Lindsey is losing it! Weight, not marbles.........

All sound great Linds.
Are you getting a new car then? Another weekend away? Can i come? Hope the weather cheers up. X

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All sound great Linds.
Are you getting a new car then? Another weekend away? Can i come? Hope the weather cheers up. X

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we are off to a place called Plomion in France to watch the next round of the sidecar motocross world championship. The weather forecast looks good. Sunny, dry 15 degrees. Bring it on! We weren't looking for another car, although marks car is starting to be a bit of a pain and although we have spent quite a lot of money trying to rectify it, it has been to no avail. Marks dad's friend is getting a new car and offered the old one to marks dad in settlement of money owed. Marks dad knows the problems we have with our cars so he said if we liked it we can have it. Just been for a spin round the block and it's great. My pre requisites were a CD player and electric windows! It has both of those so I would be happy, but mark likes it too, so looks like we will be fighting over it! We can't have it for a month yet as the owners have to wait before they get their brand new car. It is a little cherry red Clio.
Oooh how exciting.
The weekend sounds like it will be a good one too. :D

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Morning hun.
Dont worry about it -you will break that barrier at some stage. Bet your looking great. I want to be in the light 11s :(
Now go have yourself another fab weekend. Will miss you. X:D

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When you back hun? Missed you bet you've had a great weekend, all fed and watered to the brim!!!:D
I'm back again after a great weekend away. The racing was amazing, so exciting, and the weather was good if a little chilly at night. I am definitely fed and watered to the max Bubble. We were in France so I have had fresh croissants, fresh baguette with bacon, crisps, chocolate, cake and wine. We got back around lunchtime today and I promised the kids I would take us out for dinner to night. We went to chiquitos and the food was ok, but nothing special. I had potato skins, garlic bread and a burger. My final blow out for this week as back on it tomorrow (again). Eugh, work tomorrow, still it's only a 4 day week so it will be the weekend again before I know it. Will post food diary from tomorrow.
Hiya Linds! Glad you had such a great time, think we all indulged this weekend. Well life is for living. Back to it today. Hope work not too bad today it will be a quick week.

Thanks for photo comment. Makes me feel i am getting somewhere slowely but surely. Xxx

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Tuesday 6th May

Evening diary. Had a crap day at work, then rushed around all afternoon, aldi, home, school, home, swimming, home. Just helped youngest with his homework and sitting down for half an hour. Feeling very fat today.

breakfast: berries, branflakes, skimmed milk

lunch: jacket potato, chilli, broccoli, sweetcorn

dinner: jacket potato, salad, mayo (1 syn) beans

snacks: nicked 3 of the kids chicken nuggets (7.5 syns?) yoghurt (1/2 syn)

hope you have all had a nice day. Weather has been great here, not that I've been able to enjoy it as been sweating my wotsits off in the swimming baths waiting for kids lessons!
Hey hun just 3 more days to go! I really am rethinking the stepping on the scales tomorrow, I dont think its even worth knowing! Im really tempted to just eat more crap and wi next week! The only problem with that is where do I draw the line?
Don't weigh if you don't want to. You were on a 2 weekly weigh in weren't you? I would say don't eat crap though, use the time to try and get it back so that you see a loss next Wednesday. You are doing so well mate, don't right the week off. You had a great weekend but now you need to get back on it. Food has been great for you today.
Wednesday 7th may

Evening all. Well all god intentions turned to dust again today! I work in a special school for secondary aged students with profound and multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and autism. The sixth formers run a "cafe" on Wednesday mornings and cook bacon or sausage sandwiches and bring them to your desk at 10.30. I felt I had to support the kids and have a bacon roll this morning. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it. I am lying in bed half watching 24 hrs in a & e but there is a massive fly in my room and it is doing my head in.

Mark was supposed to be racing in France during May half term but the meeting is now not going ahead. Just as well really as his work won't grant him the time off as they are starting a new contract and need everyone in. So, I have been looking for a cheap caravan Monday to Friday break. They are so expensive, talk about ripping people off because it's school hols! I have managed to book a caravan privately through an owners website so me and the kids (and the mother in law) are off to Bunn leisure at selsey for half term. Yippee, another break to look forward to.

Breakfast: branflakes, berries, skimmed milk

lunch: JP salad, green beans, cauliflower, mayo (2 syns)

dinner: 2 x pork loin steaks, paprika mini roasties, roasted vegetables

snacks: 2 x ryvita (3 syns) hummus (4 syns ?) pack of mini chocolates 12 syns

21 syns today. Oops.

that fly is really winding me up now............
I totally hate the rip offs during sch hols. Thats why our centreparcs trip is in holland. For the same sort of package it was 4 times dearer!!
Glad you managed to get somewhere.

I totally agree that you need to support the students and hope you enjoyed the bacon sarnie. :)

Have a lovely day. X

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Thursday 8th May

Hi, hope you are having a good evening.

Had a quiet day today, not a lot to report.

breakfast: branflakes, berries, skimmed milk

lunch: JP, salad, mayo (2 syns), broccoli and cauliflower cheese bake (very small portion, (5 syns?)

dinner: spag Bol with salad and cheese (2 syns)

snacks: box of mini chocolate figures (13.5 syns), a pineapple. Yes, a whole one.

Another 22.5 syns today. Why can't I just stick to plan.