Ah - The long awaited babbling update haha!! Hope you have a coffee on hand....
Christmas day was nice til my brother started sticking his oar into the relationship I have with Biker Boy. He can't accept the fact that we're pretty laid back, and don't need to live in each other's pockets. My brother's gf is working as an english teacher in Thailand at the moment and since he spent all day pining for her, trying to get hold of her on Skype, he couldn't comprehend that me and Biker, although he was in the same county as me, were not going to see, or speak to, each other all day on Christmas Day. I think we just have a different type of relationship to them, but it bugs me that if I can accept that James is going to be on the phone to Thailand more than he is spending time with us, why can't he accept that I'm happy with a couple of texts off my man?? We don't need the "I love you"s splashed all across Facebook like him and his gf do. We'd spoken about Christmas before, and decided that yes, it would be nice to spend Christmas together, but rather than the pair of us being sat in cars driving between different sets of parents all day, we'd have Actual Christmas on our own with our families, then have Our Christmas at his house, then spend the two bank hols going to see each others parents. Which, incidentally, was also fine with my mother, til James started speaking to her about how concerned he was that Biker is using me and doesn't care... Then I had to spend a good hour defending Biker to my mother who was now in floods of tears about how Biker "snubs" my family, treats me terribly, and explaining that yes, we have our good days and bad days but in the main, he makes me happy and I am on my guard to not get hurt again. Biker... he's far from posh, he does not look down his nose at my family in the slightest, and it was a mutual decision between the pair of us to not see each other on actual Christmas Day. Where's my dad through all of this? Through in the living room playing Zombie games on the Wii, drinking ginger wine
Boxing Day was Our Christmas, and the boy done good

Especially since I "didn't want anything" he put a lot of thought into my gifts, and I was very happy

He liked his too - I got him some Thai Rosewood chopsticks embellished with silver elephants, and a 2 hr lesson in flying falcons, hawks and buzzards at the Bird of Prey Centre in Cupar. I wasn't sure about the bird thing, but he seems to be looking forward to it
Monday - I don't think I really did much in the day - Watched some DVDs, think that was about it. Biker came to my parents house for tea - My dad made a beef casserole and onion crispit, which was lush. Crispit, I don't know how well known it is, with it being a dad thing, is basically a big ol' tray of suet dumpling made with loads of onion mixed in. So not wonderfully diet friendly... I don't normally have any when he makes it, but since it was Christmas I had a small bit, and it was scrummy! James was whinging because the family box of chocolates that Biker brought for us, was addressed to my Mum and Dad rather than all 3 of them. So he kept asking mum if he could have one of her chocolates because he didn't get anything...
Tuesday - My brother has to get a train home, so me and mum drive him into Aberdeen station and then hit the sales... Not too hard, I got a suade jacket, some jeans, a couple of tshirts, that furry gillet that I wanted a couple of weeks ago (£14, not strictly speaking a bargain, but half price'll do me

), a bag, and 2, maybe 3 scarves. That was just New Look too... Then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch and shared a pizza, and headed home. I got changed, chucked some stuff in a bag, and went to Bikers - We'd intended to go to his parents house for tea, but then his sister's OH had decided to go out for tea instead with the his family, so Biker took me to the thai place to have too much food, and then we headed to his folks for a cuppa, and some quiz questions from a book, which was fun

His sister had spent the day viewing wedding venues for the autumn. I have to be careful sorting out his birthday thing, I don't want to tread on any toes, or make him miss the fiance's stag do or anything like that. The date they have set is the 15th Oct, and Biker's birthday is the 2nd Nov, the thing I have planned for his birthday involves a 4 day weekend away, and I was thinking the first weekend in October. It's a bit early to be discussing with people though. His mum was talking about arranging him a party for his 30th. He would hate that, really hate it. Walking back to the car, I said if I have any input at all, there will be no party, just a nice meal or something for him and his family. That got a big smile
So food! My 1 day of gluttony kinda rolled into 4 days of gluttony. I pointed absolutely everything on the 25th, 26th, 27th but yesterday - Pizza Hut lunch and then a 4 course meal... I tried to be good, and stopped when I was full. Then had a bit of cheesecake... it was small though!! But I didn't point.
Today and tomorrow, I'm stuffing myself on 0-point veg rather than having proper food. Friday - I'm at a chinese buffet for lunch, then KFC for tea, which will be quite a late tea..
Then... Saturday we start. 100% PP. Yus. Bring it on!!