Lindsey is losing it! Weight, not marbles.........

1lb on this week for me. Must have been all that French bread and croissants and chocolate and wine at the weekend! This weight really is a plateau, I over eat and gain a just a lb, I stick to plan for weeks and get to 11st 3 lb and then stick like glue.

oh well, will try to have a proper 100% week and see if that makes a difference.
Morning Linds
Frustrating isnt it? Im beginning to wonder about it all. :confused:
Does my head in thinking food all the time.
We'll just keep trying i guess. :rolleyes:

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Forgot to update food from yesterday.

Friday 9th may

breakfast: branflakes, berries, skimmed milk

lunch: JP, coleslaw

dinner: wedges, chicken wrapped in bacon with light garlic and herb creme cheese inside, beans.

snacks: this is where it goes really wrong......... Half a tub of chocolate ice cream. A gazillion syns!

im not really doing too well at the moment. Fine during day and lose it at night. No willpower.
Morning mate. Why oh why do we do it? Is there not enough willpower to go round? Think it has to divide its time with everyone! Ive just eaten a bag if thorntons dark choc marzipans for breakie, why?

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If only I knew mate. I had some of the ice cream straight after dinner and enjoyed it. Kids had theirs and there was some left so I put it in the freezer. Then, a couple of hours later, even though I wasn't hungry in the slightest, I retrieved the tub and finished it off. Didn't really enjoy it that much and was feeling guilty even whilst eating it but couldn't stop.

I am sick of fruit and yoghurts. They just don't hit the spot when you want something nice for desert. I wouldn't mind but we have had vanilla ice cream in the freezer for months and ice creams and yet I don't even think about these and wouldn't eat them. I don't even like ice cream that much!

Maybe be we get sick of being so in control all the time? It's the rebel streak we have maybe, just like putting two fingers up to authority! If you ever find the answer to our self sabotage, please let me know!
Ill keep searching... chin up, don't buy anymore while your in this sort of mood. (She says hiding the packing from the choccies) cant have the kids wanting choc for breakfast. :what:

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Hi Hun, don't let the 1lb get you down, maybe you need a treat night after every WI, maybe that would stop u wanting to binge? I'm going to start that after my holiday, there's no point stopping what we love as we just crave it more.

When I want to indulge in a whole box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts I just remember "a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips!" Seems to work lol.

Or you could have the treats, but weigh it and work out the syns and save them throughout the day to enjoy it of a night? I do flexi syns now and it's helped me a lot!

Hope you can figure something out Hun and feel better, like you said 11 weeks til your holiday, that's easily at least 11lb off, you can do it! Xx
Saturday 10th May

Sat watching pirates of the Caribbean. Got to love Johnny Depp as cap'n jack sparrow. Well, the weather has been rain shine rain shine here today. When it was shine, we decided to take the kids out on their motorbike however it turned to rain during their last practice session so we all got a bit wet! They are really coming along though, getting better every time. When we got home, I had to go to tesco as I hadn't got all the ingredients for our curry, I decided to do the weekly shop as I had a voucher if I spent £50. I didn't get back til nearly 7pm and then had to cook dinner. Have only just eaten! Youngest has a footy match in the morning so will be up and out early tomorrow and not sure what we will do for the rest of the day.

breakfast: magic pancakes, fruit, lemon juice and sweetener.

lunch: bacon sandwich on white bread (oops)

dinner: chicken curry and rice with naan bread

snacks: crisps, flapjack, alpen light

not even counting the syns today, can't be bothered, probably around 20? Maybe a few more. Lack of willpower and having crap on hand strikes again. Really need to sort myself out or I won't lose any more weight before I go on hols. I have been farting around gaining and losing the same pound since the end of March!
Hi Lindsey,

Sounds like your bank holiday weekend away in France was really good fun, loving the fresh croissants! And only 1lb gain too that's pretty good.

I totally know what you mean about lack of willpower, it really hit a chord with me when you were talking about eating the ice cream, not being hungry, feeling guilty yet carrying on anyway. I do this often. When I feel like this I'm incapable of just having a little treat to beat the craving and instead have to gorge.

Sounds like you need to find a bit of motivation from somewhere, have you maybe got something you'd really like to wear on your hols that you can't quite fit into? You could use that as motivation.

Just an idea really, you have done great though so please don't beat yourself up about it x
Morning Linds hows you today?
Ive just taken a look and have 11 weeks till my hols taking 1 off for centreparcs thats 10 being on plan. So what are we going to do?
Ive seen some gorgeous summer bits in matalan id love for holiday. Thinking of buying them a size smaller and cos i dont like wasting money ive got to lose weight. What du think am i a bit crazy? Hubby thinks so! X:p

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I just posted on your thread. Pros and cons to doing this. Could be very motivational but could work other way if you don't see the changes you want. I have a size 16 Matalan dress in my wardrobe, I bought it 2 years ago and haven't been able to wear it yet. It has a side zip and I can't get it done up because my boobs are too big, even though it fits everywhere else. Maybe eventually it will fit..........
Sunday 11th May

Had to take youngest son to football this morning. My goodness, I was freezing. It is May isn't it? I haven't missed something and it's suddenly December. Brrrrrrrrrr.

nothing planned for the rest of the day. Might do a bit of ironing or cleaning I suppose.

So far so good with food today, branflakes and fruit for breakfast and just had grilled bacon with fry lighted to tomatoes, mushrooms and egg. Was yummy. I have a joint of pork loin for dinner later and will have it with fry light roasties, carrots, green beans and cauliflower and broccoli. Just hope I don't eat loads of crap afterwards!
Having a bit if a disaster with dinner! I pre boiled the potatoes for too long and they are now mash so peeled some more and started again. Put the mash in the fridge for another day, maybe fry lighted potato cakes with some onion mixed in? I also fancy cauliflower cheese so experimented with stock and philli light. Think too much stock used and the mustard didn't melt properly, still it's going on the oven so will see how it turns out! This Bubble, is why I have to follow recipes!!!