Looking for a buddy or two!

Hi lushus.me, Jizz, and ljt1986 and welcome!!

Hope your first day / first few days are going well xxx
Hi All, Can I join as well ???on day 2.....soon to be day 3 x :D
Managed day one yesterday!!! Here's to day two
Great to see so many wanting to join BOOT CAMP!

As its Monday morning, I will make a new post - BOOOT CAMP - week 34. I'll post a list of all those who replied to this thread and you can add your weekly loss to the thread as and when you weigh in. I'll also include a running total of lbs lost as we go on.

Hopefully it will inspire/challenge us all :)
hi, thanks for letting me join, on day 3 now and so far have stuck to it 100% but i am really struggling today as feeling very tired and craving food ... anything :eek:
Thanks kate_grace...so far so good. Definitely been a challenge but keen to get the scales down.....right down lol
Hi all, starting the exante total solution tomorrow! recommended to me by a friend who has been on it for 12 months....