Lindsey is losing it! Weight, not marbles.........

Good luck with weigh in!!
I agree with Pip, anything is better than a gain. Chin up and next week you WILL have a loss :)
Isn't it just the most gorgeous evening? Have a beer too if you want it mate, its sunny enough in this country!! Im beginning to think I should drink rather than eat too its more likely to put a smile on my face than the food does.
Well done on the sts, I think thats fantastic I want to be as light as you, boo hoo hoo...
Oh bubble, don't boohoo. I want to be as light as pip but don't think it will happen. I am a lazy dieter, and when the going gets tough, the tough turn to the wine and pops! (Did I mention I am eating a family size bag of pops?) I am beginning to realise that I don't have the dedication to achieve this and do you know what ? I am actually okay being 11.3 or 11.4. Yes, I would like to be lighter, but I am not repulsed by what I see in the mirror, and my clothes all fit (apart from that dress I mentioned earlier in the week, but doubt I'll ever get boobs in that and the zip done up unless I have surgery!) it wouldn't be the end of the world if I don't lose any more weight BUTi am going to try and be sensible during the week and at the weekend if possible. I am bored of having to count syns. I know I have totally the wrong attitude and that I will never be a slimbo with this attitude, but hey ho, I can live with it. I love my mins friends and don't want to derail anyone that reads my diary ( does anyone read my diary?) but in fairness I am not a good example at the moment. You however are a good example. Okay, you have the odd binge/slip up, but you exercise so much, you really deserve to lose lots of weight. Don't beat yourself up for having pizza, there's always tomorrow, and the day after and the day after...........
Pizza and the rest.... I read your diary. You are no bad example at all and I would hate us all to stop 'talking' it really keeps me sane having my own unknown little family! Ive just read your listening to mos ive got the saturday night classics by them on and my kids think im crazy belting out at the top of my voice, (who cares about the neighbours)
Hahaha my neighbours are 75-80 year olds, they never moan bless them but you can imagine when they see a young family move in, re built the whole house and had 3 kids!!! Dont think they will be too impressed when the teenage years are here hopefully (in a nice way ofcorse) they'll be pushing up daisies before my kids cause their deaths!!!
Hahaha my neighbours are 75-80 year olds, they never moan bless them but you can imagine when they see a young family move in, re built the whole house and had 3 kids!!! Dont think they will be too impressed when the teenage years are here hopefully (in a nice way ofcorse) they'll be pushing up daisies before my kids cause their deaths!!!
Our attached neighbour is the one who plays the music. He has an 11 year old son who comes every other weekend and my kids play with him so that's cool. The non attached side is currently being done up, owned by housing association so waiting to see what sort of neighbours we get. Last ones were horrible, so glad they moved, 3 years of hell, police involvement, harassment the works, even picking on my then 7 year old son in the street. He was scared to go outside ( so was I but wouldn't let on to son) so glad they are gone, apprehensive about next neighbours though. Hope they are nice.
Nothing worse than crappy neighbours. :(
I love the I dont care attitude at the moment, problem is I do care even whilst im eating it! :rolleyes:
I feel sick again, why doesnt that stop me eating? I felt sick last night, looked for some miracle slimming aid online woke up all determined then wallop, lets just eat again!