Jenny's moved on :)

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:D Lovely to hear you are back with a new improved postive mood Jen
and If I have inspired that then at least I'd done something worthy for a change haha!! and i'm so pleased about that.

It will be absolutely fab if you do come and wander the market with us, and sampling the Egg nog and the Bratwurste :D

Have a great day Jen x
Number One comes first.........One day at a time. That's it.

Well, this is all I need to quote. Fabulous attitude Jen. So glad to hear you sounding so focused and positive. And you know what? Dieting is really really hard work. So one day at a time is the only way I think. No stopping/starting/waiting til Sunday night. Just one day at a time. Vanda said summat in her diary about slim people - they don't eat the same amount of food everyday. So eating when hungry is definitely the way forward.

Sending you positive vibes, cos I'm sorry you were feeling down and I hope you're feeling better and the focus remains on yourself and you avoid the demands of others becoming your priority.

We're all behind you.

And I can't wait to see you in Glasgee x x x
egg nog sounds amazing but i imaginary-taste it as tasting like a creme egg.. i bet its nothing like it and i'll be well disappointed lol :p

Jen if you decide to go, i'm coming too so we can bratwurst it together :D

hope you have a lovely weekend.. btw with your stir fry, you should take chopsticks to work! I am weird enough to do that and it extends your meal by a good ten mins and it makes me feel loads fuller :D plus i have some really cute chopsticks which i acquired on a mug shopping day ;) haha!

So pleased you are sounding more cheery Jen. This weight loss malarky involves a lot of soul searching and not all of it easy.

Good news on the Glasgow market fun I shall endeavor to make the long trek from South Wales will probably have to leave in November to make it in time for Chrissie, about the same time I put the sprouts on

Have a fab weekend
my OH is always saying he loves me as I am, I wonder is BB the same?

I've seen you mention these Calzones before! Are they really good? We were gonna go there last night but didn't, will really have to try these though sometime! If you like a bargain (or BB does, since he's paying!) if you go on the F&B website there's a 20% off voucher if you buy 2 mains :D

Of course he likes a bargain, he's scottish :p!! Thank you, I'll get that voucher sorted :D
The calzones are ace! My first ever stumbling block with diets was cutting out the pizza, so that was a real treat to have pizza, then I started making my own pizza with generic tomato pasta-style sauce and light cheese, and the calzones took place as the treat. I tried making one of these and it exploded :| haha. Definitely worth a try. They have a meatball one in Tescos, but I feel it won't be the same as a restaurant one!

As for how BB is, well he's not very forthcoming with compliments, or with talking about feelings. It's been over 2 years we've been together and in that time, we've said those 3 words aloud on one occasion, and both of us were that drunk that the next morning it was a case of "OMG I ADMITTED IT" hahaha.

I've said to him before would he still fancy me when I'm skinny and he's said so long as I still have boobs, yes. :rolleyes: I suppose that's as near as I'm getting to a compliment!

Egg nog and the Bratwurste

:eek: ... :D

And I can't wait to see you in Glasgee

Again, :D

And I have just had a text to say "I only had half a pint but I feel really funny".... Silly boy. No sympathy...!

Nik, I'm intrigued that blokes aren't fussed with scales. Bikers the same, says he doesn't have bathroom scales, apparently so that "Jenny can have a break from weighing herself morning noon and night when she stays"... but the first thing he does when he's here is weighs himself... And he gets paranoid when his mum says he's put on weight since he left home. And there was a thing at the Zoo, to see how many of you would weigh the same as a Giant Tortoise, he virtually ran and jumped on it haha. I steered clear of those scales the display was too visible to the world, but he was like "What, 78kg? That's way off, I don't weigh that much"... cue red-faced girlfriend next to him.. haha.

Rach, it's funny you say about Chopsticks - We were looking for some in the shops the other day! My mum used to live in Japan, but since the ones she has are "authentic", we aren't actually allowed to use them for some stupid inane reason, like half the crap in this house, so biker and I were looking for some usable chopsticks, we have a lot of thai food, and chinese stuff too. And it's SO much more fun with chopsticks!! :D
On the one hand, a drinkable creme egg sounds nice. On the other, I think it would be a touch too sickly haha!!

V - Don't worry about the sprouts, come to bonny Scotland!! :D

Righty, Im off for a cuppa, and to establish if the fella is still conscious and able to make his own way home, or if I need to take him to A&E to get his stomach pumped for his 1/2 pint..... :rolleyes: what a tosser.....

lol x
i got mine in paperchase of all places! :D

as for kg.. even though the number is smaller than lbs, it seems so much bigger! it mortifies me to think i'm 93kg, and yet i insist on putting it in on the machines at the gym as i dont want it to lie about the calories i'm earning :p *obsessive*

as for not saying those 3 words, i think me and matty are completely the opposite. I love that we say it often but sometimes i think it would be nice to save it for the really special times.. though i suppose i would hate it if the one day i didnt say it, he went to work and something happened to him.. so i still like that he always knows.. though i suppose BB will know you feel that about him without you saying it.. each to their own :) x
Egg nog tastes nothing like a creme egg haha!!
It's hard to explain the taste of it because you can't really compare
it to anything else
it's smooth and creamy like Baileys, but not chocolatey it's more
noggy in a noggy kinda a way
it's a very unusual noggy taste
and with that I shall bid you good night
and Nog Off
Kgs are definitely more scary... I don't know why, I'd rather stick with lbs!!!

And I think Kals has got a headstart on the nog... that's the best thing I've read all week haha!!

I got called poison last night, told that I destroy everything I touch... NICE! I'm also a gullible niaive little girl who shouldn't fall for it when Biker "says he's working away". Apparently he's shacked up the other side of Aberdeen living with some bird. Interesting. To be honest, if he is, he deserves to get away with it, the amount of effort he puts in to the coverup! Fed up of people chucking spanners in the works, gads! Just cos people are unhappy with their lives, and don't trust themselves or their OH's, doesn't mean we're ALL like that!!!

But in the words of Paolo, Nothing's gonna bring me down :) Except he talks about a boat. I don't have one of them...

I'm gonna go and raid the cupboard for breakfast. Have a great weekend people, hope the sun comes out soon!!

OMG, which ****er said that? Let me at em! What a horrible thing to say :( some people really are poison.. but you're lovely Jen!

when you say raid, i hope you mean raid for one item rather than the whole lot cause these people arent worth binging over! xxx
Cheers Rach, it was some tosser I used to know pretty well at uni. It makes me sad that the last almost 10 years of friendship has just gone now. That's two uni-friends down in a couple of months. Getting good at this! haha. Something tells me the past should just stay in the past!

Breakfast was pretty restrained! Half a bagel with an egg in the middle, done in frylight, and 2 slices of THL bacon, with a sliced tomato on top. And the dogs enjoyed the other half of the bagel :D

Shower, gym, Argos.... busy day ahead ;)
ooh let us know how the gym goes :D xxx
Have to agree, great cover story he puts himself through to go a few miles up he road eh.
Yeah, especially the postcards that come from all over the world at random intervals. Getting me to drop him at the airport, that's a clever one (maybe his other bird hides til I'm gone and picks him up ;)) Somehow obtaining 2/3/4 weeks worth of foreign receipts for claiming travel expenses. How do I know this? I process expenses in my job for my company, so naturally the boyfriend asks me to help with (ie DO) his expenses when he gets back...
Not to mention the pictures of the work he does (yes, I get photos of machinery to look at. The joys...!), the team he works with, the nights out they go on, the touristy I-had-a-day-off-so-I'm-taking-piccies-of-everything-foreign pictures.
Hell, he's even got his parents in on it too. They were so disappointed that I wasn't going to Brazil with him.

That is one hell of a cover up.... lol. He's clever, but he ain't that clever....!!!!!

I hope to God it was someone completely un-related and not worth a jot and not close family.
No family, just someone who I had considered a friend. No-one that matters any more :D

Christmas market - I hope you are each joining in the ginger wig wearing brigade? :p

Hahahaha, if my hair-dye fades enough by then, I won't be needing the wig :p
But yes, I'm all for being ginger!! :D

The gym was good!! I really enjoyed it, they get you to go round the circuit 3 times, and by the middle of the whole thing, I was feeling a bit warm hahaha. It was good though, and a couple of hours later, I can feel that my tummy muscles have been doing something, they already feel a bit sore! Never realised I actually had muscles in there...........

I got Dance on Broadway too :D I spent a good 40 mins on that, it's fun, but its not as easy to follow as Just Dance. And the Timewarp is not the Timewarp. You'd think that they'd actually do the dance that the song tells you to, but they've got different moves to the words... That made me a bit miffed! Roll on Just Dance 2!!

And I have snazzy new sheets courtesy of Argos :D Yay! :D:D:D
:D Afternoon oh fabulous one
I seem to be playing catch up today
I am so glad you liked my noggy post haha!!
and pah!! to tossers who feel like they have to stick there oar in
have a great one Jen xx
I'm with Kals on the big pah to miserable folk spreading their poison, some people just dont like to see others happy.

Sounds like today was a good one, I'm giving curves a go as well, the short bursts of doing stuff should keep me interested so will check out the local offers

Just the word nog makes me feel a tad queasy so I shall def be staying away from that, might give the ginger wigs a go though

Have a fab Sunday
:D Afternoon Jen
hope the weekend has been fab
with plenty of time for a cuddle with BB
I sky plussed the Xfactor last night the highlight
being when the two girls came out and one elbowed the other in the face haha!!
Hello :)

I had a good weekend. It was nice to have the house to myself and to do what I wanted for a change. I nearly wasnt in the mood for the boyo to come over on saturday but I am glad that he did. We spoke loads about "recent events" and he said I was his best friend and he didn't want to lose me, so that's all nice and rosey there. No "sorry for being an ar$ehole" like, but can't have everything!
And x factor oh my gooooddddddd!! Those two, such a laugh! Stupid girls... Biker said one of them looked like a cabbage patch kid..... :D
Food hasn't been too bad, we had the WW Sausage Casserole sauce. It was ok actually, quite tasty. Better than the Korma anyway, which I tried the other week and found it bland and tasteless. Apparently that's just kormas in general, said the curry guru...

Lots of AP's earnt. No not like that, get your mind out the gutter, purely cuddles there. Lots of Wii time, went to Curves, went for walks with the dogs... I was going to go Line-Dancing tonight but the class has been called off for family stuff, so I can't do it this week. Next, hopefully!

I'll be gone for a few days :wave_cry: my dodgy temperamental monitor has decided to pack up. Which is mighty annoying. This means I have no computer, no DVD player, no CD player, no TV [I use the online TV players], no games... There is a TV and the Wii in the living room, but when dad is about, I have no chance getting to use either!

Keep smiling people, I'll get a catchup on Wednesday - quiet day at work ;)
aww no! hope to see you back on wednesday, hopefully with a new monitor? :D *hopeful*

i've never tried the sausage casserole sauce.. but i do love sausage casserole :D i actually like the korma sauce myself.. i find the pasta sauces are really disappointing though :( xx
There's a sausage casserole sauce?!?!?! Why have I never seen this! I blame asda personally... (well, only because that's where I shop...ha ha) Oooohhh... I need to find this now... :) Hope you get ur monitor sorted, I have a comp monitor thats sitting redundant at the mo... pop it in the post? lol :p
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