Laura's Summer Slimming!

Soooo here I am! New year, new mission to weight loss!!

Had a lovely food & drink filled Christmas and new year - but by goodness I can feel it on my tummy and face!! I weighed in this morning with the official last time I went to group I was 11st 7 (which had been a slight gain gain too)....this mornings weight is really all of November/December together though......

11st 9lb !

I expected it to be a little bit more tbh (it feels like more!) but isn't is amazing how that extra 7lbs or so makes you feel? Urgh.

So yes, time to get rid of that, get back to 11 stone where I was in summer, that's my mini target, and then that final stone after that!!

I am unsure yet if I will rejoin SW classes as I struggle to get to them some weeks and it feels such a waste of money, so going to see how I do over January (bit too skint to pay for the classes anyway at the moment) and then decide beginning of Feb how I feel - I might need the help and support of a group again.

Hope you are all well! xxx
6/1/2014 - Extra Easy

B - 35g oats (hexb), fat free yoghurt & berries
L - ham and egg salad with tbsp light mayo (2 syns? - need to check!) and a coconut muller light (0.5), 3 plums.
D - jacket potato with 30g cheese (hexa) and beans and salad....using up what is in the house before doing a proper SW food shop!

Mayo (2), muller coconut (0.5), wispa ice cream bar (6 syns - needed a choc fix!) milk in my tea (3)

Total syns - 11.5
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i'm also attempting to go it alone after joining a year ago (not been to class since beg of dec) as i can never stay at class so i was literally paying £5 a week to step on and off the scales. yes it was good having the online access and being able to buy the hifi bars but i've got a stash that'll last me a good while (or that's the plan lol) so i'm gonna attempt to weigh myself and if i'm starting to struggle then i'll re-join...but i must admit, i am feeling slightly uneasy about not going to class to start tonight..kinda to-ing and fro-ing a bit!

had been on and off plan from november due to birthdays, weekends away, xmas nights out etc and had planned to have the full 2 weeks over xmas off but gave up after a week cos, like you, i just felt awful!
started back on plan last monday and today showed 4lbs it's a start eh!

food looking good for it the greek coconut yog you're having? cos if it's just the normal ones (with chocolate sprinkles) they're free...not sure, but half a syn saved is always a bonus ;) x
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i'm also attempting to go it alone after joining a year ago (not been to class since beg of dec) as i can never stay at class so i was literally paying £5 a week to step on and off the scales. yes it was good having the online access and being able to buy the hifi bars but i've got a stash that'll last me a good while (or that's the plan lol) so i'm gonna attempt to weigh myself and if i'm starting to struggle then i'll re-join...but i must admit, i am feeling slightly uneasy about not going to class to start tonight..kinda to-ing and fro-ing a bit!

had been on and off plan from november due to birthdays, weekends away, xmas nights out etc and had planned to have the full 2 weeks over xmas off but gave up after a week cos, like you, i just felt awful!
started back on plan last monday and today showed 4lbs it's a start eh!

food looking good for it the greek coconut yog you're having? cos if it's just the normal ones (with chocolate sprinkles) they're free...not sure, but half a syn saved is always a bonus ;) x

Hi there! Sounds like we are in a similar boat! 4lbs in a week is great, well done! How much have you got to lose?

I feel so similar about the classes, we will see how I get on, if I am getting nowhere fast I will boot myself back to classes lol. I will miss hi-fi bars too I must admit, love the rocky roads! I can do it without them though I am sure ;-)

Oh it's the greek muller ones, which are half a syn - my fave yoghurts though so I don't mind spending 0.5 syn on them heehee! Need to buy some more though, that is my last one from the fridge!
i've not tried the greek ones at all..i know they're only 0.5 but i kinda grudge it when i know i could have something for free! my fav are the activia 0% ones (currently £1.50 for a pack of 8 in sainsburys just now :D)

are the greek muller's more like a dessert would you say? like could you have it after dinner and think...mmmm? (they're £1 in asda just now too, saw them yesterday)

not sure how much i want to lose to be honest. started my journey a year ago tomorrow 2 stones heavier than i am now (was 2.5 but...'nuff said lol) and i was literally angelic until the end of the year which is when we have mine and my OH's birthday. got a wedding in feb but that's about it so i'd love to get back in the zone to be 100% like i was for months...and then slacked off a bit like i did there? dunno....

2 stone over a year is nothing compared to some people's losses but really, i can't complain - there's been very few times i've been overly hungry or feeling like i was missing out which was a huge thing for me having tried lots of things before!
i came to SW after doing ww so it was a shock...altogether i've lost almost 4 stone in the last 3 years and there have been treat times in there too.

personally, i want to eat as much junk as i can, and lose 4lbs a week...not to much to ask is it lol

do you just do EE or mix your days up a bit?x
Hello lovely!

2lbs up from your last WI isn't bad at all - you'll be back in the 10s in no time. It's really good to have you back!

i've not tried the greek ones at all..i know they're only 0.5 but i kinda grudge it when i know i could have something for free! my fav are the activia 0% ones (currently £1.50 for a pack of 8 in sainsburys just now :D)

are the greek muller's more like a dessert would you say? like could you have it after dinner and think...mmmm? (they're £1 in asda just now too, saw them yesterday)

not sure how much i want to lose to be honest. started my journey a year ago tomorrow 2 stones heavier than i am now (was 2.5 but...'nuff said lol) and i was literally angelic until the end of the year which is when we have mine and my OH's birthday. got a wedding in feb but that's about it so i'd love to get back in the zone to be 100% like i was for months...and then slacked off a bit like i did there? dunno....

2 stone over a year is nothing compared to some people's losses but really, i can't complain - there's been very few times i've been overly hungry or feeling like i was missing out which was a huge thing for me having tried lots of things before!
i came to SW after doing ww so it was a shock...altogether i've lost almost 4 stone in the last 3 years and there have been treat times in there too.

personally, i want to eat as much junk as i can, and lose 4lbs a week...not to much to ask is it lol

do you just do EE or mix your days up a bit?x

Ooh that's good to know about Asda and Sainsburys offers too - thanks! Will nip to asda later I think then, I don't often go but do need to stock up!

No I prefer red days, but I do the odd EE and green (not many of green though it's good to have the option) - because I am type 1 diabetic and have to count all my carbs I just found red easier for me a lot of the time, as the carb portions on that are more measured IYKWIM? I do EE though too, cos sometimes I like the flexibility and cheapness of having pasta for dinner or whatever! Lol.

4 stone in 3 years is brilliant, and 2 stone of that in the past year is too - think of the health benefits of that! If you lifted that weight now you would be amazed how heavy it is and just think, you are not carrying that around anymore!! Everyone has slip ups and times off plan, that is life, but getting back to it is the important thing - we can do this!
Hello lovely!

2lbs up from your last WI isn't bad at all - you'll be back in the 10s in no time. It's really good to have you back!


It's not, but it's still in total 9lbs up from the lowest I got to, and 7lbs up from before THAT weigh in lol.

I just avoided the scales completely in December...ignorance is bliss eh....haha!

Back on it though for sure, this place helps so much! Lovely to 'see' you too! xx
Ooh that's good to know about Asda and Sainsburys offers too - thanks! Will nip to asda later I think then, I don't often go but do need to stock up!

No I prefer red days, but I do the odd EE and green (not many of green though it's good to have the option) - because I am type 1 diabetic and have to count all my carbs I just found red easier for me a lot of the time, as the carb portions on that are more measured IYKWIM? I do EE though too, cos sometimes I like the flexibility and cheapness of having pasta for dinner or whatever! Lol.

4 stone in 3 years is brilliant, and 2 stone of that in the past year is too - think of the health benefits of that! If you lifted that weight now you would be amazed how heavy it is and just think, you are not carrying that around anymore!! Everyone has slip ups and times off plan, that is life, but getting back to it is the important thing - we can do this!

Oh forgot to say, I don't tend to have yoghurts as a "pudding" as such but yeah, I think they are more yummy for that kind of thing. I just love coconut flavoured things! I've seen people use the lemon ones mixed with quark on a crushed digestive as a "cheesecake" type thing too!

oooh don't mention cheesecakes...i spend most of december making them and they're waaaay to easy to go wild on lol!

you're right about the health benefits and i can't imagine how it would feel trying to lift that amount! it prob averages out to about 0.5lb a week for my time on SW and i know we always (well i always) want big losses but's not realistic to maintain that all the time!

when i was 100% on plan all the time, i had a gain every 4 weeks and that really showed me that our bodies react differently and do what they want sometimes. when i noticed a pattern i was relieved and most of the time, i'd lose double what the gain had been so i try not to focus too much on that but on the bigger picture.

i really found that when i gave myself permission to go nuts and be off plan, after having so much, it wasn't as enjoyable as i'd planned...think i exhausted it all and got to the stage where i was eating things for the sake of it and thinking..sigh...what will we have tonight :( instead of yum, can't wait.

but again that's a bonus!

i don't know too much about being diabetic but it must be hard to have to keep an eye on things all the time. but then it's also great that you can follow the plan to fit in with your life AND lose weight too.

i tend to try and eat freely all day and use my syns for crisps/chocolate....i've always had the routine that when my son goes to bed, i'll get sorted then settle with some goodies to watch a bit of tv and that hasn't changed...just the size of chocolate bar/type of crisps have

been stocking up on the half price selection boxes to syn the funsize goodies - i'm a sucker for a bargain lol.
think sainsburys have the greek yog's on offer save you a trip to asda?x
Welcome back lovely! 2lbs on over xmas is nothing, you will have that off before it's even had a chance to settle :) And don't worry about the weight you're up since your slimmest, the most important thing is that you're back on your way down there :) I've put on 10.5lbs since my slimmest post-Ibiza weight last year, oooooops! :p Want to get all of those back off by April, am hoping that's achievable! Good luck getting back on plan xx
oooh don't mention cheesecakes...i spend most of december making them and they're waaaay to easy to go wild on lol!

you're right about the health benefits and i can't imagine how it would feel trying to lift that amount! it prob averages out to about 0.5lb a week for my time on SW and i know we always (well i always) want big losses but's not realistic to maintain that all the time!

when i was 100% on plan all the time, i had a gain every 4 weeks and that really showed me that our bodies react differently and do what they want sometimes. when i noticed a pattern i was relieved and most of the time, i'd lose double what the gain had been so i try not to focus too much on that but on the bigger picture.

i really found that when i gave myself permission to go nuts and be off plan, after having so much, it wasn't as enjoyable as i'd planned...think i exhausted it all and got to the stage where i was eating things for the sake of it and thinking..sigh...what will we have tonight :( instead of yum, can't wait.

but again that's a bonus!

i don't know too much about being diabetic but it must be hard to have to keep an eye on things all the time. but then it's also great that you can follow the plan to fit in with your life AND lose weight too.

i tend to try and eat freely all day and use my syns for crisps/chocolate....i've always had the routine that when my son goes to bed, i'll get sorted then settle with some goodies to watch a bit of tv and that hasn't changed...just the size of chocolate bar/type of crisps have

been stocking up on the half price selection boxes to syn the funsize goodies - i'm a sucker for a bargain lol.
think sainsburys have the greek yog's on offer save you a trip to asda?x

Mmm I made a cheesecake over Xmas too! Thank for the tip about Sainsbo's too, I ended up just quickly nipping to Aldi in the end so got their fat free yoghurts instead, will go for the Greek ones near the end of the week :)

I am the same re; evenings when my kids are in bed - it is and always has been the time I tend to snack and want something chocolatey or whatever - I tend to save syns for then too! I need to re-read through my pack though and remind myself of a few things, was going to do it last night but was completely shattered after my first day back to work and the normal routine!

Yeah diabetes isn't fun, and at times I have to have sugar/glucose - I normally use fresh orange juice or fruit pastilles to treat my hypos, it'a annoying thinking of it as 'syns' but it is officially a medical treatment really too so I just have to be careful.

Hope you're having a good day x
Welcome back lovely! 2lbs on over xmas is nothing, you will have that off before it's even had a chance to settle :) And don't worry about the weight you're up since your slimmest, the most important thing is that you're back on your way down there :) I've put on 10.5lbs since my slimmest post-Ibiza weight last year, oooooops! :p Want to get all of those back off by April, am hoping that's achievable! Good luck getting back on plan xx

Heyyyy! Yeah I was surprised it wasn't more for that Xmas period but it is annoying how much more it is overall. I'll get there though eh! 10.5lbs by April is definitely doable - my best friends engagement party is a month today actually, and I want to get as close to 11 stone by then as I can! Lol. Ok I know I have to be realistic, but just want to lose some of the bloat too!!
7/1/2014 - Extra Easy

B - 35g oats (HEXB), fat free yoghurt, banana & berries
L - jacket potato with tomato mackerel & salad, salad cream (2). An apple.
D - SW spaghetti carbonara (5 syns & 1/2 HEXA parmesan 15g)

Milk in tea (1/2 HEXA)

Snacks - 2 pears, dairy milk small bar (5.5), FF yoghurt.

Salad cream (2), creme fraiche in carbonara (5), 21g bar dairy milk (5.5)

Total syns - 12.5

I think I will keep today as an EE day, depending what we end up having for dinner, I need to have a think about what we have there to use up and then can amend accordingly. My milk in tea might be my HEXA too, depending on later which will save some syns for something else!
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Mmm I made a cheesecake over Xmas too! Thank for the tip about Sainsbo's too, I ended up just quickly nipping to Aldi in the end so got their fat free yoghurts instead, will go for the Greek ones near the end of the week :) I am the same re; evenings when my kids are in bed - it is and always has been the time I tend to snack and want something chocolatey or whatever - I tend to save syns for then too! I need to re-read through my pack though and remind myself of a few things, was going to do it last night but was completely shattered after my first day back to work and the normal routine! Yeah diabetes isn't fun, and at times I have to have sugar/glucose - I normally use fresh orange juice or fruit pastilles to treat my hypos, it'a annoying thinking of it as 'syns' but it is officially a medical treatment really too so I just have to be careful. Hope you're having a good day x

Oh I'd def be looking at that...sugar for medical reasons should be free! ;) lol x

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So dinner was SW carbonara, was yummy, with some roasted butternut squash and broccoli. I'll pop a pic on shortly.

I fancy something with a cup of tea and really want to raid the selection boxes downstairs - its taking a lot of willpower not to get something!! Think I'll have some fruit and yoghurt but I want a low syn sweet something too - what can I have!?