I've managed to eat a banana but I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach by a horse! I'm on the sofa wrapped in a blanket and Keith has been sent off to Blockbusters to get a nice DVD (with orders not to get horror or sci-fi!)
I've got The Brave One with Jodie Foster to watch and I'm going to do core this coming week to try and get my tummy back in order. I've had this before so we're going to do what's worked previously. So tomorrow will be a plain jacket spud for tea and some tinned soup for lunch and then I'll build up gradually with plain foods - rice usually is ok and cereals with warm milk.
Hi all. Still very uncomfortable but WI this morning and have lost 2.5lbs - hopefully mostly because I have been so good this week and not because I've eaten almost nothing since Saturday!
That means I've gone (just) below the stone barrier which I'm pleased about even though I drop a point now