oh gosh yes - somewhere serving cream teas (in the morning??) mightn't be the best bet. Yes, let me know and we'll simply sat nav it... the "touristy place" you mentioned sounds good for a wander for us, but we can then key in somewhere else and meet you for a coffee...
PS - I don't go to Costas. Rip off merchants...
Vicky - can't you simply take a train? it'd only take... errr most of the day?!
They come in fresh every morning, belgian buns, belsea buns, custard tarts, iced buns and doughnuts but they are usually all gone by about 2 (Things can all get a bit nasty between the oldies over the last bun!!)
Woe betide anyone who buys the last loaf of bread!!! - adn if you have the wrong kind of weed growing in your hedgerow - well, you are liable to be reported to the parish council and have a hand delivered letter of complaint through your door They are also very hot on planning and disputing each others planning applications
Make yourself something Mouse... I like my baked egg custards very much, and I hear some cook them low in the microwave, but your MW needs to be turned right down to something silly like 300W...