Karens Herbalife Diary- bad penny returns :D

Thank God the Weekend is Over!


I watched a bit of most haunted but find the live things a bit boring. knowing how much of the show is faked has put me off a bit but its good to see it sometimes. Cant stand Yvette or carl tho so its difficult to watch lol. did u enjoy it??

so my weekend....

Well...cant say that i feel hungry but i just want to eat! Yesterday I felt hungry and hated cooking. Wanted to pick as I cooked and wish that hubby would help out more with food preparation. Stuck to the diet rigidly though

This morning I took my 3 kids and my niece to the cinema. Went to watch "The Reef" and they really enjoyed it. I bought a box of Celebrations for them to share and as my youngest is only 2 yrs old...i was having to unwrap the choccies for him so it was quite difficult to not just pop one in my mouth.
On the way home, popped into my parents so that they could see all of their grandchildren at once. Sat with my glass of water while my mum cooked the kids bacon and chips

All i wanted to do was grab the bacon, shove it between 2 slices of bread and eat like my life depended on it!! Then she gave them cakes. I dont have a sweet tooth but EVERYTHING looks good when you aren't allowed to eat any food!
Still remained good despite having to cook dinner this evening as well. I wish hubby would take over the cooking at the weekends. its not fair! I have to do it all week because of his job so its only right he should let me go bathe while they all eat a couple of times a fortnight.
So I basically came on to have a little moan and get it off my chest. Went to the local pub tonight with my dad. Got to catch up with a few friends who don't know Im on this mad diet. Was asked why I was only drinking mineral water and just put it down to having to get up early tomorrow.
Only the people who know I am following CD have commented that I have lost weight. Im looking forward to other people noticing. Then I'll know my hard work is paying off and that I am making notable changes

Other than my little whinge, I feel great. Im so chuffed I have remained well behaved. Normally I would have cheated by now but I am being an angel! Going to have my last pint of water and go to bed now.
thanks nce :D i saw ur post but assumed it was sonkie saying that as she and lucky r usually the only ones who post here lol.

nice to have someone new give some encouragement. xxx hope u r doing well :)
wow karen well done thats a lots of inches, have you ss'ed all week. Good luck for your weigh in is it tomorrow,mine is tomorrow night [i hate getting weighed at night]
nat xxx

Thanks Natayou :D yes that inch loss was pure ssing for 5 days. hope ur weigh in went well!! was shocked i lost so many inches but will leave it til my forth week and will measure again.

So I had my first weigh in last night and I have lost 10.5lbs this week. After the few days of naughtiness leading upto my first meeting with devonbabe, i gained a lot of water weight back so that accounts for the big loss.

I will weigh myself the morning after i weigh with CDC now as my starting weight was 18st 5lbs with a nude and peed morning weigh-in on my own scales. so after weighing in last night, I came down this morning and did a nude, peed morning weigh in and the scales tell me i am 17 stones exactly now. also confirms a 10.5lb loss.(my scales weigh the same as CDCs but I weigh in the evenings with her so am always 4lb heavier at night) 10.5lbs!!! YAY!!!

So now i am 19lbs lighter in total and very much looking forward to getting myself into the 16s this week. I will never be 18-something or 17-something EVER ever again!!
Well done Karen what a great weight loss :)
way to go hun, thats a fabulous loss this week, good motivational stuff, when you do that it revs you up to keep going doesn't it.
keep up the fab work
thanks tracie and pandora. I am definately revved up to get a good loss this week. need to get into the 16s and have lost at least 1 and half stones in total :D
thanks for the support. god knows i need it LOL

woooooooo hooooooooo well done karen, you can do it . in the 17 s huh, havent seen those for 15 years:D
well done again
nat xx
thank you both so much xxxxx
Hi Karen,

That is fantastic new start, 10.5lbs.:wow:

Onwards and downwards....:)

Love Mini xxx
Well Karen as I said when u text with your results......Agreat big well done, how great are you.....keep it up mate you will be slim n sexy by the time you go to the states.
A massive well done Karen ! that is fantastic !
Just been catching up with ur post , as ive been mega busy too , Cant believe you could be moving thou x
Lots of parties thou in a nice big house , we can all bring tents to stay in the garden hehehe !!!!!

Have to have a get together soon , cant wait to see the difference in you ! you go girl !

Kath from my work keeps asking for a night out with us , have to see what we can do after a few weeks of good losses , we should be able to reward ourselves !!!!!

Catch you soon hun , and a big well done again xxx
thanx mini, sonya and sam xxxx

hows the diet going sam? hope u r having a good week. that big house wont be happening. had drama over it for the last few days and have given up :cry:
we r still looking around tho and will stay local. so! will still be able to have another party :D

i always forget that u work with kathy! we definately will have to go out. even if it is glugging water in town lol. me and kev always say we will go away with her and mark when they next go to spain for a weekend but never do cos my confidence is always crap but will definately go when next asked. i think a night out will do us all good!! will have to get that planned so we can catch up on gossip properly :D
looking forward to going to bath as well.

well...today has been very trying and i have wanted to cave on numerous occasions but have held on tight!! i just know that in a few weeks i will have forgotten about food and will crave nothing. so now i am keeping that strong in my mind and focussing on that. if i eat now i will have set myself back by more than a week and i just cant keep going thru the stress of restarts and getting back into ketosis :sigh:

went over to my mums today as she wanted me to go with her to get her tyres replaced and i needed to drop my car into garage. she was cooking bacon again :cry: the smell of bacon is the hardest thing for me...even though i dont often eat it when not SSing. a bacon butty sounds like heaven at the mo...but being a size 8 or 10 is much more inviting (umm...i think :confused: )

i have noticed that my cravings are much much worse when i go to my parents house. I wonder how much of it is to do with how i was brought up and how much i associate food with feeling good around them. im a grown up now. dont need mums approval so gotta break that habit of feeling i need to eat to make her validated. she loves to spoil people with food and then have u really praise her for her cooking etc. well sod her...she can get validation elsewhere for now!! she is chuffed for me with the weight loss and she has finally stopped offering me food or slagging off CD. she even went as far as to say she thought it would do my health bad and was worried but actually...i look healthier than she has seen me for a while. better skin and more glowy etc. i was more than shocked. takes a lot to get a compliment from my mum and even more to get some form of approval. not that i need it anymore but was still nice :)

even so...they live in stoutly in the belief that deep fat fryers and grease is the way to make everything and whilst thats disgusting...fried chips and bacon always look and smell fab. my arents r why i never owned a frying pan or a deep fryer. sadly, ive always lived with a cupboard full of crisps and a drawer full of fast food menus LOL.

so todays lesson is: IF I DONT WANNA MAKE CRAVINGS WORSE....STOP VISITING MY PARENTS!! at least for a few weeks. im fine when they come to see me!)

love and light to everyone. its now gone 10pm and i have made it to the end of my 8th day unscathed (mostly) YAY!!

good for you karen, day eight is really good, well done for holding out today, you should really focus on the strength that you had when you resisted and be proud that you controlled yourself[ sorry if that sounds a bit analyst]
but thats what i do to keep myself on track and so far it has worked.
you sound like you are surrounded by a good group of people!!
ps you can still visit your parents... just put a peg on your nose so you dont smell the bacon:D ;)
might look a bit odd though hmmmm:rolleyes:
have a good tomorrow:)
nat xxxxxxx
LOL...well i'd look odd for new reasons anyways :) totally agree with you about being analytical. xx

theres a few things I have put on my "other" blog that I forgot to put here so am just cutting and pasting...

Today 3 things happened that suprised me...pleasantly

When I was walking my 2 eldest children to school this morning my knickers started falling down! they just slid down and the only thing holding them up were the crotch of my trousers
they fell down so much that there was no way for me to pull them up without being too obvious so I had to carry on walking to the school...and all the way back home again with them bagging around my knees. I was really paranoid that the material was obvious thru my trousers but hey-ho! what could I do about it?? nowt!!
although rather shameful, i consider my knickers falling down being a milestone to be proud of lol.
The 2nd thing that happened was that when i picked up my kids from school...my daughter started being cheeky with me so I said " Right...just u wait! Im gonna get ya later" and her taunting reply was "HOW? you are too slow!". So I chased her.....and actually caught her too!!! Now...she is only 6 and I should be able to catch her but the sad truth is, I couldnt have done that before. Shes pretty fast for her age and its something new for me so I was dead impressed with myself. She ran back to her big brother and started saying "she actually got me!" and seemed to be genuinely impressed. That made me feel good

The third thing was tonight...sitting with hubby watching TV. I suddenly noticed I was crossing my legs. Now...before I get ahead of myself...I wasnt comfortable while doing it and it wasnt a perfect leg cross by any stretch of the imagination BUT I could never have even done that a month ago.
So all in all...I am pretty chuffed by these things.
I didn't find today easy though. I still have huge cravings and have come so so close to falling off the wagon and binging again but so far so good. I have resisted. Just makes me feel a bit miserable needing food so much. I am keeping focused though and am determined not to set myself back again. I am on my 8th day back SSing and can't afford to have to try to start over. I am sure the cravings will subside before too long though and I will stop thinkoing about food. Well thats my hope anyways!!
:rotflmao: knickers hahaha good job you werent wearing a skirt
seriously those things are all fab, i noticed i can reach the taps in the bath easily and put the plug in/out wilst in the bath too , major progress for me i used to have to call someone to help me do it[how sad]
karen i reckon we are on to something here:hug99: :wavey:
nat xx
its so funny that its the little things u notice! and they mean so much too. I am so happy to be able to clear toys off the floor more easier. happy to tidy....how sad lol.

good god u r right about the skirt thing. would never be able to face any of the parents again LOL
Karen it is sooooo amazing how these little things all mount up. ROFL...LOL...PMSL....LMAO.......bout the undies though, I have been through that and now even my smaller ones are getting a little looser round the waist but they wont be falling down for a while yet. It is all the signs you want to be getting....and good job you were wearing trousers.....lol.

So what do you think about Sams birthday then......I aint been out for ages and Im not sure if I can go out and be good....especially after my wobble yesterday.