morning people, how are we all on this awful Sunday morning?...
the rain woke me up pounding against my window it's nasty out there and i have nooooo intention of venturing out!
Yesterday was another good day, i really enjoy my red days and have come to terms with the fact green days just dont work for me, unfortunately...
I went to work last night for a few hours took and aldi yog and 2 alpen lights with me... afraid to say im still addicted to them!
... had such a laugh when i got home everyone was up and joking around. Mum kept saying go in the front room they've got some funny story to tell you... i was like yea whatever wont be that funny...well i was wrong it was funny and NASTY...
So is anyone else familiar with Bluewater, the shopping centre?
Well its our local its fab massive undercover just right for this nasty weather...
Anyway my bro and his girl went for the day yesterday.. they were getting a paper or magazine i think and there's a newsagents shop so they nipped in there and we hit by this minging smell. It was that bad everyone was looking at each other wondering who'd done it... They thought it was a stink bomb at first... My bro said he was flushing cos he was thinking people thought it was him...
Anyway bro went outside the shop looked left and there's 2 cleaners standing there... with a masssssive pooh lying on the floor with both ends in tact but a lovely foot pring in the middle........... yuck....,.... everyone was staring and heaving apparently it was gross.
After a few bears/wines last night it was making us cry with laughter...the poor person who has that stuck to their shoe!!! Where the hell did it come from thats what we wanna know...
I know its not that funny but when i was told i couldn't stop laughing...and apparently there was noooo way it was a baby/childs poo.
Things like that just dont happen lol.... anyway end of story im giggling about it still now... im glad i wasnt there to inhale them fumes though!