Lives here....
That wasn't the problem. It was the mini creme eggs, the Easter cake and the tray bake (whole block of butter in that!) . Bugger. The egg is broken up into portion bags now. Will be having some later
'Nuff said
Like it! My husband often says women are devious. I tell him that's because we're intelligent enough to be so and men and daft enough not to figure this out.
Yes! Oh yes!! (And as well as 'illicit' downloads, all Amazon parcels are delivered to my place of work. Sneaky? Moi?)
Brilliant! I bow to your superior tactics Patty
I guess we all have the magic wardrobe then ladies? The one that mysteriously fills with clothes. My hubby says "is that new?", to which you all know the bog standard reply, "what this old thing, I've had this for ages!" (It's just too easy)
My go to response...."I TOLD you about that. I KNEW you weren't listening, you NEVER listen..." And go all huffy. Works on so many levels, guilt predominantly.
Oops! Scooter-girl will be coming after us now.....we just educated one of THEM