Serial Foodie!
after typing all that, i wanted to do a new post about my night
have avoided going out as i felt i wouldnt be strong enough to sit in a pub drinking water. well i did it
tonight i went to the local and happily swigged 2 litres of water and had a great time.
im so bloody relieved because i am going on another night out tomorrow. Ive been invited out with my sister and her workmates. i know most of them and they r a fab bunch so that will be cool.
i have to say i am feeling fantastic on this diet and now that i have had almost 3 weeks without any breaks i am deeply, deeply in the zone. i am so far in the zone that i dont remember there ever not being a zone.
i am so happy to report that i am now getting remarks. Ive only lost 1 of 10 stones but my parents, hubby and sister have all remarked on clothes that used to be tight are now fitting properly
i did notice that with my jacket it is quite roomy even though a couple of weeks ago it was snug on me. 2 weeks ago, if i kept the buttons on it done up and tried to sit down the buttons would be under real strain. now, tonight...just sitting in the pub i looked down and whilst sat, the coat just folded into flaps because theres so much more space in it.
i am so friggin happy
i know it'll take at least another stone...if im really realistic..another 2 stones before other people can tell but for now, i am chuffed that those close to me...who have to look at my fat arse daily can see the difference.
something else amazing happened tonight as well....
my dad offered to pay for any loose skin to be taken care off when im finished losing weight
ever since my sister had her tummy tuck he has been telling me to get one lol. i have had to explain that at 10 stones overweight...a tummy tuck isnt an option. that it would be like trying to block the hole in the titanic with loo roll. i mean...i was told by a surgeon that they wouldnt even consider liposuction until i was at most 11stones. i started this diet at over 18 stones
so...now he has said that if i can stick to it...he will pay for any surgery at the end of it. i asked if he'd throw in a boob lift as breastfeeding has knackered my pair but he rolled his eyes and told me my hubby can pay for that as he'll be the only one benefiting from them (little does he know...! just kidding!)
anyways...i was joking when i said it. i am quite amazed he made the offer and if i do take the money, i will pay it back to him as though it were a loan but to have him offer has really touched me. i almost started crying as i have wondered what will happen if i have loads of loose skin at the end. no way me and kev can afford it right now. not to be paid in one chunk anyways. i cant believe that i could have a tummy tuck this year. i am definately sticking to this diet like flies on poop.
so...today has been a fab fab day. Im totally focussed and have been offered a light at the end of the tunnel if i should need it. i have been stronger with SSing than i thought i could be and i just know that a piece of food isnt going to pass these lips until i am in maintenance.
i have never been as much of a Wemitt as i am right now. THIS IS IT! IM SO HAPPY

have avoided going out as i felt i wouldnt be strong enough to sit in a pub drinking water. well i did it
im so bloody relieved because i am going on another night out tomorrow. Ive been invited out with my sister and her workmates. i know most of them and they r a fab bunch so that will be cool.
i have to say i am feeling fantastic on this diet and now that i have had almost 3 weeks without any breaks i am deeply, deeply in the zone. i am so far in the zone that i dont remember there ever not being a zone.
i am so happy to report that i am now getting remarks. Ive only lost 1 of 10 stones but my parents, hubby and sister have all remarked on clothes that used to be tight are now fitting properly
i did notice that with my jacket it is quite roomy even though a couple of weeks ago it was snug on me. 2 weeks ago, if i kept the buttons on it done up and tried to sit down the buttons would be under real strain. now, tonight...just sitting in the pub i looked down and whilst sat, the coat just folded into flaps because theres so much more space in it.
i am so friggin happy
i know it'll take at least another stone...if im really realistic..another 2 stones before other people can tell but for now, i am chuffed that those close to me...who have to look at my fat arse daily can see the difference.
something else amazing happened tonight as well....
my dad offered to pay for any loose skin to be taken care off when im finished losing weight
ever since my sister had her tummy tuck he has been telling me to get one lol. i have had to explain that at 10 stones overweight...a tummy tuck isnt an option. that it would be like trying to block the hole in the titanic with loo roll. i mean...i was told by a surgeon that they wouldnt even consider liposuction until i was at most 11stones. i started this diet at over 18 stones
so...now he has said that if i can stick to it...he will pay for any surgery at the end of it. i asked if he'd throw in a boob lift as breastfeeding has knackered my pair but he rolled his eyes and told me my hubby can pay for that as he'll be the only one benefiting from them (little does he know...! just kidding!)
anyways...i was joking when i said it. i am quite amazed he made the offer and if i do take the money, i will pay it back to him as though it were a loan but to have him offer has really touched me. i almost started crying as i have wondered what will happen if i have loads of loose skin at the end. no way me and kev can afford it right now. not to be paid in one chunk anyways. i cant believe that i could have a tummy tuck this year. i am definately sticking to this diet like flies on poop.
so...today has been a fab fab day. Im totally focussed and have been offered a light at the end of the tunnel if i should need it. i have been stronger with SSing than i thought i could be and i just know that a piece of food isnt going to pass these lips until i am in maintenance.
i have never been as much of a Wemitt as i am right now. THIS IS IT! IM SO HAPPY