Karens Herbalife Diary- bad penny returns :D

hi karen just thought I'd be nosy and say hello on your thread!


At least you will have 1 less tonight.....will pop round and drag you up to school a bit earlier......lol.
heya jem!

nice of u to pop in lol. im a bit rubbish at reading everyones diaries so am always suprised if anyone comes in here!

sorry dibs, completely ignored ur pregnancy comment.

i would be suprised to fall pregnant as im not pretending to not have sex and if he did do anything sneaky while im snoring, ive been "fixed". i think its for the best that my tubes be tied...for the sake of all mankind, not to mention my sanity LOL.

have made a doctors appointment as i need to see them for a few bits and bobs. im falling to bits in many regards hehe!

its really odd to say but after spending my nights in bed with paul mckenna, i am not craving any crap foods anymore. when i crave it is for chicken with peas?? dont even think of carbs now. i bought some lean steaks for when i start herbalife and they r in the freezer...just waiting to be cooked up with some veggies mmmmm.

even the confidence CDs...i am handling my kids MUCH better. my lack of energy and such has given me a really short fuse and i have ben at war with my kids which just makes their behaviour worse.

my eldest son, jay, 9 is NOT a morning person and the day always starts with an arguement which i HATE!! im not a monring person either and so it often gets hairy. now when he starts whinging i just go close to him, tell him i love him and then i try to address the real problem behind it all. yesterday i held his face (lovingly, not so it would be easy access to throttling him :) )and told him i think he is an amazing person and that I think he is way too good a person to be displaying his anger in such a distructive way and that i would like him to talk about it. his eyes filled with tears and he gave me a hug and apologised. then after school, when their friends had gone home we had a chat and it was lovely.

we do usually talk a lot but there is often raised voices before hand so it was really nice. i think i am handling things better in general and it is not escalating other peoples fuse around me. i am a happier person in general and i reckn it is down to the CDs. how fab!!
umm...i still intended to have cal tonight...will that be a prob?? jay is still expecting him? he just saw last night as a bonus lol
umm...i still intended to have cal tonight...will that be a prob?? jay is still expecting him? he just saw last night as a bonus lol

You are mad...lol. If you want him you can have him ......! Just thought it was enough that he had already been round.
Will go and pack his bags ....lol (suitcase)
To be honest sonya, yesterday they were out on the green most of the time or playing in the front garden so could see them from the patio/kitchen window at all times. they werent a problem at all. only saw them when they came in for food and after dinner they disappeared upstairs so i didnt have to do anything. keeps my kids out of my way. the real nightmare is when kirsten has friends around as they seem to hang off me but im the last person a bunch of 9 yr old boys wanna deal with lol.

anyways, yesterday was a spur of the moment thing. today was planned and jay expects it, which is more than fine by me. ur kids r nicer to me than my kids r lol.

cal always asks me how i am and if the others r being rude he sticks up for me, telling them to behave for their mum :D hes always fab and am chuffed to have him here.
is it today??? its tomorrow, isnt it? r u trying to confuse me? lol
Tomorrow but a few miniminers will be going birmingham tomorrow so thought i would start it early .....lol
Has hubby got things sorted pc wise...?
no. he went to bed early but he is finishing work early today so will be able to do it this afternoon. yay!!
i was hoping u wouldnt ask lol

a bowl of ice cream. and cos im going on herbalife on mnday, hubby bought me some alchopop! i didnt ask for it and certainly didnt expect it as he has been a complete "diet hitler" but he bought it and i stupidly drank it. was almost on my ass. lol
i dont even like icecream! we uually have it in the freezer and i never bother with it but hubby bought the posh stuff for will but will didnt want it in the end so...i had some instead lol

i think im gonna be a fat cow forever :(
i was hoping u wouldnt ask lol

a bowl of ice cream. and cos im going on herbalife on mnday, hubby bought me some alchopop! i didnt ask for it and certainly didnt expect it as he has been a complete "diet hitler" but he bought it and i stupidly drank it. was almost on my ass. lol

HEE HEE I have visions of you rolling around blooming p****d as a fart......lol.
Though it could have been worse......like pizza, chips and sausage....etc.
luckily we didnt have any of that in the house and it was too late to cook steak lol

to be honest i feel very "inbetweeny" right now. i sold loadsa stuff on ebay trying to raise a bit of money to start hebalife sooner. trouble being that paypal give 5-7 working days before u get the money...d'oh!! cant dip into savings as i have a 30 day request limit on it and me and kev r skint what with paying for the new kitchen so... i am out of CD as of tomorrow and cant afford herbalife right this mo either.

not looking forward to the coming week....
Hello Ladies !!!
Karen thanks so much for having Will last night , he enjoyed it so much . He did mention the Ice cream but i never knew kev went out purposly for it !!! oh dear ...sorry !

So the few days in between CD and Herbilife your going to eat sensibly arent you ?????
Remember the slimming world bible !!!!

Is kev doing it too ???

Shame both you and son cant come out sat night , wont be the same without you too !!!
Bath will be brill thou !!! you two let loose !!! haha

Thanks again for having will !!!!!
i would have loved to have come out this weekend sam, especially after everything u all did for me on my birthday but i honestly dont have 2 pennys to rub together this week. ive got about £10 til next week and havent even bought petrol yet ekk!! i really hope u have a great time though. xxx

the icecream thing is fine. kev was going to shop on his way home from work and i asked him to get plain icecream but noooo he cant carry out simple instructions.

and yeah...i do have the hump with him lol. not about the icecream but....agghhh! hes just been seriously shafted with his wages and I am mega mega annoyed.

in feb they were deciding/negotiating payrises that were to be backdated to january. so! they drag kev in to owners office and he is told they would like to promote him which he was chuffed about BUT they only offered half of the raise he asked for. he said that wasnt good enuff and then it all got left up in the air...nowt done about it so the promotion and half raise got settled and kevs "u can do better than that" comment was ignored entirely.

they left these negotiations til way too late in feb for his raise to go onto his feb wages...(now remember this was also to include january as it was meant to be backdated.

SO! the end of march happens and guess what?? they "forgot" to add his pay raise to his wages so he got the basic. forgot all the back dated raise as well.

now...its coming to the end of this month and he gets a letter saying that payraise WONT be backdated. he will only have the base 4% cost of living back dated and his raise is effective as of this month.

So, not only are we being shafted for £700 but it is also obvious that they didnt forget to add the raise and backdated raise last month cos they never intended to give it.

I am so so so ****ing annoyed. no im livid. im turning ****ing purple and want to kill someone. so my moron of a hubby takes my upset personally even though I was so obviously not annoyed at him (i was trying to be supportive but he is well too furious himself to take anything on board i guess).

what i am annoyed about is that i know he wont fight about it with them. he'll bend over and take it. just like he did when he told them "they can do better" than his half a raise and was totally ignored. he didnt try to pin the owner down to more negotiations, he just left it. he'll do the same now and we have debt coming out of our ears and £700 less than we thought. he'll do sod all to sort it tho as hes a poxy pushover. spineless git. ok, i didnt say any of this to his face...i was trying to be really decent about his part in it tho i was crap at hiding how mad i am at his company. well he took everything personally and has stormed out.

between me and u lot, i am angry at him cos he didnt try to do anything about this news while he was at work. if it were me i would have been on the fone to the owner going mental as this was a verbal agreement between the 2 of them. but nooooo he just comes home and has a little bitching session instead. i didnt dirct any of this at him though so as far as he is concerned i am only mad at his bosses but even so, he stormed out. so now im even madder and definately pissed off at him.

£700!!!! i need to go find a job as he is obviously going nowhere ****ing fast at this tinpot mother-screwing crappy stupid bollo**sy place.

ok rant over. im going to go and find a corner to cry into instead.

happy birthday tho sam lol
today is a little better than yesterday lol

this monring I recieved the brochures for our holiday in Spain next year so i had a good look thru that getting very excited!! the kids were drooling at the photos and getting very hyper as well. our 2 yr old joined in though he didnt know what he was whooping and jumping about for. he just decided it looked like fun i guess :)

then the next letter i open is from the CSA. They seem to be getting serious with my ex now...looks like they wanna imprison him or get him banned from driving. i had to laugh cos its only taken them OVER NINE YEARS to get to this point! maybe in another 9 yrs i'll get another letter saying they have decided to drop it all. My hubby wants to adopt boh my eldest children and we were going to start all that tis summer but i've half a mind to apply a few days after my ex is banned from driving :D

yes i can be vindictive but i had struggled for 6 years alone with 2 kids and never been given so much as a crumb of financial or emotional help until hubby came on the scene 3 years ago. my ex has been living it up, buying a house and having holidays. the furthest i got was a trip to ireland paid for by my dad whilst living hand to mouth all that time.

the other nice thing is that the kids have tidied their rooms without too much of a fight and the sun is shining. hubby is at work so i am leisurely pottering around doing bits of housework here and there with the radio on.

Ive applied for a couple of part time jobs and done a heap of laundry which is a relief!!

the downside is that hubby spoke to his dad last night. he doesnt sound that great. he is home now which is good but he is on oxygen and "doesnt even sound like himself" hubby said. all the tests wont be completed properly until 9th of april so it may end up that we fly out sooner rather than later if it doesnt loook good. we r really not trying to think about it until we have a clearer idea of whats going on. we r keeping the original "we think its entirely treatable" thoughts going cos if we dont, kevin is likely to go into meltdown. its very hard on him being so far away when he knows his dad is facing all this. so! doing our best to keep positive vibes
well...hubby is looking at jobs in America at the moment. I think whats going on with his dad has really made him homesick. he is always homesick but usually takes it in his stride. now that his dad is ill i think he really wants to be there. I can totally understand that and an quite open to the idea of moving out there BUT....

i do have concerns of my own. My mum isnt in the best of health either. I personally think she is living on borrowed time. she has a dicky ticker and diebetes that she in absolutely no way looks after. she doesnt take ANY of the 5 heart tablets she is meant to following a massive heart attack 2 years ago and she doesnt take her insuline either. she doesnt watch what she eats and she doesnt even check her sugar levels. she also smokes a lot. my dad will outlive us all BUT hes 66 this year and i dunno....i feel quite guilty at the thought of leaving them.

I dont think they would care about me moving to america but they would have an awful lot to say about my kids moving out there. b4 hubby came along i was bringing up jay and kirsten alone but my dad was like a father to them. hes very close to them although they arent as bothered now that they r older.

the other thing is my sister. Im really close to her and we dont decide on an outfit without eachothers opinion. i would hate to leave her and my niece.

i say in theory that im open to the idea of moving to america but in practice...im not so sure i wouldnt back out at the last minute.

i know it would be a better life for the kids and kevin has a large family that would be of great support. i just dunno... im quite a flakey person lol. my sister thinks we should move out there as "u only get one life!" and she thinks it would be better for the kids. my parents would be mortified though. my kids are their life frankly. they moved frm london to plymouth after being settled there for 40 years in the same house just to be near my kids. now 12 months later i could be breaking the news that we r moving 3000 miles away!! i dont think they would ever forgive me. and one day they will both pass away. i dont know if i could forgive myself being so far away.

i dont know how seriously to take hubbys flap about moving back there as i know its based on his dad being ill. I cant imagine how i would feel if something happened to one of my parents and i was 3000 miles away. should i take it seriously? should i encourage it?? its been about a week since hubby started talking about this more seriously and now he is actively looking for work out there. the job market is a lot better out there for him. in his city there are 1500 IT jobs matching his skills and here in plymouth there are NONE. he'd have to always commute to either exeter or bristol/bath which is 45-120 miles from here.

can anyone give me their prospective, pretty please??