Awww picnic looks lovely! x
If I were in your shoes I would go out and buy some decent scales, I wouldn't be able to weigh myself in the evening after a days worth of food in my tummy and getting up at the crack of dawn is mad. If you do decide to buy some scales avoid cheap ones (like argos value range) they are always wrong, look to spend around £15-£25! I use digital weightwatchers scales which I have put my details into (height, age etc) so every time I weigh myself I see my bmi as well! They didn't cost a fortune (£16.99 in argos sale 3 years ago) and when I stand on them and the scales at group the numbers always match. Hope this has helped, and I hope your hubby has a good first day!!
I agree with barbie girl. I think we have the same scales. Mine are weight watchers ones and you input your age and they do body fat, bmi, water weight. They are very accurate and only half a pound different to my slimming world group scales. I'd go for it and buy some. Maybe then hide or keep in the boot of the car so you are not tempted to weigh yourself more that once a week![]()
Yummy :drool: x
Have your new scales got the stoppers for carpet! Not sure what surface your weighing on but make sure if its carpet they are carpet adjusted or it will say more!
Sarah x
My worst fears have been confirmed got my mum to stand on my new scales and they weigh the same as hers so tomorrow I will be between 7-9lbs heavier depending on any loss or gains ive incurred this week
Booo to that. So what are you going to do about your stats then? start from the weight you will be tomorrow or put it as a gain?
Nope ignoring it im going to go get weighed on my normal scales at 5:30amthen work out the difference still lose the amount I started with then if when I meet target I want more off I'll reset my target.