Karens Herbalife Diary- bad penny returns :D

do we want to stay in bath or outskirts? will we be eating or sticking with ssing..;.....?
No-one has come up with anywhere to meet yet.
Hey mate, hope Cal behaved for you.......!
I put on 2lbs this week, I knew I had and Im not gonna get hung up about it.
Hi Karen, where are you, you have been quiet since yesterday......did Cal wear you out that much ......lol.
oooooo its your weigh in tonight isnt it...?
as u know sonkie, i did my back in and stayed offline for a few days. I have had 2 blip days...no idea why and am now feeling thoroughly peeved with SSing.

Im seriously considering just doing a diet the old fashioned way... very healthy food, nowt processed and loads of exercise.

having the shakes is no problem but im getting really fed up of not feeling human. I cant have a social life at all and since my restart i have had a few days where i start feeling quite ill. enough to even throw up and dizzy spells etc. even though i am in ketosis, the energy hasnt kicked in and my skin is crap. i wake up ired and can barely face doing anything. Im not hungry which is great but im just getting thoroughly hacked off with it all in general.

I am half tempted t give myself 2 months off and if i cant lose 1 stone per month in those 2 months then coming back to CD. what does anyone else reckon?

I CANNOT AFFORD TO FAIL. i have to get the weight off and thats that!!! i just feel maybe i can do it another way? maybe im just having a bad few days i dunno.

i watch "biggest loser" and "u r what u eat" and people on these shows get amazing result from good eating and hard labour. they seem to lose as much if not more than those on a vlcd.

i know this isnt my chatterbox...i am 100% devoted to losing the weight one way or another and quickly! I just want to feel normal and good. i cant keep waking up feeling crap and having these little spells of sickness and dizziness. Im cranky with the kids and always wanting to go to bed dead early.

what do u lot think?

should i carry on as i am or try 2 months of lrigid diet and seeing if i lose at least 1 stone a month and if this doesnt happen..then go back to SSing??

please help :(
Hi Karen, I think we all feel how you do some days/weeks, this isnt the easy option weve chosen but it is one of the quickest. I watch BL and YAWYE too and it would be easy to believe we could get results like those BUT on BL they have the privilege of being away from home with food supplied and are able to exercise hard for hours a day and Gillian jsut lies. Makes me cross every week when they say "ooh youve lost 21lbs and dropped 4 dress sizes" rubbish. Of course there are good eating plans out there, i love slimming world, but you still have to be very much in control to make them work. And youd have to accept that for the first few weeks you may well gain a few lbs while your body adjusts to real food again. I know that would completely throw me off track and i would end up heavier than ever. Why not stay on CD but go p to 790 or 1000, at least you could have a meal with the family and on social occasions but you remain in control.
Youve done so well so far, keep plugging away. It will be so worth it.
Hi Karen

Sorry you are having a hard time at the moment with the diet. For what it's worth I would stick with CD. You said on another thread that you have Binge Eating Disorder. Being there myself I know how easy it is to slip into a binge when food is in the equation again. I found a good few month without food really liberating. I loved SSing but did pretty much give up everything else and treated and spoilt myself all the time. I was so proud of myself I was always so nice to ME. Early nights, pampering little treats when out shopping. It was a very special time for me. Like you said before, it is also an excellent time to face and deal with other issues that you know are part of the reason you USE food. You have so much support down there in Plymouth a great VLCD network too that must help.

If you could lose the weight on a food diet though that would be excellent as after a VLCD you have a long process of learning to eat again and control your eating. Ofcourse you do that along the way on a food diet if you chose a food diet it would be best to chose one that the family can eat so there aren't those foods in the house you are tempted to binge on. I have just bought a family Gi Diet book so that I can cook a family evening meal on my Gi plan as evenings were difficult cooking 2 meals when already tired from the day. I think if you take 2 months off to try another diet you will actually find you gain going back to a VLCD then would be even more difficult I suspect. When I was sole sourcing and had breaks and restarts I would try to make the restart as fresh and new as I could. Do something I hadn't done first time around. I also found SSing much easier when I was very strict by the rules rather than bending them and having extras. Thinking of it more as medicine to make me better than a poor substitute for food. I loed the packs really and even now if I feel rough I may have one and find it feels really comforting.

If I can help at all in any way Karen. Feel free to ask I just thought I would have a little ramble (as I had a large cup of green tea) and hope some of my experience may seem relevant to you.

Dizzy xx

Keep at it and you will start to feel so much better. I reckon it takes about a month to really feel the benefit of SSing, once I really get into the swing of it my skin clears up, my nails grow like crazy, I don't get headaches and while I've never felt particularly energised I feel far from lathergic.

CD is the easiest way to be sure that you are being properly nourished.....no counting points, cals, units calculating GI values etc etc

Good luck!
Hi Karen, Not really sure what advice to give tbh, Many people have a break from CD and never manage to get back on the wagon and thats what may happen if you do, for me it was taking food out the equation that did it.

CD isnt for everyone, and if you want to take a break then thats ok, but please work through the stages rather than just stopping, this will ensure that you dont put all the weight back on.

Have you tried splitting packs?? and cooking them, anything to make SS easier, I think you are maybe having a really rough few days, but if you can get passed them then the weight will come off and you will feel happier, how is your water intake? ||Do you manage 4 ltrs, I know its a cliche but it does help.

Sorry I am waffling, just want to make you feel better x
Awww mate sorry to hear your struggling. I personally would stick it out, try to tell hubby how you are feeling and if at all possible could he cook the kids tea, lunch etc if he is home as you are struggling. Im sure if he wants to help and support your weight loss he wouldnt mind doing it.

I have given myself a little target, and have decided to have a couple of drinks and eat a little protein when we are in Bath and I have not even been tempted to pick since deciding this. Im not sure how you would feel doing this but I feel its right for me. Then straight back onto ssing.
thank you all so much. u r totally right and i really appriciate the excellent points brought up. I know that no matter what i do, its going to be a miserable journey at times anyways. battling the bulge was never going to be a fun and happy road lol.

Im going to stick with CD today and really think about it all. i have ordered an awful lot of books including biggest loser, low gl, paul mckenna i can make u thin etc and will do my research.

in what i have been thinking so far...what i am most peeved about is the lack of energy and actually wanting to go to the gym more but not being able to cos I am constantly "done in". I am also feeling really sick right now. close to having to rush to the bathroom. i didnt have this before and wonder if i should have a food tollerence test? does anyone think this would be useful? i hate feeling this rough and i am decided that its CD (or i am preggers :eek: )

the fact is, ive tried most diets on the market and they all make me miserable. CD has been the best so far...mainly cos it talkes food out of the equation.

the best thing i can do is have a good think about everything and stick with CD in the meantime. i dunno whether my CB is in overdrive and i have convinced myself she isnt really there..that its sensible thinking or if i am really in need of a change of approach. i have been bending hubbys ear since yesterday and he is being great. i do have a fab network of support in real life but mostly on here and i absolutely love how we r all "there" for eachother. I couldnt have gotten as far as i have without minimins and theres no doubt about that!!

thank u all loads. im gonna keep SSing and thinking for now. wish me luck!

hiya karen,
so sorry you are having a hard time, you have been a support to me and hope i can help you too,
you must have a reason why you chose the vlcd route and maybe you should think about the reasons behind it when you are struggling, vlcd is the quickest way and if you stick at it you will be done in possibly half the time you could be with a ww/yawye regime, dont want to sound like i am telling you what to do, but i know if you stop now you will find it soooo hard to start again, plus with your friends doing vlcd i fear you may get disheartened when you see any good losses that they may have and so the binge eating cycle would start again[speaking from experience here!!]
to lose a stone a month on a healthy eating plan will be difficult, you will have to really cut your cals to a very low level, and really think hard about food choices, why go through all that when you have it all taken care of in your magic little packs.
ultimately though hun it is your hoice and if you really feel like this isnt for you and you are strong enough to make something else work, go for it whatever you choose you will have support from me if you want it!!!
good luck mate in deciding what to do
love n hugzzzz
natalie xxxx:eek:
Hi Karen

I would say forget the gym. I didn't do any exercise at all ss'ing. Like I said I treated myself very gently and kindly like spoiling a sick child. I was just so afraid of going ofcourse. It worked for me. I would walk the kids to school when I felt up to it etc but never pushed myself. If you want to have an exercise focus you could get a pedometer and join the steppers. I'd love it if you did! Dizzy x
I would forget the gym too, I just go for a walk before picking the kids up and it is lovely in this weather. I usually go up through the next road down from you and cut through to the factories then along the back of the airport its a nice walk and I take it steady, if you wanna join me I leave home around 2pm.

Hi Karen, just wanted to stop by and say hi 2 u. I am sorry u r having a hard time at the moment with CD but u seem so determined to lose your weight no matter what diet you are on. From what i have read in your posts to me and so many other peeps here onn the site, i know u r going yo sucseed and get to goal which ever plan u follow.

You have shown me so much support and i really appreciate it.
You mention that maybe u could be pregnant,if so msaybe u should do a test so u can rule that out for the reason why u r feeling drained and also if u r pregnant then i dont think u can SS.

Hun i have faith in u, no matter which path u follow i know u will reach your goal weight. U r a beautiful, kind and inteligent lady and you have so much going for u, when i first saw ur avatar i thought to myself that u r so pretty and u look so happy in you pic.
Take care hun and i hope u have a good day xx
Hi Karen

Just wanted to add my thoughts to this ... only you can make the decision, but for what it's worth, I think you should give CD another shot ... give yourself 100 days (only 14 weeks) and decide you will not break it or cheat ONCE until that time is up ... you could easily be 3 or 4 stone down by then and totally in the swing of things!!!

Give yourself little non-food treats weekly/goal-ly (ie lose a stone, have a manicure, lose 10% have a nice posh day out!!)

Good luck whatever you decide to do!!
thanks again so much to every single one of you. having the support of those i feel so much admiration for means the world to me :)

roch, how lovely u r...but i am afraid i only look happy in that pic cos i am 2 sheets to the wind lol. The chances of me being pregnant are very slim as I have been "fixed" but that was during a c.section which makes it more likely to fail so i will check to be on the safe side. if anything is going to make me run to food its the thought of having a forth child! i love the ones i have but enuff is enuff and three is most certainly enuff for me!!

everything u have all said is said with experience and empathy with the crappy weight loss journey so i value each opinion highly. i appriciate greatly having some sense drummed into me (god knows i need it at times).

i started out so damn determined and eager but i think feeling so ill has gotten my nerves and strength completely shot to pieces.

with that said tho, i am kidding myself to think i can do half as well on another diet. i mean...if i could, i would have before now, wouldnt i?

so!! i am going to stick to SSing. i have blipped this week thru sheer frustration and after doing in my back. i have let my positive mindset lapse but your encouragement has empowered and spurred me on. the general gist of opinions given are right. i need to give 100 days of pure SSing and then decide to keep bitching or just get on with it. i imagine i will just get on with it. i have been thru plenty worse than sole source so will not be defeated now! grr!!

after picking this week i have gained back the 4lb i lost the week before i hurt my back (i weighed before i came online :( ) so that just adds to the consenus that i need to keep on track with CD.

each and every reply to my "wobbly moments" means a lot to me so thank u all. sometimes it takes other people saying stuff out loud (or typing out loud) a good bit of sense for us to see it for ourselves. so thk u all so much.


Glad that you're sticking with it for now.

I have carried on at the gym while VLCDing cos I'd miss it if I stopped....it's where I socialise! I have changed the stuff I do though, I don't do much cardio and when I do I take it gentle. I do lots of toning such as Stretch & Flex, Fitball, Pilates. I've practised yoga for about 4 years which I love cos it gets my head in the right place, doesn't better how big or small you are or if you're very bendy or totally stiff you work at your own level.

I spend a lot of time in the coffee shop gossiping after classes too! Oh and I like a wallow in the jacuzzi after a couple of slow lengths:D

Maybe you need to alter your routine to suit your body for now, perhaps you've been pushing too hard?

hehe! yeah i am still peeved that i cant go to the gym if my energy isnt there. i actually WANT to get on those machines and get myself going. i have felt like a beached whale for the last while but sod it!! i will just have to still go and just take it easy. maybe with time the energy burst i first had with CD will return unexpectedly :D and if it doesnt, im sure being 8 or so stones lighter will help LOL.

wish my gym had a pool/sauna/jacuzzi. will join the posh one down the road if my energy ever returns but for now will stick with the cheap gym lol

Well done Karen .. delighted for you that you are going to give it another shot!!

I too am a gym bunny .. even at my biggest I was there giving it socks like the best of them!!! You can do this girlie .. really proud that you are giving it another go!!

thanks Dee :) xxx