been speaking to mum most of the day via email, and that's all ok.

As you know, BB has been struggling with fish... He'll be back from Norway tonight, I'm tempted to get a make-your-own pizza base, and make him a fish shaped meat-feast pizza..........x

The stress of the last 35 minutes..!

All by text, about an hour and a half before the potential departure time:

BB - Guess who's at the airport?
Jen - Tom Cruise. He's always going places
BB - :p They won't let me check in yet said its too early
Jen - Thought you said it was an hour for check in? I dunno how airports work, can I check in online for you or summat?
BB - Check your hotmail plz...

[I can't get on personal emails at work, so I went on my phone and opened hotmail...]

BB - I just wanna check something...

[ loads - Email forwarded from BB's work email - noticed the subject said "E-Ticket..." ]

BB - I can't view attachments on my phone can u check it and let me know I've got the right time?

Jenny also can't view attachments - Clicks "forward" and sends to work address... sits at work furiously clicking "refresh" on emails]

... Jenny thinks "Hang on... did that subject say "E-Ticket 15.07.2010"...?

In one fell swoop, the email comes through, I check the attachment, realise that yes, his flight is booked tomorrow NOT today, and he is definitely early...

Jen - you need to speak to work NOW you're booked on thursdays flight

BB - Seriously?

Jen - Yes seriously, speak to work

BB - you're joking right?


Text did not get delivered...

So I sent it again...
No delivery

So I sent again to his work phone...
No delivery...


Send it again 4 times. To his personal phone and his work phone and contemplate emailing his boss.......

The reason it didn't deliver is cos he was on the phone to work, it's sorted, and he'll be home for tea. And now has about 80,000 texts shouting at him haha :)

He won't admit it, but I reckon that will have given him that sick-in-the-tummy feeling. And... he also won't admit that it is his fault for not checking the booking before just now......!

My man is coming home :D
My man is coming home :D
Piffing hell Jen - I was so glad to read this when I got to the bottom of your entry. Good grief - the stress nearly did me in and I'm a right hardnut usually ;)

Hope you have a fabby evening with BB when he finally gets back. You poor thing, yesterday sounds horrid so hopefully it will put all your angry bits to the back of your mind and you will be Happy Jen again. Have a wonderful time together :)
Poor Jen, you're having a bad time of it! If I were you I'd make sure your mum knows that any presents you buy are just from you and not carry your brother any more.
Your life is so dramatic Jen much more exciting than mine - but then again I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

Hope BB is back safe and sound and hoping that tonight and the rest of the week is less stressful. Have fun and enjoy having the man back
Glad you got BB's ticket sorted out hun!

Have a lovely evening :D

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