thanx mini, sonya and sam xxxx
hows the diet going sam? hope u r having a good week. that big house wont be happening. had drama over it for the last few days and have given up :cry:
we r still looking around tho and will stay local. so! will still be able to have another party
i always forget that u work with kathy! we definately will have to go out. even if it is glugging water in town lol. me and kev always say we will go away with her and mark when they next go to spain for a weekend but never do cos my confidence is always crap but will definately go when next asked. i think a night out will do us all good!! will have to get that planned so we can catch up on gossip properly

looking forward to going to bath as well. has been very trying and i have wanted to cave on numerous occasions but have held on tight!! i just know that in a few weeks i will have forgotten about food and will crave nothing. so now i am keeping that strong in my mind and focussing on that. if i eat now i will have set myself back by more than a week and i just cant keep going thru the stress of restarts and getting back into ketosis :sigh:
went over to my mums today as she wanted me to go with her to get her tyres replaced and i needed to drop my car into garage. she was cooking bacon again :cry: the smell of bacon is the hardest thing for me...even though i dont often eat it when not SSing. a bacon butty sounds like heaven at the mo...but being a size 8 or 10 is much more inviting (umm...i think

i have noticed that my cravings are much much worse when i go to my parents house. I wonder how much of it is to do with how i was brought up and how much i associate food with feeling good around them. im a grown up now. dont need mums approval so gotta break that habit of feeling i need to eat to make her validated. she loves to spoil people with food and then have u really praise her for her cooking etc. well sod her...she can get validation elsewhere for now!! she is chuffed for me with the weight loss and she has finally stopped offering me food or slagging off CD. she even went as far as to say she thought it would do my health bad and was worried but actually...i look healthier than she has seen me for a while. better skin and more glowy etc. i was more than shocked. takes a lot to get a compliment from my mum and even more to get some form of approval. not that i need it anymore but was still nice
even so...they live in stoutly in the belief that deep fat fryers and grease is the way to make everything and whilst thats disgusting...fried chips and bacon always look and smell fab. my arents r why i never owned a frying pan or a deep fryer. sadly, ive always lived with a cupboard full of crisps and a drawer full of fast food menus LOL.
so todays lesson is: IF I DONT WANNA MAKE CRAVINGS WORSE....STOP VISITING MY PARENTS!! at least for a few weeks. im fine when they come to see me!)
love and light to everyone. its now gone 10pm and i have made it to the end of my 8th day unscathed (mostly) YAY!!