x x x
Seons, I will get the proper recipe when I'm at home, but you basically fry off a chicken breast and some chorizo, with a red onion, some garlic and rosemary, add the rice and swish that about for a couple of minutes, add a glass of white wine, simmer for a bit (there's a lot of "for a bit" in it... worth it though!) then add chicken stock a bit at a time til its all creamy looking. Takes about 20 minutes from when you start adding the liquid... Then chuck in a little finely grated cheese, parmesan or something like that, there's one beginning with "G" that I can't remember what it's called, thats good in risotto. Leave it for 5 mins, then serve with heaps of broccoli. I serve everything with heaps of broccoli..
It's originally a Jamie Oliver recipe, I de-fatted it a bit...
I got a good serving for 8pp I think it was, it's quite rich so you don't need as big a portion as you'd think.!
About the job, I said that yes, I would like to accept the offer, provided they allow for 2 weeks notice, giving me a start date the earliest of 7th Feb. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but we'll see.
WI - down 2 lbs - Over the moon with this. Vowing to not binge in the slightest this week.
My mind is stuck in "worst case scenario" mode in general. I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon enough. I think I feel "glum". Or possibly "blue". Not really sure... I've asked Dad if I can borrow his sat nav and asked Biker if we can go somewhere this weekend, I want to see bears if at all possible..
Food today -
Breakfast - Quorn sausage sarnie (8)
Snack - 2 x WW oat biscuits (2)
Lunch - porridge (5) and cous cous (7). Not mixed together...
Tea - pasta (8)
Dessert - Pancakes (??) and white chocolate sauce (4)
Hope everyone's feeling more cheerful than I am...!x
It's originally a Jamie Oliver recipe, I de-fatted it a bit...
About the job, I said that yes, I would like to accept the offer, provided they allow for 2 weeks notice, giving me a start date the earliest of 7th Feb. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but we'll see.
WI - down 2 lbs - Over the moon with this. Vowing to not binge in the slightest this week.
My mind is stuck in "worst case scenario" mode in general. I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon enough. I think I feel "glum". Or possibly "blue". Not really sure... I've asked Dad if I can borrow his sat nav and asked Biker if we can go somewhere this weekend, I want to see bears if at all possible..
Food today -
Breakfast - Quorn sausage sarnie (8)
Snack - 2 x WW oat biscuits (2)
Lunch - porridge (5) and cous cous (7). Not mixed together...
Tea - pasta (8)
Dessert - Pancakes (??) and white chocolate sauce (4)
Hope everyone's feeling more cheerful than I am...!x