thanks again so much to every single one of you. having the support of those i feel so much admiration for means the world to me
roch, how lovely u r...but i am afraid i only look happy in that pic cos i am 2 sheets to the wind lol. The chances of me being pregnant are very slim as I have been "fixed" but that was during a c.section which makes it more likely to fail so i will check to be on the safe side. if anything is going to make me run to food its the thought of having a forth child! i love the ones i have but enuff is enuff and three is most certainly enuff for me!!
everything u have all said is said with experience and empathy with the crappy weight loss journey so i value each opinion highly. i appriciate greatly having some sense drummed into me (god knows i need it at times).
i started out so damn determined and eager but i think feeling so ill has gotten my nerves and strength completely shot to pieces.
with that said tho, i am kidding myself to think i can do half as well on another diet. i mean...if i could, i would have before now, wouldnt i?
so!! i am going to stick to SSing. i have blipped this week thru sheer frustration and after doing in my back. i have let my positive mindset lapse but your encouragement has empowered and spurred me on. the general gist of opinions given are right. i need to give 100 days of pure SSing and then decide to keep bitching or just get on with it. i imagine i will just get on with it. i have been thru plenty worse than sole source so will not be defeated now! grr!!
after picking this week i have gained back the 4lb i lost the week before i hurt my back (i weighed before i came online

) so that just adds to the consenus that i need to keep on track with CD.
each and every reply to my "wobbly moments" means a lot to me so thank u all. sometimes it takes other people saying stuff out loud (or typing out loud) a good bit of sense for us to see it for ourselves. so thk u all so much.