what are you planning on cutting out for the bread ban ?

im thinking, anything bread wise in terms of baps bread rolls etc! including wraps! and then the likes of pizza and garlic bread!

... but what about things covered in a coating a bit like bread crums?

I've decided to cut all sliced bread and rolls, bagels, naans, chapatis, wraps, pizza.. I think on a diet level, the breadcumbed things will be ok, I don't actually have a great deal of them though so I hadn't thought of that...!!! I do have some southern style chicken fillets in the freezer though. Oops...
Anyhoo, will see how I get on!! Bring it on Smirk, bring it oooonnnnnnnnn!! I'm looking forward to it.
Actually, I thought of you earlier, when I was at Bikers... I said I was well proud of myself for the Crisp Ban throughout January, and he was all put out because I hadn't
told him that's what I was doing

"But I had some crisps on Wednesday!" .. "That's ok, I'm banning it, not you!" ... "But I woulda done it too, now I've failed a challenge!" "But you weren't IN the challenge dear!!!"
Well, made me laugh anyway... He said bollokcs to the breadban though, thought he would....... haha
Good luck on the bread ban Jen, when you say a return to the old eating habits
Are you thinking Veggie again ?
I'm not so sure really Kals. Last night I had a heck of a dither and thought I would give up all meat and go back to my potato/pasta/quorn/tuna diet, but then I was thinking in the car this morning that I was in such a rut with that, so miserable, and this is when the cheese sarnies come into play, and the chocolate biscuits... So I had a chat with (dare I say it) Mr Sensible, which was initiated by him, not me for once, and decided that I would just carry on as I am for now, and be sensible. He pointed out that watching the bone marrow on the telly was hardly an indicator to go on, since I have never encountered bone marrow, and have never even contemplated eating it... which is a fair point.
I do think it is the rubbish food I have to watch...
I've had a bit of a slap round the face type wake up call. More of that in a minute. My day was ok, found the place, figured out the uber-confusing one-way system in the carpark (after driving the wrong way out the car park after my interview

) and found a couple of routes out of the industrial estate, so I feel much better about my first day now.
Then I went for a browse around the clothes in Tescos, to no purchases. I did also have a look at the toys section, and saw a Sylvanian Families MEERCAT family. Eurgh. Is nothing sacred? My childhood memories are now contaminated with bloody meercats... And then went into town, haircut, a good old look around the Valentines cards before deciding that I was in a mood with Biker and that he'd be bloody lucky to get a card this year anyway. The reason for the mood was that he hadn't asked me over yet, and he was meant to be coming to my new workplace with me to show me one of the routes... Then went to a different Tescos (it's about 3pm at this point) got some foodie bits and text Biker to say I was coming round to get my Badgirls DVD because I wanted to watch that with chocolate. And he replied with something along the lines of he'd been waiting for me for hours to go to my new workplace... Oops.
So... I went there and we had words, and sorted some niggles that we/I had. Meaning he let me babble and reassured me that life is actually ok.
Then he said he was at his folks last night and his dad thought the scales were broken, and his mum wouldn't even consider going near them - Would Biker see if they were working, cos his dad was sure the reading was wrong.
Biker weighed.
Reading was near enough what it read last time he was here, so they seem ok.
Which means his dad is little over 9 1/2 stone. He's not weak, or frail, or anything like that, he's just a normal bloke with a slight build apparently. Biker said he was about 3 1/2 stone more than his dad, which puts him just over 13 stone and he just shrugged when I said is that ok, or did he want a different number, so I think he's wanting to tone up a bit or something, I don't want to pry, he knows he can talk to me if he wants. He knows diets and stuff occupy about 75% of my thoughts....
I know already his mum has a go at him regularly for putting on weight since he moved out of her house and her cooking, but this is because he can cook what he wants now, he can eat what he likes. I have my suspicions that I am "to blame" for it, and maybe to some extent I am. At weekends we always have a dessert at some point. We do a lot more baking together than we would apart. We try new food, new recipes, that you might not risk if someone else wasn't there willing to risk life and limb to try it. And yes, we eat out on average probably once a fortnight. But at the same time, he boredom snacks when I'm not there, he's confessed that to me. But anyway, he fell for me knowing that I was larger than average (see Nik, not using the word "fat"!) and if his mum can't cope with that, that's her problem. I am who I am, he wuvs me, and that's that.
But enough about his weight and what he may or may not want to do with it...
I confessed to him that between the largest that I know of, and my target weight, was actually a good stone more than his dad weighs.
And then I went quiet for a second or two and thought about that.
And thought about it.
And can't stop thinking about it.
I have the equivalent of a 61 year old man to lose, just to be healthy. Actually, that doesn't even put me at a healthy weight, that would leave me still "Overweight"
I don't know how I feel about that...
Motivated I hope.!