Lost 4lbs in a year!!!!!!!!

Sympathy re the arthritis as well. Nasty stuff.

The ankle and the lump could be connected. I sometimes have trouble with my right hip or knee or ankle. It stems from a fall I had 20 years ago. Tripped over my own feet! I was both skinny and sober at the time. Referred pain is common.

Yes I was happy with the 1lb up because it could so easily have been so much more. I really think in months rather than weeks so I want some sort of loss in March and I've still got cake and tom to come. The mezze I would just like to delay so I can get a few weeks on plan. I don't feel in need of a food treat just now, but I would love one at the begining of May once I've had time to get bored again.

Midnight feast again tomorrow. Bought caramel freddos and quavers in preperation.
I've only ever had sober injuries too! Smashed both kneecaps - both in different shoppin centres 20 yrs ago - now get achy knees in the cold . Right ankle sprained first day in Turkey 4 yrs ago ... left ankle sprained in garden day before going to Turkey again couple of years ago. Dent in my bum from haematoma after falling down own stairs after coming back from Spain. Going on holiday is risky business! Hoping Amsterdam and Portugal are injury free ....

Ah I see about the 1lb being a good thing - true enough. I think I'm letting go of the idea that I will lose steadily every week and 7-10lb a month being achievable. It really isn't unless I become obsessive, reclusive and dogmatic about it all. I had visions of being svelte by summer when I first started and the month of Feb has shown you can go a whole month with minimal progress. Not being a failure but being realistic - 5lb a month would be a happy goal for me without massive effort just mostly consistent to plan including celebrations and holidays and days that don't quite fit into SW plan and I need to look at a full year as a minimum.
I'm going to aim for not being obese as a major milestone, then aim for overweight then "normal" and then get to goal. Like you I'm going to get bored along the way so knowing that's going to happen makes me less likely to give it up.

I also need to aim for more sleep! Enjoy your midnight feast ... I'm trying to ignore the fact you said caramel ​Freddo's ... I didn't realise these beauties exist!!
I hope you've invested in good travel insurance!!!!!! Watch out for the stairs in Amsterdam and the bikes and the trams.

"I think I'm letting go of the idea that I will lose steadily every week and 7-10lb a month being achievable. It really isn't unless I become obsessive, reclusive and dogmatic about it all."

I agree with this. It's hard when you can't 'see' it shifting but to lose it quickly you have to be very restrictive and work your butt off, especially if you are small. Someone may disagree with me on that but it is my experience. I like my food and want to enjoy what I'm eating and never feel hungry whilst losing weight. It's all too easy to get wrapped up in not feeling good enough because you can't lose super quick. Or rebelious, take that Slimming World!

I'm losing well enough at the moment but let's face it I'm still around 5.5st more than I want to be so I use a lot of calories just hauling that around. I will do more exercise as I get slimmer but I'm not going to become a gym bunny or start running marathons. So it will take me a long time to get to target.

How are you doing clothes wise? Just bought myself a pair of jeans that don't fit and a pair of boots I can't get on! Been down this road before but the jeans aren't tiny and daughter liked the boots, she takes the same size.
Here! Here! I used to feel differently when I was younger - I could quite easily do 2 wk diets of strict denial and lose a good 8 lb for a party or do only to stick it straight back on later. I can't be doing with that anymore, I don't feel the same level of self-hatred either which enabled me to do it. So I'm happy with life and losing weight is for the long haul ...I've got room in my journey for a caramel freddo or two :)

It's a very good point about your BMR being higher the more you weigh and burning more cals to move about. That being, the calories burnt simply breathing and all the metabolic processes the body goes through. For most people it's well over 1200 and more so the heavier you are so really you're missing a trick if you start off too low cal wise because as you lose weight your calorie requirements decrease and that's when you cut down your cals rather than the jumping in at 1000 cals that a lot of people do. If the body doesn't get enough energy to do it's basic functions, it's just going to slow down the metabolism to ensure basic functions are maintained. Our body cares primarily about keeping us alive and functioning so it'll do what it needs to keep that happening.

I know as a short person my calorific goals are quite low closer to goal - I found it so hard to maintain last time but will have a much more gradual process to it this time and hence my target which is not really at he lower end for my height. I'm hoping to be a lot more energetic and find an exercise I like by that time!

Well done on your boots! Don't be giving all the good stuff to your daughter! I haven't really bought anything new in ages. With the rubbish weather I just wear my boots with dresses and cardi's. I used to wear trousers to work but realise I feel really frumpy and fat in them because my thighs are chunky, whereas my control top thick tights give me quite a nice silhouette. Dress to feel good I say! Also nice ear-rings fit everyone!
I'm really chuffed about the boots. Really chuffed. Have I told you how chuffed I am about my boots ?

My Mum is 4ft 10in, she really doesn't use up many calories. My son is a 6ft lumberjack, he does.

I use a childs plate at home. It really works for me. I've really noticed how greedy I am in restaurants compared to with takeaways at home with my small plate..
They are lush ... though would be thigh high on me with my stumpy legs! That's a goal for next year to get nice "normal boots" & not just live in my one pair of fat calf ones. Great price on your version of the boots - where are you finding such bargains??

Now had my WI & 1lb off :) which means my new lowest weight since SW so starting to feel progress is being made instead of the up and down yo-yo since Feb. Hope you had a lovely sleepover and Freddo and quaver extravaganza! Weather is hideous here but am going to do housey stuff including cleaning out my fish rather than sit here and scoff.
Hoorah!!! Well done on the loss:clap:
The boots are New Look cheapos, £59 reduced to £15 but I am in love with them :wee:

Now is the time to buy next years boots, while the shops are changing stock.

Green is helping but I could just eat and eat and eat right now:party0051:I've got a real monthly pattern but what do you bet that as soon as I've got it figured out I'll start the menopause?:ashamed0005:

Was sno:26:wing here this morning. Didn't last long but it was cold and we had to:gen125: wrap up warm before we went to the shops to spend our pocket money.

In case you didn't notice my extra smileys have decided to start working on chrome:greenapple:
My eyes! My eyes! Yes I had noticed the enthusiasm with the smilies - didn't realise you didn't get the full choice on IE - glad you're making full use of it :D I've been on Chrome for yonks - love the pin tab function so often have several sites open and even if you shut down or go to sleep they come back up. Mostly I find it more secure and more confident to use online banking etc.

Trouble with bargains is that I'll end up buying something that doesn't fit if I buy now in the hope I will have normal calves by next year and I genuinely don't know how much thinner they'll get. To be honest there were so many nice boots this year which I could have bought if only they fit that I'm sureany pair I end up buying will be a bargain anyway given how often I wear them.

I'm finding nothing really stops the hunger if you've got it. I think the low fat of SW doesn't always help with satiety. Atkins used to be loads more filling - a meal of chicken thighs with crispy skin and veg with a nice caesar dressing or something would be really satisfying but the carb cravings and fruit cravings get you in the end.

Today I had cereal and then had to have a lean blt and still felt peckish. Dinner was all my sins of peanut ginger chicken - but boy was it tasty ... and filling!
Not the best day diet wise. I haven't counted it up yet but whether I call it EE or Green I'll still be over syn wise. I was starving, ate my lunch at 10.30am!!!! had my 2nd hexb by 2pm and made a big pot of emergency veg and rice soup, which I am about to finish. Daughter was late and I ended up at her house at dinner time so had the beef, pots and broccoli that was on offer. So green was kind of out the window, though could still count it that way and syn it. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Said yes to the toffee yoghurt with chocolate raisins, then also ate gsons when he decided he didn't like it because I was still hungry!!!!

Re bargains that never fit. That's where I can pretend that I'm buying for my size 8/10 daughter with size 5 feet. Gives me a good excuse. I've been vicariously dressing her for years. It's a kind of Fashion Munchausen by Proxy!

The RIGHT boots would be well worth the money. My impulse bargains are just cheap things I can always give away.
It's a kind of Fashion Munchausen by Proxy!.

HaHa!!! Best phrase EVER!! :giggle:

When I was at my slimmest about a decade ago I actually bought the 14/15 yr old clothes in H&M and denim skirts from kids in Zara. Now I catch myself in BHS and Matalan.

24 syns is pretty good - esp. as it'd be loads less if you had it as EE - that's what I'd do! I always find something cheesey eg cheese on toast quite filling and it can both HeX's - even more filling with baked beans. Though I get that sometimes it's just about the eating rather than how filling it is.

Am pooped now but watching some scary French flick called Julia's Eyes ... really creepy - perfect bedtime viewing :eek:
My slim size is 8 /10 and I'm shoe size 5. You must have been tiny !

It was the volume of food I managed today that was shocking. Nearly all of it was healthyish but I was so so hungry, ate 3 bananas in a row as a snack instead of my usual one ! Might get some quinoa and put it in soup as it's a full protein and protein is the most satisfying macronutrient, get me :rolleyes:. It's not my favourite grain but it's ok and fits in well with green days.

Ran down the hill with gson this morning. Found the running easier than expected, found the stopping harder! bit too much momentum !:bliss:
photo (27).JPG This morning at DD's house!
Okay, official WI this morning and I'm up 1.5 lbs. Feeling ok about it, though it means I'm back in the 14's.

Still hungry as ought but overeating healthy food which is probably the best I can do.

I made a pretend quiche yesterday using bread instead of pastry, with onion, asparagus and chedder. Turned out nice but I do have a fondness for eggy bread. No quinoa in the co-op so that idea will have to wait until next month.

I've ordered Dr Beck's Diet Solution from Amazon as it looked like it might be helpful. I'll let you know if it is.

How are you and Paul McKenna getting on ?
Sorry about the weigh in - nut at least not unexpected and I'm sure it'll come off in due course. Like you I'm feeling the perpetual munchies but not filling up on the good stuff like quinoa. I'm not finding anything satisfying at the weekend! Protein I know should be - but without the fat it's not been so good for me. I had roast chicken and lots of veg last night .... and yes crispy skin too. Full up after but syns on a chicken skin can't be good.

Your daughter had a lot of snow! We had some on Sunday too - totally out of the blue, almost a relief after the incessant rain. This weather is really making me eat far too much but I have to get it under control as I might eat less come the summer but I don't still want to be massive by then.

I didn't use to be teeny tiny when I weighed 8st 4 but that was around a decade ago and I'd say maybe a 10 or 12 but sizing was much smaller. I remember being horrified at 10 and a half stone at having to buy a size 18 top from C&A whereas now when I was 2stone heavier I was still an 18/16. I'd probably be more like a 10 at goal - but think I'm a bit too old now to pull off kids clothes!

Paul and I are getting on but as I;m not following rules it understandably is not curbing hunger. each bite needs to be consumed 20 or more times and eaten at a table with no distraction ie no tv, no eating on your lap, reading or chatting. Now at work I always have lunch with a friend and OH and I always eat together - admittedly in front of the telly. I don't really eat much on my own so hence have not felt satisfied or have a full feeling. So can't really blame the plan it's more me not putting it into practice.

Let me know if you have a better relationship with Dr Beck and maybe I'll move on to him!