Jo's Journey - 175lbs to happiness...

Its far too easy to fall in love with kittens :DI have 2 rescue cats and each time we went to look i wanted to take them all home, but only got 1 each time. My younger cat looks like she is made up of spare parts from all the other cats, she is very strangley proportioned, and to top it all off she has really long fluffy hair. She is mad as a box of frogs! Had her a year in a couple of weeks. I love them both to bits, they are my babies.

I was a bit self conscious at the gym, but i just plugged my ipod in and zoned out. Didnt go today but am going with my mum 2mo after work. I wouldnt like to excercise in front of my bf as he is really in to his cycling, like 100 miles in a day sometimes, so you can imagine how fit and healthy he is! I feel like a big flump next to him! Lol. Maybe next spring i will get a bike and go along with him sometimes, not 100 miles though!

Thanks for the congrats on my loss, i hope you get a good one this week and that you get your 1 1/2 award!

You sound as bad as me. Our house is like an animal shelter. We have 4 cats, 1 dog, 1 rabbit, 1 dragon (hubby now after a gecko) and currently 3 kittens lol. And apart from the dog and dragon I was guilt tripped into taking the others. My 1st two cats they said they'd take them to rescue centre if I didn't have them, 3rd cat said she was going in a bucket if I didn't have her because she was the runt of the litter and no one wanted her and she is still teeny tiny bless her, 4th cat my neighbour called me into the back garden stood with a litter tray, box of food, bag of litter and said my mum won't let me keep him. Rabbit my mum rang me and said the bloke who has the rabbit said if no one takes him by end of the day he's cooking him. And 3 kittens were being mistreated and I couldn't watch it any longer and now they're eating me out of house and home lol. I'll post pix of my brood shortly.

And bf/hubby thing tell me about it my husband isn't muscular fit but he's slim and healthy and I'm double his size so it's embarrassing when I'm on cross trainer and everything's jiggling about lol. I have a stone reward sheet so for every stone I get a reward and I think it's at about 6st I have it written 'join a gym' lol. So 4.5st and we'll see lol.

And thank you I'm hoping for 1.5lbs but it's * week so I'm not confident.
View attachment 148419 Here she is the fluffy monster! Hope this works, not posted a pic before?!

Lol, its upside down

Aww bless her she looks gorgeous. One of the kittens is like that shes a bit brown bit ginger and a bit white that's why I called her Dolly Mixture lol and don't worry about it being upside down she'd be cute whatever way.
Its my * week also, so who knows what will happen? Im not going to be disheartened though cuz i know it will show next week :)

I would love lots more animals, especially a dog but working full time i cant. My dream is to have a couple of rescue greyhounds, i think they are beautiful.
1407092104380.jpg - Rocky

1407092150505.jpg - A rabbit I rescued last summer I rehoused him he was called choc choc

1407092175900.jpg - My rabbit Oddy (black and white) with choc choc

1407092221880.jpg - My only girl Halle with my youngest when he was same age as these kittens now Felix.

1407092254986.jpg - Felix

1407092328602.jpg - This is my westie but I left him with my mum because he grew up with her dog he's called Max and the teeny weeny tiny dog was called Princess and I dog sat for 2 weeks she's now back with her owner.

1407092370080.jpg - This is my monster Maisie...she's cute but crazy.

1407092451319.jpg - Felix in his jumper lol

1407092481829.jpg - Rolo sat in a bowl of popcorn (we didn't eat it after that lol)

1407092595647.jpg - Rocky, Rolo and Felix stalking the kittens who were wandering on the floor.

1407092563104.jpg - Totally unrelated but this happened today my hubby and daughter holding a bird of prey...scary I hate birds.
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Wow, that is quite a brood you have! I like that you have thrown in hubby and child for good measure lol!
Keep trying to load another pic but it keeps telling me no file selected! There blimming well is, stupid ipad/webiste, not sure what to blame!


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Its my * week also, so who knows what will happen? Im not going to be disheartened though cuz i know it will show next week :)

I would love lots more animals, especially a dog but working full time i cant. My dream is to have a couple of rescue greyhounds, i think they are beautiful.

I had a rescue greyhound/saluki cross...she was beautiful but she destroyed my house she now lives with a mate of my hubbys and his greyhound/whippet cross they really need to be in pairs as now she has calmed down and is a completely different dog to when we had her.

* week is a ***** lol but I have been so good at not giving into my sweet tooth this time so hoping for minimal damage I usually gain 3.5 and then lose it the next week so we'll see on Friday.
After all that, there it is still bloody upside down!
The little cat in the back is actually a year and a half older than the big one. She is just petite.
The big one had an obsession with the sponge and kept knicking it! Told you she was mad
Wow, that is quite a brood you have! I like that you have thrown in hubby and child for good measure lol!

Well I did say I would post pix of my brood and hubby and child need more looking after than all animals combined lol I realise I didn't send a picture of dragon but I don't find him very cute so I have no pix I will post one soon.
Keep trying to load another pic but it keeps telling me no file selected! There blimming well is, stupid ipad/webiste, not sure what to blame!

So cute...just out of curiosity...the they play/chew them? My dog and cats can actually open my cupboard doors and steal them and shred them in my garden.
After all that, there it is still bloody upside down!
The little cat in the back is actually a year and a half older than the big one. She is just petite.
The big one had an obsession with the sponge and kept knicking it! Told you she was mad

Oops we overlapped posts got my answer about sponge...I wonder what the fascination is? lol glad to know mine aren't just weirdo's lol. And I have that in my house with the petite cat my girl cat is a runt and she is only 2 month younger than my eldest and she is a year older than my youngest and she is the smallest of my cats...she actually answers to dinky more than Halle cos I call her my little dinky lol
She isnt fussed with the sponge anymore, but used to bite little chunks out of it and just spit them out.
i was really annoyed wheni went to the vet once to get some flea stuff and the woman on reception acted like i was mistreating the little one when she saw how much she weighed. "Well, she should be more than that at age 2! What do you feed her?!" Errrrm bugger off you witch, you have never even seen her, how do you know what she is like? I was so annoyed, she is perfect weight for her size.
She isnt fussed with the sponge anymore, but used to bite little chunks out of it and just spit them out.
i was really annoyed wheni went to the vet once to get some flea stuff and the woman on reception acted like i was mistreating the little one when she saw how much she weighed. "Well, she should be more than that at age 2! What do you feed her?!" Errrrm bugger off you witch, you have never even seen her, how do you know what she is like? I was so annoyed, she is perfect weight for her size.

I had that the other week my ginger cat has a build up of crystals in his bladder which tore the walls of bladder so he was bleeding in his pee. Vet told me it was the food he was on because it wasn't medicated for neutered cats and he gave me this massive lecture and I said excuse me but I have 3 mkre neutered cats at home that eat the same food as him and they're all fine so don't try blaming me he then changes his mind and said some cats just suffee with it for unexplained reasons anyway went out changed his food to the medicated for neutered cats one been on it just over a month...twice the price of the other food and guess what? Taking him back to vets tomorrow because theres blood in his pee again. Vets and doctors think that piece of paper makes them a genius but nobody know you or your animals better than you do so stick that in your pipe mr vet man lol

I have just been looking at the smilies...not a smiley user really but there's some excellent ones on here so think I'm going to start lol

Anyway normal start to the day got up went on cross trainer :whacky068: <<YAY!! LoL (10 more minutes to do till I get my Bronze Body Magic Award and I WILL do it today I swear to God) and then came downstairs replied to everyone on here...sorted out my little kittens who are getting braver bless them. I then decided I was hungry looked at my food plan and apparently I'm having beans and mushrooms on toast. We don't keep fresh bread in this house because there's only my daughter who eats it so we have to defrost bread as we need it so just took my bread out and I'm waiting patiently.

My brother is on his way down he got a new dog yesterday so he's bringing his dog down to play with my dog in hopes that they tire each other out...not dog is off her off I go to play outside with the dogs catch you later.


FINALLY got breakfast lol was ok lol...nothing special.



Dog sitting over my brothers dog is quite cute. He was saying oh the dogs mad he's crazy...he's got nothing on my Crazy Maisie lol




bronze award.jpg


Well the kittens have settled in lol as I am typing this I have one tugging on the mouse lead lol, one sat in front of the monitor and the other one is fighting with the handle underneath my computer seat lol. Just checking in to say although I'm excited to have got my bronze award I just don't feel up to starting my silver yet. I have a little bit of a bad back and a stomach ache wondering whether its totm as I know she's coming lol. Just feeling blah I have done 15 minutes today to get my bronze so I'm not skipping exercise completely just not up to starting on silver yet. I may report back later that I did start it lol. Who knows lol


Guess what? LoL I did my 15 minutes for today on cross trainer towards my silver. I went to ask hubby when he was stopping painting rest of daughters bedroom and he said when I've put a coat on all walls...he had 3 walls to go at the time so figured I had time to do 15 minutes before starting dinner which is going to be lime, ginger and chilli chicken (bought from tescos healthy living range will tell you what they're like later) and sw chips and salad...think I may just have salad getting sick of chips we have them with everything lol
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Woohoo, well done on getting bronze! You will have silver in no time!
Hi, just finished reading your diary your doing fantastic. I cant believe how organised you are with your plan.
I used to plan then i had 2 kids, a border collie pup and a bipolar husband so i live in fuzz land lol. Joking really. I find myself living each sw day as it comes until i believe i can do this!.
Your daughter has birthday day after my son and hes also going to be 3. He is definately a late terrible 2's and often throws himself on the floor and screams or headbutts things (nice child really).
What are you buying your daughter for her birthday?

Sarah x
Woohoo, well done on getting bronze! You will have silver in no time!

SW say I'll have it by September 1st but I shouldn't have got bronze till Friday so hopefully get it a bit sooner I want platinum by new year eesh lol
Hi, just finished reading your diary your doing fantastic. I cant believe how organised you are with your plan.
I used to plan then i had 2 kids, a border collie pup and a bipolar husband so i live in fuzz land lol. Joking really. I find myself living each sw day as it comes until i believe i can do this!.

Tell me about it, I have the 2 year old from hell who I am seriously contemplating forgetting to pick up first day of nursery lol come on September 16th lol, an 11 month old puppy that is clinically insane, a husband that is a bigger brat than the child and has more tantrums lol, we moved house in May and we still haven't got it decorated as we've been focusing on the garden for daughters party and Saturday I took on 3 kittens who were being mistreated and I'm trying to find them a home so I'm spending all my day telling the dog and daughter to leave the kittens alone and moving all my furniture because the kittens keep getting stuck lol then I have 4 of my own cats that are overly affectionate atm because I've got the kittens in the house...jealous much? lol. I must have a screw loose lol.

I didn't used to be organised I have only been like this since the start of July as it was the 3rd time I'd started again on SW and knew I needed a good kick up the jacksy, before that I was like you doing it one day at a time and it was bad as I used to decide everything last minute and wasn't enjoying my food and was having the same food over and over and when I'd had a day and a half it was so much easier to reach for a takeaway menu than it was to find something to cook especially when I have a takeaway on my doorstep they can cook my dinner for me in 10 minutes lol so I had to make changes so that I have a better chance of doing this right and it being the last time I restart SW lol. Same goes for exercise was full of excuses why I couldn't then I just shut up and got on with it, bought a cross trainer and as I mentioned in another thread yesterday I have exercised for 26 days straight which to me is amazing because 26 days ago I didn't exercise at all. So proud of myself I thought the cross trainer would have been shoved in the corner by now and tbh I think if SW didn't do the fit log and awards I probably would have given up by now.

Your daughter has birthday day after my son and hes also going to be 3. He is definately a late terrible 2's and often throws himself on the floor and screams or headbutts things (nice child really).
What are you buying your daughter for her birthday?

Small world there's a woman in another thread who's grandchild's birthday is the same day but he's a year older lol. The terrible two's OMG she's always been a madam as far as knowing what she can and can't get away with and who's the soft touch (her dad and my mum lol). But recently she has been the child from hell, tantrums, ignoring me, just generally not listening, she's started sticking her tongue out at people, screaming at people, and she thinks every time you leave the house she should get something which is totally my mums fault because my mum always has bought her but she expects it every if you go to the shop she expects sweets, if you get home and remember you've forgot something and go back she expects something else...and the new thing which she's been doing for a few weeks if she's had a treat, sweets, toy etc and she wants something else and we say no you've already had so and so, she puts the thing she has back on the shelf (in a totally different shop and usually half eaten lol) so she can have the new thing lol. And I'm bad Mummy because there's only me and my Dad that say no to her but because I say no I get all the bad behaviour.

As for her birthday...the main thing is her party...she's having a bouncy castle, glitter tattoos, face painting, disco and Cinderella is coming to the house. I know it sounds bit much for a 3 year olds birthday but it's a combined birthday/house warming because we never had one if everyone turns up I have 50-70 people coming...hope they don't all turn up lol. Her gifts she's got a couple of small Peppa Pig toys a phonics board and a laptop I think, a soft Cinderella doll, a tea set...she's had one before and it never got played with so I took it to charity shop but recently she's wanted to do tea parties and she's using my full size pot one so I bought her a Disney princess tea set and because our new garden is twice the size we've bought her a swing. I thought I'd bought her more than that but I can't think. No wonder she's a madam she's a spoilt brat lol
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MORNING!! I say this every morning but it's true...a normal start to the day...up at 7:15 yes a lay in for me lol...its crazy! Then I did my 15 minutes on the cross I have decided that even though the 15 minutes is...not brutal...I've found I'm doing it with ease to be perfectly honest but it's...oh the ending? I always put the music channel on and I predict each song is around 3 minutes so I go through all these songs and think oh not much longer now check the timer and it's only been 5 minutes lol. :cry:but anyway once it's done I don't have to go on the cross trainer again if I don't want to so I'm not worrying about fitting it in and getting my time done. However I did do 30 minutes yesterday and expected to be a bit stiff this morning but *touch wood* I'm I may see how I feel later and do another 15 minutes. Look at me all grown up and exercising and doing more than I have to...voluntarily.

Today is my Tesco online shopping day and I haven't made a list yet so should probably get on with that before I lose my delivery slot lol.

Having tapas tonight...I love love love La Tasca restaurant but it's very difficult to find syns out for it and I was making my own tapas before SW so I just put the ingredients in syns calculator and worked out it will cost me 14 syns...but I don't mind because it is sooooooo worth it. So really looking forward to that tonight lol...will post a picture later so you can see the results. Right off I go to work shopping list out.


Ok shopping list is done but we're going to fetch it after hubby finishes work instead of delivery because I need some of the stuff for the tapas tonight lol. Since I last wrote my brother bought his dog down again for dog sitting lol I should charge I wouldn't see him ever again if I did lol. I have had cuddles with the kittens and they actually came to me and purred so we're making progress lol still no takers :( who wouldn't want them? And I've had my dinner while my daughter had a mini pizza she bought from supermarket yesterday I had salmon with vegetable couscous and salad it was delicious. Now I'm just pottering around till the hubby gets home. Thank god I don't eat through boredom...because I'm bored lol

Oh btw the lime, ginger and chilli chicken from Tesco was yummy can't understand why it cost 2.5 syns though. - ok apparently it's only 1 syn. Where did I look? LoL never mind no harm done.


Star week is bugging me, as you know 2 weeks ago I had a 1lb gain and I was angry as I'd been 100% on plan well a couple of days later I started with the on come of star week...tenderness, bloating etc...thought to myself great another gain then went and lost I feel like I have been symptom free for a few days but still had a no show...and no not pregnant this is normal for me I've never been regular...may be weight related may not be...we'll see when I've lost the weight now I'm unsure about this week...I have been on plan 100% so not worried there but I am just unsure whether star week is going to show up or whether that's it phantom star week come and gone...guess I'll find out Friday as it will reflect in my weight. Just annoyed about it lol.

Tapas was amazing well worth the syns and the wait. Scrummy.
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Patatas bravas, chorizo and not sure of the chicken dishes name but its garlic and cream chicken it has white wine in it usually but both me and my hubby don't drink so lol and it is soooooooooo yummy I usually make double chicken so I can have it next day...damn SW lol and I have some syns left over from yesterday so I may do some garlic bread and then salad on the side. Mmm...mouth is drooling at the thought of it lol