losing weight for the final time

I love ebay... and Amazon, I've recently discovered Amazon prime and it's amazing next day delivery for free.. great now New Look and Boohoo are on there... not to mention loads of other make up and fashion...I'm just waiting for a reasonable time before I start getting all my parcels delivered to my new workplace... our office consists of 4 people, and my male boss may frown upon so many deliveries a week just for me haha xx

haha what's a reasonable time? 1 more week maybe lol :) I spend way too much on ebay, sometimes I think I'm not spending much because individually items might be cheap but added up can be quite a lot. it is usually stuff for the kids though as they don't stop growing. x x
Hi all,

had a bad day today. My husband is in hospital :( he was admitting in the middle of the night as he was having breathing problem and they are concerned about his heart. they are doing tests, I'm positive as ever but still worried. the bed is too big without him :(

I've hardly had any water today and had a couple of things that aren't in my plan but I'm ok with it. nothing major, just a packet of crisps and 8 malteasers.

I must remember to drink plenty of water.

goodnight all, I'm going to try and get some sleep x x
Hi all,

had a bad day today. My husband is in hospital :( he was admitting in the middle of the night as he was having breathing problem and they are concerned about his heart. they are doing tests, I'm positive as ever but still worried. the bed is too big without him :(

I've hardly had any water today and had a couple of things that aren't in my plan but I'm ok with it. nothing major, just a packet of crisps and 8 malteasers.

I must remember to drink plenty of water.

goodnight all, I'm going to try and get some sleep x x

Hope your husband is OK. Malteasers are needed at a time like this x x
Sending hugs and positive vibes! Hope everything's OK with your husband, sweet. Don't stress too much about plan; some things are more important x
Hope your hubby is doing okay. I know it can be very scary- happened to us a few years back, hubby whisked off in an ambulance with chest pains in the middle of the night. He was fine but i can tell you that those few hours i waited by the phone to hear from him were the longest ever.
As the others have said this isn't a time to be worrying about the plan. It's making sure that you and your family are okay. That is where your priorities lie. You are doing brilliantly so far, if you need to take some time out now just do it and give yourself a break. There will be plenty of time to put your mind back into focus once things settle back down.

Take care of yourself

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, I know how hard and scary it must be for you but try to stay positive, both for him and for yourself. I'm sure he'll be fine, and the hospital will be there to support you through it. Don't worry about the plan too much; if you can, try to eat healthily, simply because it will help you feel better physically, but equally if you can't that's fine too, don't obsess over it, focus on your family for the moment. It will work out in the end. You have plenty of time to come back to weight loss and dieting again :) I'm sending you all the hugs, and my best wishes for you and your husband :) xxx

thank you all for your kind words. my husband came home Friday night as the hospital had done some tests and said that they were pretty sure that he wasn't in any immediate risk of a heart attack. he's got to go back as an outpatient for more tests, Dr thinks he may need a pacemaker.

food wise, thurs and fri were ok, not as healthy as normal, but ok. yesterday I woke up feeling relieved to have my husband home. had to get a few bits from the shops, decided to get snacks and popcorn for a family movie night. I ended up getting loads, on the way back to the car I passed greggs so got some sausage rolls, next door is a butchers, they sell the best pork and stuffing sandwiches in the world, I got 1 of those too. lastly I saw a cake shop so got us all some cake. I didn't feel hungry all day yesterday as I was just eating junk for the sake of eating. I dread to think of how many calories I had. I'm due to weigh myself tomorrow but I'm going to give it a miss, it will only be disappointing. I gain weight so easily, I'm probably about 5/6lbs up from yesterday even though I didn't have 5/6lbs worth of calories.

so I'm back to it today, my 12 year old daughter asked me why I was eating cake and sweets and reminding me how well I've been doing. I knew what she was saying was right but make an excuse that I've been really worried and stressed. this has happened loads of times and I always fall off the wagon then and carry on eating rubbish. so I'm going to plan my food for today and stick to it. might take the kids swimming so that will be good for burning a few calories from yesterday.

not sure when I'm goin to weigh myself next but I'm ok with it.

I don't feel guilty about yesterday, just a little silly.

have a good day all x x
Great to hear your hubby is home - it must have been really stressful for you. You seem to have coped brilliantly. Good to hear you feeling silly about all the food and not guilty. You are definitely in the right frame of mind and taking a really logical and sensible approach to the weighing in. Keep up the good work ☺
thanks Dextermummy and fairytale.

back on it now, no more eating emotions :) I'm writing this update as I'm snacking on raw carrots.

I haven't weighed myself as I know it will be higher than last time so I'm going to wait a while. I should still be able to reach my goal of 50lbs by the end of the year, this was just a little setback.

off to exercise now. I go back to work properly on the 26th. my 3 year old doesn't start school until then, means getting back into normal routine is taking longer than I'd expected but its lovely spending time one on one with him, he really is so adorable.

hope you are all doing well x x
Hi all,

had a pretty good day today. feeling more on track. I keep getting the urge to snack on things like biscuits and chocolate, I've resisted :) maybe its sugar withdrawal. trying to drink enough water, I always struggle to drink enough.

going to get an early night tonight as haven't been getting enough sleep recently.

x x
Really glad you had a good day yesterday. It's always nice to feel back in control!