Hi can I join?
We are terrible with money most of the time. March I worked out that are spent over 600 on 'luxuries'. Its so bad!!!! April I cracked down and didn't spend much and somehow got out of the overdraft!!!
My partner doesnt have a set wage, last month he got just over 900 but this month it seems like it'll be more like 600 .
We've already spend that 900. Bills mostly , but loads on 'luxuries' too.
I try and not go shopping as I always spend when I'm there, whereas when I shop online, I am more careful and look for a cheap price and can talk myself out of buying something we probably don't need.
Since following sw, I've been good to plan meals. We have a 50-60 food budget a week. It might be more like 60. I do an online asda shop and get stuff I know is cheaper at aldi. I need to find aldi receipts to check how much is spent.
Since sw, I've not had takeaway. We did spend a weekend in Blackpool last week and spent too much. I kind of wished we didn't go, but it was a really nice weekend.
Its sad that we have to revolve our life around money. I'm either worrying we don't have any or trying to see if we can really afford something or staying in bored because I don't want to spend. If I don't, I over spend.
Anyway, I want to start a budget thing. Say 10 a week to spend on ourselves. I don't know how it'll go through.
We really need to buy a new rabbit hutch but I'm holding off getting one as I don't want to spend money.
Oh we also get child and working tax weekly and I get carer allowance for my son. I use that for the food.
We also get disability living allowance and child benefit every 4 weeks.
I'd LOVE to get to a point where I can put the DLA and child benefit in a saving account for the kids or holidays for them. I try and put 50 a month in now.
We also really need a car. My son won't travel any other way, so this is a big priority.
Excuse the ramble