The good news - I have pointed everything I've eaten! Hurrah!
The bad news - I haven't been stopping when I get to my limit! And!!! I have decided on the steak fajitas for tomorrow's meal, which is 30 points for something similar from Chiquitos...
I've been a bit away for the last couple of days - Barely read texts let alone emails, I was actually having FUN with him and his family! Hurrah!
Santa got me a diary for Christmas - It's a really ornate pretty one, from the art gallery I think, it really is nice and I don't want to ruin it, so this will be my "nice thoughts" diary. As you may know, I have a complex system of diaries, I have one for day to day where I have to be stuff, one for work meetings, an academic one for meal plans, and now my happy thoughts one for 2011. I aim to write two positive things in here, every day, every week, without fail. Nothing negative. Just happy things. It's going well so far!
So what have I been up to? Saturday night I had an email delivered to my phone saying "It probably won't be lamb for tea, dad wants to take us all out for tea instead". Then another 3 minutes later "Dad's just called, table's booked for 6 people for 6:30"... then another 2 minutes after that "btw I'm not telling you you have to come, but if you want to, that would be good"
So we went to this place, in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, it's like farm....farm...farm... indian restaurant... farm... And it was soooooo nice inside, really good food, the waiters were amazing in their own way - There was 5 I think that served our table, one looked like an Indian Mr Bean, another was very direct and to the point.. I was driving and ordered a diet coke and a glass of water, and he said "No alcohol." It wasn't a question! I said "No, thank you, I'm driving"... "Ah. No alcohol." Again, not a question.! Then he brought the drinks and said "You! No alcohol" when he put mine down, and to Biker he said "You! Beer!" when he gave him the Kingfisher...! It was fun!
The conversation was very wedding orientated, his sister (& hubby2be obviously) have set a date, and Biker has been put in charge of getting their Dad a nice suit. The wife to be is speaking to Biker about him wearing a suit he already has, where the groom to be is talking about hiring a kilt for him... Its still early days... Anyway, the suit in question no longer fits Biker so he was talking about diets with me this morning. We're going walking when I feel better

Its October, so we've a few months to slim down!
Then yesterday, we went shopping to beat the VAT! To get a camera and some other bits. Couldn't find a PS3 Move anywhere, so we went back to his disheartened til we remembered that A-HA! We have lamb! So that went in the oven with shallots, red wine, celery and rosemary, and started roasting away, when he had a call saying his parents would come over for a cuppa after his mum finished work. So I had a quick tidy up, and there was no milk, so I said I'd nip out to see if I could get some - Anyway, long story short, we ended up in Tescos getting a PS3 Move thingy(at a good deal too!) and milk, and turns out, the price has gone back up to full price today...!
So we had a cuppa while the lamb's roasting, and watched a Celeb Come Dine With Me with his parents. Once they went, he poured the wine, and we had the lamb with neeps&tatties, and veggies, and put on the Stargazing Live program. Yes I am a geek, yes I <3 stars... Then he brought out a Gu chocolate cheesecake, said that there was no point me looking at the NVs cos the packaging was already in the bin and that I was to eat it and enjoy it, in place of a birthday cake. Don't need to tell me twice, it was BEAUTIFUL!
Then there was more mojitos, and then rum & coke and then I fell asleep watching the Big Fat Quiz of the Year. I knew more than I realised actually, it was a good laugh though.
This morning, bacon butty, and a lazy day. Eventually dragged myself into the shower at about 12, made some donuts, spent 2 hours playing with my hair, then walked to the shop and back, before deciding I should probably go home... got distracted with a game of Scrabble, where "ZEN" cleverly placed made me a nice 38 points, winning the game as he was left with "QUVU"
And then decided that I really really should go home...
And here I am. Last update as a 26 year old...
I have work at 7:30 tomorrow. Then the plan is drive to Biker's, get changed into me gladrags, get a bus into town, where we will eat too much mexican food, drink too much booze, and then bus back to his. Then thursday AM - Back to the norm - working like a b.tch and pointing like a pro....
I like 2011 so far!!