Laura's Summer Slimming!

Oh I'd def be looking at that...sugar for medical reasons should be free! ;) lol x

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Well it is officially, although I still like to be mindful of it, plus hypos are horrible so I try my best not to have them but no-ones perfect and they happen to everyone who takes insulin, well unless their blood glucose levels are too high!
8/1/2014 - Extra Easy

B - 35g oats (HEXB), fat free yoghurt, banana & berries
L - pea and ham soup, tomato mackerel, a pear.
D - SW chicken curry (1) & cauliflower rice

Milk in tea (HEXA)

Snacks - fudge (5), apple, FF yoghurt

Syns - curry (1), fudge (5), 25g mini marshallows (4)

Total syns - 10

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Hope everyone is well today, I am totally unorganised today and grabbed a tin of pea and ham soup this morning, but I don't know the syns of it or of its a HEXB one.

It's from aldi, I'm not sure yet if I will eat it or not, if not it's a tin of tomato mackerel and a pear until I get home, lol. I finish at 2.30 today though thankfully :)
Mmmmm mackerel. I love smoked mackerel. Keep craving it at the minute, so might pop out in the -40 windchill to get some. The things we do for food eh ;) lol
Hello lovely! I love how we always slink back in on the same day!! I've been super naughty for weeks and weeks because of the stress of buying a new house! Trying to ease myself back in this week! Hope all's well with you hun xx
Hello lovely! I love how we always slink back in on the same day!! I've been super naughty for weeks and weeks because of the stress of buying a new house! Trying to ease myself back in this week! Hope all's well with you hun xx

Ha I haven't even caught up with other diaries yet - came on yesterday but never got much chance to read!! How funny is that - we must be synced in some way! Lol.

Oh I have been rubbish too - not just 'naughty' as such but just eating on the run half the time, reaching for quick and easy stuff because of that, not being organised, being skint so too much pasta etc for my liking!! Also exercise has been non-existent :-/

Managed a good day yesterday though, and so far so good today - but it's bloody pancake day! I love pancakes lol. I'm going to try these banana pancakes I have seen so much about for me, I am hoping they are a decent alternative while the kids munch the yummy ones with choc spread and syrup lol.

I hope the house move has gone well!? xxx
Tuesday 4/3/2014

B - fresh pineapple & coconut greek muller (0.5)

L - tomato mackerel on 2 slice wholemeal (hexb1), shape 0% yoghurt, apple, banana

D - meatballs & courgette 'pasta' with a sprinkle of parmesan. Really enjoyed this!

Snacks - pancake (3 syns) bite of my daughters donut (3 syns? lol)

Milk in tea (hexa1)

Syns - 6.5
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So last night I didn't do the banana 'pancakes' - just kind of ran out of time and because I had one of the kids ones as I was cooking them I felt that was enough! I do want to try them though, will try them for breakfast at the weekend I think.

Really enjoyed having the courgette 'spaghetti' with my meatballs last night too, I'll pop a photo on in a sec! Hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday! xx
Wednesday 5/3/14

B - cranberry & raspberry mullerlight, apple & a plum

L - 2 hard boiled eggs, tin of tomato mackerel plus I have 2 slice wholemeal bread (hexb) there and a banana so think I will have banana on toast and just eat the eggs and mackerel first lol. Also have another apple there if peckish.....

D - TBC but I THINK roast chicken (cos it needs cooked tonight!) with gravy, broccoli, roasted butternut squash & mashed swede I think. Kids will have bake potato or mash & yorkshire puddings with theirs!! (sniff, lol)

Tomorrow I will make chicken & leek soup with some of the leftover roast chicken too, yum!

Also need to drink more water this week, need to remember that as I always forget.

Edit: So yes, dinner was:

D - Roast chicken, gravy (3 syns? I really need to check these things in my old books!) broccoli, carrots & mashed swede. Yummy!! Then banana pancakes with tbsp maple syrup (3) and strawberries.

Syns = 6

HexA = milk in numerous cups of tea!
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Last nights dinner :)


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Pudding/evening snack! Decided to try them tonight since never bothered last night, banana pancakes - genius! Had a hypo when I was having a nice bath & it left me so hungry so made these. Defo one to do again!

They look burnt but they weren't really, bad lighting! Lol.


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