Going to have an early night now, too many food thoughts going on in my head, better put myself to sleep :nightf: , night night everyone, catch u all tomorrow
Oh Michelle, I love the book `The Secret ' I have the dvd set too. I also follow Esther Hicks, she is a phenomenal inspirational speaker, I have her app on meditation, its brilliant and really relaxes me when I'm stressedxx
I'm going to have a look for the book, I love things like that x
I have the book too, a few of them and the gratitude journal, my problem is actually using itMorning bunny, did you know there are a few clips on the website? In case you hadn't, they are here
Visualization Tools :: Official Web Site of The Secret and The Power
How you doing today kay? I'm just makin a salad for lunch before work xx
Hey RR, I'm good thanks. Drinking up loads of water to meet my 3 litre goal, I almost live in the bathroom
. Day 7 of my salad challenge today so will be having salad for tea
. I hope your day at work flys by for you ! It will soon be the weekend, woohoo ! How are you feeling about weigh in hun ? xx
I know what you mean, I live in the bathroom, they all laugh at me in work. How you finding the challenge? Erm, I'm not sure. I never am so it scares me when I get on the scales cos I never have any idea what they'll say. I'm a bit worried though cos not done any exercise this week so hope I've not put on xx
The challenge is going good and because I had this week as holiday, I am going to continue it for another week up to my next weigh in so will be doing it for 14 days in a row, if that's doesn't get my 3.5lb gain off then I don't know what will. I think u will do fab hun on the scales, u can still lose without exercise, my doc has told me to take it easy before my op with exercise so I mainly rely on diet alone and I have still had some losses, so u will be fine hun. I hope u do smashing !
I really hope soyou're doing grand, only a few more days til you get to wi. Have you had any sneaky peaks since mon? Xx
HeheI don't know if you read my post yesterday, but sis has hid them, she thinks I'm turning into an obsessive nutcase
, I have no clue where they are in the house lol, so I will have to wait till next Thursday for group to findout xx
Ahhh yes, silly me, I forgot. That's a good thing but she should of took them home, can imagine you turning the house upside down lookin for them when you really want to get on, lol. Ive not had any sneaky peaks this week where as last week, I was on every day xx
I was giggling at Kathryn looking for a bunny for you ,
I thought ooh that El shift the LB's
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lolyep type bunny in google and a lot of sh*t comes up xx
I can imagine, I won't try it I don't want to scare chan
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LolScared he won't be, amused maybexx