M-Mouse's Droppings

What a lovely weekend. I have planted 60 raspberry canes and we have put some fencing up so the chickens can wander around the garden. They really like it outside and keep kicking up piles of leaves:D I am expecting a mulberry tree and a pear tree during the week which I will plant on the orchard (sounds grander than it is!) next weekend. Been to rugby this morning and it was a little chilly until the sun came out!

Food has been fine but I think I am heading for a TOTM STS tomorrow. I am going to make courgette and goji muffins tonight for tomorrow, which I think will be nice - a bit carrot cake-esque! Need to think of something to have for dinner - hopefully something I can eat the leftovers of for lunch tomorrow. I won't be around much during the day this coming week as I am only in the office 2 days, then a spa day on Wednesday and 2 days at a conference Thursday and Friday. Have a good week everyone.
Interesting idea to combine gojis with courguettes... let us know how they turn out! Thanks re tip for not needing to presoak the gojis. I'll try that next time.

Your garden sounds lovely and I adore raspberries! There's an incentive for us all to stick at it to be able to eat them again!

Morning Jo! The courgette was bloomin lovely - made them very moist. I just added about 1/4 of a courgette grated and a tbspn cinnamon. It was going to be carrot but I thought courgette was a little more virtuous! I could have eaten them about 5 times over - the reason I only make one day's worth of muffins at a time!!
Morning Jo! The courgette was bloomin lovely - made them very moist. I just added about 1/4 of a courgette grated and a tbspn cinnamon. It was going to be carrot but I thought courgette was a little more virtuous! I could have eaten them about 5 times over - the reason I only make one day's worth of muffins at a time!!

That sounds delicious, Mouse. I've also heard of people including beetroot in cakes. Definitely adds to the moist texture.
Sounds delicious... but would then condemn the muffin to be only ok on a PV day, whereas my extra goji baby is for my Sunday "what can I eat next" moments (99.9% cured by making Sundays PP always!)
Oh, muffins sound good. Must get some goji berries to try (from health food shops, I imagine?)

Beetroot works well in chocolate cake (you'd need a Dukan version, obv) and the kids never notice it's in there... *evil laugh*. Sort of a fudge-like consistency without the butter/sugar overload:D.
True, Jo, that would be the one drawback with them. As soon as I can get hold of some of these goji berries, I'll be giving them a try in muffins.

I've never actually tried the beetroot in cakes yet, but I'm even more tempted after that description! That could healthy-up my gala desserts, too.
Robin - I've been told by a friend in Perpignan that she found them in Auchan BUT they've "apple juice" listed in the ingredients... so not ok for us on Cruise, but fine for you.
I can't bear beetroot but like it in chocolate cake. I can't bear prepping it either so I am going to grow some white beetroot this year, to try in muffins!

Won't be around during the day this week as at a conference Thurs Fri and a spa day tomorrow.
We grow lots of beetroot in our veg plot in the country and did all sorts of things with it (except cakes!). As for not liking prepping it, Mouse, doesn't Mr Mouse ever offer help in the kitchen? My OH knows now that it's HIS job to peel the beetroot. I've offered him (new) rubber gloves for same, but he just digs in. T'would be a shame to stop him ;)

oooh a spa day... could use one of them myself...
Enjoy the pampering, Manda.:D
ooh kim have a wonderful time x
No Jo, Mr Mouse cooks pancakes on shrove Tuesday and makes sausage sandwiches for the kids at weekends - that's it for the kitchen. Good job he does so much other stuff :)

Lovely spa day had by Mouse :) but I steered clear of the jacuzzi due to overfill of hairy men :)
Hello world, just back from conference day 1 (work too tight to pay for me to stay over!)

Food today (another PV day)
b - 3 goji muffins
l - some leaf salad, 2 chicken and pepper skewers, 2 chicken and chorizo skewers, 2 tuna skewers!!

Food I ignored today:
Arrival pastries
Tea break 1 - home made cookies
lunch - sandwiches, baguettes & varoius salads, meringue dessert, blackcurrant cake, coffee cake
Tea break 2 - banana cake, carrot cake

- I think my colleague had my share!!
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Amazing resistance skills mouse, well done! Have you got to go through it all again tomorrow?

Mmmm, chorizo - yummy. Not dukan of course, but in the face of all those cakes and pastries I think it's certainly a fair trade.
Yes back again tomorrow Em. I too decided that the chorizo was the lesser of several evils! I hope there is something suitable tomorrow too!

Tons of people were staying over tonight with a big gala dinner - how much can these people eat on one day!!?? I did think all the cakes were overkill really - no one can need all of that!
Commendable attitude mouse, I think in our former lives we wouldn't have thought twice about partaking in all of it!
You're absolutely right! The trouble is I know it is so much easier to put it back on than to get it off! I reckon I could have put on 5 pounds today and when I said this my colleague laughed and didn't It's believe it! It's alright for him!! Another colleague accused me of being worse than a reformed smoker the other day (a for the time being reformed fatty!!) - and he's right!