*whispers* I would but wouldn't too....
I had a whole big post, then went to get a cuppa and came back and it was GONE. Rubbish!
Anyway, I wrote a letter telling food to b*gger off because I don't want it's diabetes, bloating and tummyaching-fullness anymore. Don't need it, don't want it, blah blah blah...
Done eating now!
Someone made me lemon cake

It was like a lemon cake with a lemon curd sauce underneath. He had to separate eggs and everything for it! Well impressed! He'd also bought me the Ravin Rabbids game for the Wii, which I'd been eyeing up the other day, and a painting set, which I can't wait to start! We went to the bus stop and while we were waiting for the bus, had a look at the stars using the Sky Map app on his phone - We saw Jupiter

and a few constellations.
The restaurant, it wasn't Chiquitos, it's La Bamba, I don't know if it is a chain or anything. We had a shared combo starter and then I had steak fajitas, he had chilli with heaps of stuff with it. Plus some cocktail that had JD in it. I toyed with the idea of chocolate fudge cake for pudding but decided not to in the end, though the idea did pop into my head several more times throughout the evening.. Went to a different place for more cocktails.. I vaguely remember something blue...
I hate mirrors, but they weren't having their usual effect on me last night. In fact, they haven't so far in 2011. I think it is mind-over-matter, but I really do want to do something about the lardar$e now. There was a girl working behind one of the bars we went to, and she was young, must have been a student I think. She was the same size, if not, bigger than me, and had to kinda sidestep-shuffle behind the bar. I felt sorry for her, then felt stupid because that's me. People must look at me and feel that. I've been on the receiving end of fat-hate before, and for the record, narrowly avoided being on the end of chubby-chasers fat-admiration before... But I don't want that anymore. I know it is going to be a long road. I won't lose a stone in a day, it will take time but enough with the procrastination already!
I weighed myself when I got in from work today. After tea. And it was a bad number. Considering totm, food and drink of the past week and the fact that I'd just scoffed a jacket potato, mince and heaps (and I mean
heaps) of veg... probably not the best idea, nor the most accurate idea...!
Looking forward to tomorrow - Half day I think, hurrah!!!