Yes I wouldn't want to go too near the poines - although saying that I suppose I do when they are blocking the pavement, but I don't touch. The donks are as soft as anything.
Well they don't stick the needles in my tummy - toes, sides of me knees, hands and my neck! It just keeps it all calm; I think it is helping me keep it under control. I think am going to go back to Dukan tomorrow and see how that goes; I think I am tiring of the fattier stuff and really missing yoghurt! I KNOW I can do this so I am not going to let this stalling get the better of me. I am out of ketosis at the moment - damn those digestives - so feeling hungry! I'm going to do 3 days of attack and see if I can shift something by Monday! Trouble is that is making me think 'what can I eat' now if going into attack tomorrow! But no - I will resist, and Madam can have the low carb biscuits I bought today.
Manda, if you're about. You know about Atkins-allowed veg (low carb). As I'm not doing PP tomorrow, but PV instead, I thought I'd keep it as low carb as possible. Can you give me a quick list of the low-carb veg that you're allowed when you start off Atkins, please? Cheers.
Thanks. Yes I am going to do at least 3 days of attack starting tomorrow as I am out of ketosis (3 digestives a couple of days ago). I find it a bit stressful counting things and wondering if I am doing it right or not. Dukan is strict but it is easier to keep to the rules. I didn't realise until counting carbs, how high onions are!
i couldnt count the carbs , that is why dukan is for me . Dont want to have to weigh or count in anyway .....
damn and blast the onions dont tell me ive just eaten one with my beef
Keep using My Fitness Pal, though, Manda... I think it's good for us to see where our calories, protein, fat, etc levels are irrespective of whether we're officially "counting". On Cruise, we're higher carb than Atkins necessarily with the oatbran (which I'm not convinced needs counting, but never mind...) and even with the onions I eat and plenty of veg on PV - each and every colour - 55g carb is my maximum last week.