MiM's & flaxseed recipes

Oh my word! These things are amazing! Made my first one this morning, just the simple induction friendly one, and loved it so much that I had another with a touch of cocoa powder this afternoon. Thank you for the recipes and ideas in this thread, MiMs are making me love Atkins even more!!
Wow! What a revelation!

Feeling a bit sickly this weekend - a head cold, so I thought I'd finally get round to trying one of these......as a bit of comfort food.
They are AMAZING! First try of the basic recipe and an absolute success! What an amazing texture.
Definitely going to be a bit more adventurous and try some more varieties!

Thank you to EVERYONE that has posted their ideas - they'll keep me going for ages!
anyone got pics of mims etc so i can see what a disaster mine are. I must get into these!
My first ever mim - which just happened to be my birthday cake last year :D


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Is flax porridge induction friendly? No idea how many carbs would be in the 3tblsp recipe above, but I'm hunting for some flaxseed today.

Have mims been known to stall anyone?
If I didn't have my flax I would never errrrr "go" iykwim :rolleyes: so for me it is essential.

My version of flaxmeal porridge (esp for Vicky :D)
50 gms flaxmeal (I use prewetts which is 2g carbs per 100g - so that is 1 carb)
2 tsp splenda (think that is 2 carbs)
a good sprinkle of cinnamon which I don't count (if I use bournville powder instead I count that)
about 200ml hot water (boil kettle and then leave for a minute just to cool a little)
you really have to mix it well or it goes lumpy, do it gently at first and then give it a good workout!
Cream to taste - prob about 20mls which is about half a carb so it ends up about 3.5 or 4 carbs - I usually do it by eye - you soon get used to how it looks in the bowl.

Consistency is up to you, you may need a bit more water or a bit less, over to you to experiment :)
thanks so much and wow your cake looks fabtastic :)
Is it just me or can anybody else not stand this flaxseed bread ?? :/ i dont know if im doing it wrongg ?? i got the milled flaxseed from holland and barratts is golden linseed better ? i had such high hopes for this :( even the cheese toastiee i couldnt stomachhe ? helpp pleasee need to loose some weighhtt wanna try for a baby soon and wanna be thin before i do it :)
I prefer the golden one - cant get away with the dark one .
I like both darker and lighter flaxmeal. My friend spat the bit I gave her down the sink though, and she'll usually eat anything!

Bren I love that mim cake! I have ambitions to make trifle with MiM - might do it tonight and report back tomorrow. Can just imagine it being gorgeous with a big dollop of cream...
Never thought of rum - that would be a lovely flavour actually Bren. Only have vodka and whiskey in the house though - will try something alcoholic next time. :)
Love the cake, Bren!

I actually prefer the dark flax seed, but then I also prefer the savoury version over the sweet. I made Bren's flax cookies too and scoffed the lot with cheddar - oh if only I could eat cheese more often :(
I impressed myself, was only just starting out on Atkins and I wanted cake for my birthday - so I got creative lol