You are looking good too! I can't believe how 'light' you make it all seem. Is it really as 'easy' or are you just being good about it?
Do you feel well? Are you completely 'over' the op? Just wondering.
You certainly are a fantastic advert for it.
Keep it up, you are a star.
Lots of love
Hiya Bootiful Barb,
When i had my op i made friends with a woman who had about 3 stones less than me to lose . Since we got home i have sailed through she has been back for a correction and is 1/2 a stone heavier than me at present. She struggles to eat. Everyone is different i have followed the rules to the letter never hurried anything and listened closely to what my body tells me . I know at times especially in the beginning she didn't which could be a coincidence but better safe than sorry .
I do feel well my only concern was my hair and i now take a supplement from H&B for my hair skin and nails and in the last week things seem to have improved i also NEVER forget my multivit.
I do not feel the same as before and when my resolve is weak which on occasion it is i physically cannot overeat. I don't struggle with it at the moment.
I won't ever say i will not gain it back (the cambridge diet taught me that) but i have the best tool in the world inbuilt in me now to keep me from straying. I love feeling Normal again and don't battle willpower i feel healthy and lively . I also have got to know my body every feeling and movement registers with me .

It's been a little scary to start but i would go through it all again if i had to.
I know some people do have complications and terrible ones i had a fantastic surgeon and my body accepted the changes that were made gladly so i know i am very lucky.
It does feel very easy now because i can eat anything although i choose to steer clear of sugar in excess as i have never had the dreaded sugar dump and i am not keen on trying it. For me not eating chocolate is not the end of the world i still have nice food which now i actually taste and enjoy. You would be amazed how much different food tastes when you chew it down to almost nothing . example i have had a bacon roll form brekkie almost every morning for the past 8yrs (working in a cafe) i now discover i dont like bacon at all. I would always choose chicken for a roast didn't care for beef, I have cooked a beef roast the past 4-5 weeks because i lurve it now!
It was a big change which has become a change in lifestyle i now feel like it was never any different and all i need is to up my exercise a little and i will be laughing
Lotsa luv Barb , Julie xxxxxxxxxx