i never usually get headaches but do sometimes on CD now. i think sometimes its cos im over tired or i have overcooked packs thus less nutrition. i just cant stand having the packs in hot water. it has to be boiling ortherwise i cant drink it and i think it loses nutritional value when u do that
u r doing amazing sonya and u only have 2 days til weigh-in now so just see how it goes.
has this week gone fast?? i weigh again in 3 days but it feels like only yesterday i was weighed!! blimey! who woulda thought time would fly by without food?
im only so determined now sonya cos i have it staring in my face...the only thing that stops me from having a life is me. i have been given so many opportunities and i dont have the confidence to do them...despite having the stock it takes. My IQ is 132-135 which is no genius but hardly bad! I have had good jobs and good self employment but i always stop myself. i was doing really well at college and when i did my access courses for uni but i just stopped. i found excuses to not do them and it all comes down to one letting my past lead my future. ive been told im stupid so many times i believe it. well thats not true and i am only just starting to really see that.
kinda makes me feel sad that i have wasted so much time feeling unworthy of anything good. i dunno whats snapped in me but i think not having food to hide behnd and numb my emotions with is having a big impact. sod all this for a game of soilders. Im getting everythig sorted out while im SSing. my barrier has been taken away but it wont be too long before its back (gota eat again one day!) so i need to shift my butt and get some issues dealt with properly and professionally!! I know i need to cos i keep thinking about my miscarriage and my rape and stuff like that. I never usually think about these things one bit....probably cos im too busy eating lol.
im excited about it really. ive never been in control of my life but i will very soon.
didnt mean to waffle on. was just quickly responding about good to get it off my chest though.
have a good day today sonya. u can do this diet standing on ur head! dont try to tho...unless its a carpetted floor
let me know how u get on. if being out of ketosis is getting to u, shout and i'll lecture u out of eating lol. nice!!