i have to say, i am bubbly and outgoing. i love a good giggle and do my best to shrug things off and get on with life.
i have been through some things that i find really difficult but to be honest, i dont wish it didnt hapen to me. everyone has really shitty times and i have so much to be thankful for. i must sound so depressive here but the brutal truth is, i can talk about things that have happened to me as though i were talking about someone else. I dont feel all that emotionally attached to stuff thats happened. with that said, i think a certain degree of it is that i have repressed everything.
its stood me in good stead. im kind of level headed in general but will openly admit that i have had a nervous breakdown. in fact ive had 2 lol. but that was because i repressed thing so deeply. I dont carry that anymore and can look at things objectively.
i thought long and hard for a while as to whether to be really frank in this diary. thought i ought to maybe not be so blunt or honest but then i think that defeats the reason for having a diary. I am quite private with things that have happened to me but i dont really think i should be. If just one person relates with one thing i say i am really happy.
i know only u, sonkie and dizzy really post on my diary and i assume thats because it must be pretty difficult to give feedback on some of the stuff i say lol. i dont mind it..this is my journey afterall.
i would hate people to think I am rocking back and forth crying into a soup when i type stuff. nothing could be further from the truth. Im far more likely to be watching tele or gabbing on the phone between posts. probably bidding for something on ebay as well hehe!
crap happens and I wont say that without it i wouldnt be me cos thats kinda flaky. what i will say though is that i accept everything. sometimes i need to let certain emotions surface and when they do, im just sitting here analysing how i feel...not going into mental meltdown lol. im a big grown up girl now and i can handle the things i need to. have been an adult for a long time now and any "why me?" stuff is pointless. who hasnt had crap experiences?
I am far more grateful to have been thru the things i have and have 3 healthy kids now. to have had a charmed life and then to have bad things happening to my family would be the worst thing i can imagine.
i would never ever say that sexual abuse is a minor thing to anyone who has gone through it. i can honestly say that i have talked to my abuser about it and i have dealt with it...i think. it doesnt feel that bad to me. i read a couple of books and then figured it all out.
now that im not eating...maybe somethings will come back and bite me on the arse. maybe i will find im flooded with emotion and cant cope with something i thought was dealt with. i can totally see that if that should happen, its just another part of the journey that i need to grow from.
god what a lot of whittering lol. i just wanted to clarify that this diary is not depressing to me. i feel liberated and happy to be able to lay everything out and pick over it. think it out and get it over and done with. im even really happy that friends will come to me and discuss worries regarding peole they know who have experienced stuff i have and i can help. i can do it quite easily. its never taboo or sadening for me. maybe thats a good thing to come from certain things?
hmmm...will have to analyze that a lil more and post back