Jenny's moved on :)

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Haha, no the second shop genuinely was a stupidity oversight.
I've had a really bad couple of days emotionally. Feels stupid writing that, but I have seriously struggled. *sigh* gotta get a grip, I guess. Decide what has to be put first, and put that first.

Ok in no order whatsoever -

Hannah, yes haggis is unbelieveably bad points-wise. I'm not even certain that I like it enough to warrant it to be honest. The haggis wellington I had once was amazing, but in the main, haggis and mash isn't my kinda thing. Hunters Chicken - I'm not sure how "official" this is... I've had it a couple of times in pubs, it's my typical pub-grub meal... It seems to be chicken with BBQ sauce, a slice of bacon, and cheese on top. Simple, but delicious. There's quite a few variations though if you google for recipes, some the chicken is baked in the bbq sauce, some it is coated in it, sometimes the chicken is wrapped in bacon, others it is just topped.... Its quite pointy, that's the only drawback. But very proteiny, so good and filling!

Smirk, to cut back on the points, I chop a chicken breast in half lengthways, so it's thinner, and only have half of it. Save the other half of the chicken breast for a stirfry. That makes it 5pp instead of 7pp. And if you grate cheese using the small holes on the grater, you can get away with nearly half the amount you'd think :)

Linz - Thanks hunny :D And that Facebook outburst, I was sat in traffic on the way to work when I updated that, and I was about ready to burst into tears (See above for emotional-ness atm!) and I just needed some reassurance that everything was going to be ok :) How sad am I... lol
Fanjitas were so so fab that I had the leftovers for lunch today... Omnomnom!! I don't care that it stunk the office out all mexicanny and made everyone else jealous. HahaHA!

Kals - That's NORMAL THOUGH!!! I usually do one shop on a sunday on the way back from Bikers, and then top up the veg on a weds or thursday... But no, this week I chose to buy 5 days worth of food on Sunday and on Monday... What a tart, I mean seriously...!!!

Confession time - it's strange, I have never ever felt nervous about a new job, but this time I'm sick with worry. Literally, I am poorly in the tummy, my skin is attrocious, and I am struggling to sleep more so than usual.
But I've made the decision now, and that's that. I don't feel like I can't do the job - I know I can do it, I know I will ace it, and I know I will be good at it (Don't mean to sound horrendously bigheaded but I am confident I can do it, I know my way around the system I have to use, and understand how it works. Might take a few days to get into it, but I can do it). I have tried to explain to my family and to Biker, and they just think I am being silly. It's not a conscious thing though, they don't seem to get. I am not deliberately telling myself that I am scared, it's in my head and my tummy and it won't go away, it is not something I can just stop!

Maybe I need to switch on the Wii and do some yoga or something.

Anyhoo, that's why I'm maybe a bit "funny", or a bit distant at the moment. Sorting my head out so I don't crack up takes precedence over WW at the moment.

Best head off to bed, see if I can sleep tonight... :)

Sweet dreams people!! x
I was the same Jen! I have had a lot of jobs in my short little life but I felt most nervous about the one I've just started even though I did two trial days! I was more nervous than the trial I think. I went to bed at 12 Sunday night and I was still awake at 1:30, the last time I checked the time and it felt like a long time after that I fell asleep but I kept waking up and I dreamt a lot so it was light sleep. I felt sick and everything. I think it just means you want to do well in the job so that's a good sign :)
Thanks Jess, it's a comfort to read that :) makes me feel slightly less like a nutcase!

Well here we go again, another Wednesday.... wonder what delights today will bring....
It's completely natural to be nervous - especially when there were so many pros and cons about taking it or staying in your old job. I would think that having made quite a quick decision on something you weren't 100% sure about could be the reason for the anxiety. Not that I think it will go badly - just that you worry about whether or not you made the right choice as well as all the usual 'new job nerves'. Not sure if that makes sense but it was just what was in my head!

Hope you feel perkier this afternoon Jen - thinking of you :)
I think what you're feeling about the new job is perfectly normal missus so don't worry, after all a new job is up there as one of the most stressful life events.

When I make hunters chicken I use a Babybel light cheese, it was only 1pt for those on the old plan but not sure about new..x
Changing jobs is well stressful under normal plenty of time to prepare circumstances, so I can understand the anxiety over this one, but you know you can do it and you will be fab and fine once you get started so there x
Thank you all for your words and sticking by me. I'm still stuck on wallowing mode. Bare with me please... I'm sure I'll soon snap out of it.

Weigh in this morning - Down 2lbs. I had a sneaky WI on Monday and had gone down 4lbs, so instead of being chuffed at losing 2, I'm pee'd off that I effectively gained 2 since Monday. Serves me right for getting on the scales early! Anyways, hurrah. 2lbs off. Shouldn't be disappointed at that.

This means my daily allowance is now 41 points, which is good. I'm pleased to see that that is going down.

Off to do some meal plans. Yes I am at work. Working my notice though, ain't I.... ;)

Edit - I've lost almost a stone in 3 weeks, so why do I feel like a fat hippo for not losing enough quick enough? Rhetorical question, I know it's down to self confidence and mind over matter. Eurgh. I need to stop thinking for a while!
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Woo hoo on the 2lbs! Honestly Jen you have no idea how welcome a 2lb loss would be in my bathroom at the moment so you should totally congratulate yourself! Well done you!

Always nice to go down a 'points bracket' - really makes you feel like you're getting somewhere doesn't it?

Fab news - I'm well pleased for you Jen, just getting consistent losses at the moment, you star x
i think its because even though its a stone, your brain factors in how long you've taken to get there and you see other people with weight losses and for me there is a tiny bit of a competitive element and if i dont hit the target set by others then i do get a bit disappointed.

but remember that you are almost a stone lighter - thats 14lbs less worth of strain on your bones and your organs and extra time added to your life. You might not see it yet but i can guarantee other people will.

keep your chin up - i think 2lbs is fab and i always come in here usually and get reassured because you lose slowly and i tell myself that if you can do it the scenic route then i will as well - its the healthiest way to do it anyway :)

have a great week hun xxx
Awww hun don't be down! Search what a lb of fat looks like! It's what i always do when i feel down i stare at it and then think to myself i've lot nearly 70 of those! so do the same! :) will make you feel uplifted! :D hugeeee congrats on the 2lbs that's ace!!! and just think, just because those 2lbs extra you saw before official WI haven't shown today.... they must be close by therefore easy loss for the coming week :) that's what i always believe! chin up hope your alright xxxx
I had a look at that thread that was posted ages ago, where it compares the weights to Things...

2 lbs is 2 guinea pigs
11.5 lbs - that's nearly a bald eagle
26 lbs is a koala

I feel a bit better about it all now. I think I just feel like I have been dietting forever and have only lost 28lbs in total.
I need to forget about the past and start afresh this year - Look at it as 11.5 lbs lost in 3 weeks, not 28lbs lost in 3 years.. At least, though, I am doing something about it, and it is shifting, and going the right way at last. I don't feel deprived, I like ProPoints, it is working for me, I just have to remember that!

Righty - Let us concentrate!

Food today -
Breakfast - [8pp]
1 x wholemeal pitta
4 x bacon slices
1 x tbsp ketchup
Snack - [0pp]
1 x banana
Lunch - [18pp?]
One last trip to the greasy spoon, went for Chilli & Chips without the cheese. Will check points value later, I guessed at 18 before it was served, I think that might be a bit high, it wasn't a monster portion to be honest!
Snack - [0pp]
1 x apple
Tea - [5pp]
Stirfry leftovers - 75g noodles, 80g chicken, mushrooms, beansprouts, peppers, and carrot with oyster&soy sauce and chilli

Total so far: 31 / 41
49 weekly left

So if I have 10 points left today, I could have a more exciting tea instead... Hmmmm... Exciting times..! I just want comfort food today!

So I spoke to my mate at lunchtime, and we are going to go to the chinese for one last time tomorrow - I won't be able to get to this industrial estate when I start my new job, not for lunch, so this will be one last Jimmy Chungs for lunch. I felt quite honoured that she was devoting a friday lunchtime to me, as she usually goes off with Mr Wonderful for her lunch... She's off to join Scottish Slimmers tonight, and she was telling me about the efforts that her bloke made with her 41st birthday, which was on earlier in the week. Firstly, despite the fact that they work in the same building, he didn't even pop along to see her for a coffee. He took her out for lunch on Wednesday and proceeded to tell her that she should really think about kickstarting her diet, then presented her with her birthday present of a £20 voucher for a skinny-clothes-shop as "an incentive for her to slim down"

Stupid ar$e, way to make a girl feel special, ey. I said she should get him some Just For Men for his birthday, and see how he feels.

It must be the time of the month for engineers, because Biker is being a bit of a twonk at the moment too. Infact, he is being a lot of a twonk at the moment, to the point that I am actually verging on making excuses to not see him. Last night's excuse was that I had to do laundry. Tonight, I'm off to fatclub. Thing is, I weigh at home, in the morning. The option of curry leftovers for tea, re-runs of QI that I have seen countless times, while he falls asleep on the sofa really just doesn't do it for me at the moment. I'd rather eat leftovers of chicken stirfry in my own room watching re-runs of BadGirls in my pjs.
I think it is official. Honeymoon period is well n truly over and we are in a rut. The joys....

Woo, nearly hometime... x

Look at it as 11.5 lbs lost in 3 weeks
EXACTLY. Did you read that back to yourself Jen - you are bang on track to have lost a STONE in ONE MONTH. Flipping heck - you're doing fantastically!

...her birthday present of a £20 voucher for a skinny-clothes-shop as "an incentive for her to slim down"
An incentive? I would've chucked it back at him and said, 'That wouldn't buy me even one leg of a pair of skinny-person-sized skinny jeans. Make it £1000 worth - now that's an incentive you tight git.'

The option of curry leftovers for tea, re-runs of QI that I have seen countless times, while he falls asleep on the sofa really just doesn't do it for me at the moment. I'd rather eat leftovers of chicken stirfry in my own room watching re-runs of BadGirls in my pjs.
That's not a rut Jen. That's normal. IMO. Don't worry about it! I love PJs and eating in bed, though SATC is my DVD of choice :D
Afternoon Jen
There I was meandering around when all of a sudden you went on a posting flurry
Well done you on the 2lb off and give yourself a break and be less critical as you are doing brilliantly unlike some well me basically who can't seem to get her fat azz into gear with the little " d " word.
As for Twonk features he ain't worthy and Mumma K says so, so there haha!!
Have to admit though that blokes birthday present takes some beating what a total twat is he.
Kals, m'dear, I have a gut feeling that you will soon click right back into it. :) x

I think you're right Hannah, it probably is normal... It's nice sometimes, I just live in a fairytale land...

Time to swallow my stupidity I think. "Fat club" should be finishing shortly, I could be nice and "pop round" on my way home...

via tescos

to get sushi...

Ah I love a bit of sushi, I would love to go to a proper sushi restaurant. Not sure where the nearest one is to me I may well investigate.

And 2lbs is another fab loss, something seems to have clicked Jen and you are doing so well, so hoorah to you.

What a knob your work mates fella is, I would have beat him around the head for that. Some men just dont have a clue.

Enjoy the chinese lunch xx
I just spent the last gawd knows how long typing, and the bloody page timed out and didn't post it...

I don't know what this recent obsession with sushi is all about. I think maybe I just like chopstickable food to be honest. My ex, the cretin, was obsessed with all things Japanese, and quite often failed to make sushi at home. This left the house stinking of vinegar for several days, and the kitchen splattered with bits of seaweed, so I soon developed a dislike for the stuff... But recently, its just yummy!

Truth in the "20 minutes to register food" theory... Last night I ate a small serving of noodles with chopsticks. This took me about 25 minutes, and normally that size serving would be wolfed in 5 with a fork... So I think I need to be eating slower to reduce the amount of food I am scoffing!

It is so so bitterly cold today, I feel like a cross between an eskimo and a goth - pale skinned and wrapped up as cosy as possible in a big ol' fleece...

I am very much looking forward to my chinese lunch today. I have decided that I am going to just enjoy it, as life is too short to not. I went to Biker's last night and we watched some of that Big Fat Gypsy Weddings thing, oh my god that is all I am saying. My god...

I'm hungry, what can I eat..........
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is my favourite programme. I seriously love it. I don't normally like stuff that's been covered in glue and then rolled in diamontes but for some reason I love their dresses! I was the same when Jordan got married to Peter Andre - I was literally obsessed with her dress. I don't know why - I just love them!
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