Ok my new favourite thing to do is bingo wing weights...watching my daughter copy me is the highlight of my day what a way to start the day smiling at that. Love it and love her. Ok up at 7 this morning went straight on cross trainer and did my bingo wing weights. I then fed the dog, the kittens and the poor cat my daughter was holding captive in her bedroom...to think 3 months ago my animals weren't even allowed upstairs...lol...now I'm lucky if I can get in my own bed for hubby, cats and dog. The other night I actually fell asleep sat up because the cat had planted himself between my legs lol. Haven't had kitten cuddles yet because I've been busy will go cuddle in a minute. I then had breakfast Weetabix, yogurt, melon, grapes and clementine. Have been replying to everyone on here.
Got an appointment at 12:15 for the baby at the opticians. I wear glasses and so does the rest of my family but her Dads side doesn't and I don't think she needs glasses because she see's things I don't but with her starting school in September I want to get them checked just in case because if she does need glasses then we need to get her used to them before September. I really hope she doesn't have to wear them because she has such pretty eyes would be a shame to cover them but if she has to she has to. I'm kind of nervous for her. Both me and brother had lazy eyes and both had corrective surgery at 2 years old she doesn't and hasn't so that's a good sign, I'm intrigued how they're going to check her eyes at 2/3 years old because she doesn't know the alphabet so she can't read the chart lol guess I'll find out soon...oh nerves lol
So tomorrow is weigh in number 5. Last week I lost 3lbs but I'm going to call it 2 as I had gained the week before. I'm putting that down to * week although she didn't show. I have been on plan 100% I have kept up with the drinking...although I will admit only 2 litres a day but still plenty. I hope I have a loss but for some reason I don't feel I will. I don't know why and I just can't explain it but I feel heavy...not bloated or anything I just don't feel like I've lost. I hope I'm wrong and even if it's just 0.5lb I will be over the moon I'd even settle for STS but like I say I can't explain it but I just don't feel like I've lost. May be I'm still trying to protect myself by not getting my hopes up but I even said to my mum yesterday I don't feel like I've lost anything. Suppose I will find out tomorrow but going into WI convinced I haven't loss.
Well Darcy's eyes are fine. PHEW!! LoL. Bless her she was so good did everything the optician asked of her so she got some magic stars for being good and has to go back in March just for a 2nd check up because of how bad my eyes are. We then came home had dinner SW fry up.
Then we played gardeners lol. Darcy has a small piece of decking where her wendy house sits and my hubby made a little picket fence to go around it and put a flower box on it so we went and bought some pansies for her on Sunday and been waiting for hubby (again) to put some drainage in it as it's just a wooden box...today I thought sod him...and I put a plastic bag in because it's not him she begs every day...so doesn't look the best but it may have same affect as half painting her room it might make him do the job I asked in the first place lol.

Ignore the half painted fence that's where I ran out of paint lol suppose to be getting it this week along with some pink and white wood paint to do Doodles picket fence in...haven't decided whether I'm doing decking in same as fence or if I'm doing it pink and white to match fence lol.
Didn't do much shopping while we were out as we left the house hungry and I wanted to get home asap before I gave in and bought something while I was out so my new jars aren't as pretty as I would like but I'm going to find Darcys art box out and see if she has any glitter left over and just make it a bit sparkly but they look a lot better as my marbles don't look lost anymore. Glad I didn't weigh anymore and that I'd already lost 20lb because no more marbles were fitting in that jar lol

LMAO is it me or does it look like they're having their mug shots taken? Front on with their labels then side shots it's just missing the height chart behind it lol.
And finally before I take advantage of my daughter napping because I need to get her party stuff started...I have a zit right on the end of my nose and it's bugging the hell out of me ARGH!! lol
I'll be back!!
NOT HAPPY!! Star week has arrived the day before WI...the day before weigh in where I was hoping to reach 1.5st award and new stone bracket...not going to happen now is it? Oh well have to wait for next week. Just waiting for my dinner to cook we're having homemade pork and apple burgers with SW chips and salad. Not much else to report other than I am truly po'd lol. So mad....