losing weight for the final time

Hi all,

I still haven't faced the scales, I'm a little scared so hoping if I leave it a bit longer, it will be ok lol.

we started ttc this month but with my husband being unwell, didn't actually do a lot of trying. today I'm on day 30!!! usually 28 day cycle so 2 days late. I'm usually really regular, only the odd month where I've been 29 days. I'm not getting excited as it could be due to the stress of worrying about my hubby. exciting though. I'll let you all know soon as I do. x x
hi all,

I almost weighed myself this morning but really don't want to feel disappointed with the number. I know I've gained so I'm thinking I'll leave it until I've lost :)

I'm on day 31 of my cycle today. feeling a little excited. I did a test this morning and it was negative but wasn't expecting any different, earliest I've ever shown up positive is almost 6 weeks, I've got a weird body lol. I'll test again in a week if still no sign of af. My only problem is I need to be on lots of medication when I'm pregnant to prevent miscarriage so don't know if to start taking it as a precaution or wait and see.

I'm also aware that I've been stressed about my hubby, could be messing with my body, although never happened before. I'm having loads of cramps too.

If I am pregnant, I'm going to continue eating healthily most of the time. I gained 3/4 stone when I was pregnant with my son. my hubby is a feeder, especially when I'm pregnant. hoping to only gain a little or maybe stay the same.

have a good day all x x

I'm not pregnant, feel a little disappointed but its ok. I'm so blessed to have 3 healthy children.

not had the best day of eating, this always happens when I have a bad few days, I always struggle to back on track as I was before. Think planning is required every morning and then hopefully that will help. only 11 days and my son will be at nursery, focusing will be easier then. I'm also struggling to drink enough water, really need to try harder.

x x
Sounds like you're doing really well, and coping as best you can with a really difficult situation :). I'm glad to hear that your husband is okay, too. If you can stay on top of your food by planning then that's great, but be gentle with yourself, and don't worry if you end up off track - do remember that often eating better and healthily can help you to feel better and more positive about life.
Sounds like you're doing really well, and coping as best you can with a really difficult situation :). I'm glad to hear that your husband is okay, too. If you can stay on top of your food by planning then that's great, but be gentle with yourself, and don't worry if you end up off track - do remember that often eating better and healthily can help you to feel better and more positive about life.

hey cloud, thank you. I'm trying to focus on what I want. hopefully that will help me make better choices.

x x
good morning all,

I woke up feeling focusing and really clears about things. had a big glass of water first thing and have my bottle next to me. I drink loads of water when I'm working so hopefully it wont be such an effort when I'm working more from the 26th. I've planned food for the day and exercise, as its totm I'm not feeling great but I will try and do something light. I'm determined to drink at least 2L of water today. some days I've been drinking less than 1 :(

decided that I'm going to weigh myself on Monday, fingers crossed its not too bad but at least I'll know and can work on it.

have a good day all x x
Don't let it stress you out too much, Jenny: weigh when you feel happy and comfortable! I'm considering doing a 'blind weigh' for a while at group
Don't let it stress you out too much, Jenny: weigh when you feel happy and comfortable! I'm considering doing a 'blind weigh' for a while at group

yeah I'm feeling quite relaxed about it. blind weigh in might be good. good luck x x
I can be the same sometimes! It's hard to find the balance. I just enjoyed a pot of deluxe custard! Totally worth the 9 syns
good morning all,

I decided to brave the scales, I'm up 3lbs. not as bad as I thought it would be. I was picturing 7lbs up or something like that. I gain so easily and even though I don't consume 7lbs worth of calories, I still gain that much after a day or 2 off healthy eating. maybe its to do with pcos or maybe just my body. I feel a little annoyed that I've gained but all I can do now is try harder to focus. Long term I really want to work on my attitude towards food and not use it for emotional reasons. as a counsellor, I really believe that therapy helps, so I might work on it with my counsellor.

off to a birthday party today, I'm going to eat before I go.

have a good day all x x
I've recently started the Headspace app - which is a mindfulness programme, but they have all sorts of different "types" on there. The starter bit is great - it's just ten minutes a day, for ten days. Maybe worth a look?

SW for me has been a lot about changing my relationship with food. And not letting myself feel guilty! We'll get there, Jenny! Have a lovely day xx
3llbs is not the end of the world - funny how when we put on a few pounds it seems huge, but losing the same amount never feels so big!

Just a thought - have you been checked for food intolerances and/or an under active thyroid? Both of these could explain why you gain weight quickly.

Hope you enjoyed the party x x