MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

MinkyDinky said:
Have just worked out.... Only 32 lbs till target ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Go you!!!! Are you hoping to get to target by a particular date?? Or just when you get there??? You have done brilliantly so far!! :)
Target is within sight! :D is that a shop bought colslaw? food looks very yummy x
mrstore said:
Go you!!!! Are you hoping to get to target by a particular date?? Or just when you get there??? You have done brilliantly so far!! :)
I've no idea when to be at target by.. If I said valentines day that's 15 WI's. So maybe then? Dunno. December is such an issue as it's my birthday, Xmas, OH's birthday and new year all within 2 weeks of each other! Just gonna have to try and be good ish?! Xx

Nellylou said:
Target is within sight! :D is that a shop bought colslaw? food looks very yummy x
Target is more in sight than what I thought. When you have lost so much you kinda forget how much is left! Coleslaw is shop bought, sainsburys bgty deli style, its 3.5 syns for 100g which is quite a lot for your syns. Just needed something 'wet' with my salad y'know?? Xx
Food update! Had a banana earlier at work, just had a couple of slices of ham and a mullerlight.

Minestrone soup is done... How is it meant to taste?? I've never had it before :( just gotta wait till 9:30 for the OH to get home and then I can tuck in.
I'm soooooo hungry!!! Wish I hadn't had any ham today and then I could have said it was a green day. Extra HexA and B would be awesome right about now. Yes I have 7.5 syns left but I want a slice of bread with my soup!

Neeeeeeed to eat! Booooooooooooo.


Wasn't great but edible and filling. Felt it lacked... Something. Dunno what but defo something.

Total syns today were a nice solid 15. Good.

Night all. See you all bright and breezy for a fab Friday! Xxx
MinkyDinky said:
Edit for the food.....

Just had a massive gherkin wrapped in ham.

O. M. G. It was so good!

That is all :D

I always forget pickled stuff is free on sw, must go and get some and some pickled onions! Mmmm - having said that I think they give me pretty bad indigestion (or that could be that I only eat them at Xmas and its not them at all but although crap I eat) :)
I always forget pickled stuff is free on sw, must go and get some and some pickled onions! Mmmm - having said that I think they give me pretty bad indigestion (or that could be that I only eat them at Xmas and its not them at all but although crap I eat) :)

I am well into pickled gherkins at the moment, literally cannot get enough of them. Had 4 whole ones with my salad at lunch time and there were another 2 sliced up in the salad! Making burgers tonight and contemplating having some slices in there too!!
Give them another crack sweetie, as you say, it may have been all the other foods that were assisting with indegestion. And if that were true then you could be missing out on some glorious pickled veg!! xx
Friday. Thank the Lord its here!!

Today is a fabulous Red day and actually, doing pretty well with planning and stuff so feel well on the ball.

Breakfast - Banana, Apple and Muller Greek Lemon yogurt 1/2 syn
Lunch - Ham Salad with lots o' gherks and 2 syns of Coleslaw
Just now (2pm) a delicious raspberry jam doughnut, drool-tastic! 9.5 syns

Dinner - Chilli Cheese burgers, topped with smoked bacon and 'fried' mushrooms served with Swede and Carrot paprika chips, salad, gherkins and possibly smash onion rings 1 syn? HexB bun used, HexA cheddar on burger. Followed by Hifi berry bar HexB and a glass of milk. And if that doesn't fill me up then I don't know what will!!

Feel super organised today, like its 'clicked' again if that makes sense?
Actually cannot wait to get home and eat my dinner. Finishing at 5, going to nip to Tesco for some more bubble bath pamper stuff (seem to have run out!), grab my baps (oo-er missus!), head home, bubble bath and chill, peruse Mini's for a bit and then its super feast time! Going to get well snug into my flat tonight with The Boy and watch some horror movies whilst eating and sitting with my belly out for the rest of the evening where I am so full!

Should I feel the need to eat anything else after then please, someone shoot me! :D
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Minks I am well into pickled stuff too. With gherkins I must admit that I like the ones in brine and salt - yum yum. Try a boiled egg sandwich with them in and some crisps - you want to eat egg sandwiches all the time (that used to be our treat every friday after school).

our dinner sound yummy. I hav ebeen meaning to make burgers but have not got around to it. Whilst shopping had the urge to have steak, so that is for dinner tonight with salad and pickle.

Have you tried flavoured popcorns - I bought them from Morrisons and they are lovely and you feel as having chocolate (sad I get excited about these litte treats).

Have a great weekend.
Rosielea said:
Minks I am well into pickled stuff too. With gherkins I must admit that I like the ones in brine and salt - yum yum. Try a boiled egg sandwich with them in and some crisps - you want to eat egg sandwiches all the time (that used to be our treat every friday after school).

our dinner sound yummy. I hav ebeen meaning to make burgers but have not got around to it. Whilst shopping had the urge to have steak, so that is for dinner tonight with salad and pickle.

Have you tried flavoured popcorns - I bought them from Morrisons and they are lovely and you feel as having chocolate (sad I get excited about these litte treats).

Have a great weekend.

Oooh I love an egg sandwich and I love gherkins so this is a MUST to try! Thanks Rosie!

Steak... Super jealous! The Boy doesn't like steak, what sort of a man is he?! Steak has to be rare and served with either chunky chips or fluffy jacket nom!

I have never seen flavoured popcorn? How many syns is it? Can you only get it in morrisons or is it available elsewhere? And honey, it's the little treats that get me excited too so you are so not alone there. I've been excited about my dinner aaaaaalllllll day!

Have a lovely evening :) xxx
Oooh I love an egg sandwich and I love gherkins so this is a MUST to try! Thanks Rosie!

Steak... Super jealous! The Boy doesn't like steak, what sort of a man is he?! Steak has to be rare and served with either chunky chips or fluffy jacket nom!

I have never seen flavoured popcorn? How many syns is it? Can you only get it in morrisons or is it available elsewhere? And honey, it's the little treats that get me excited too so you are so not alone there. I've been excited about my dinner aaaaaalllllll day!

Have a lovely evening :) xxx

Popcorn is available in other places too. However, the ones from Morrys are Raspberry with white chocs and orange with milk choc - have not seen them anywhere else.

Saw chocolate butterscotch in Tesco but they were more expensive.

Have a great weekend.
How'd you make the onion rings? One of my faves! :) have a good weekend xx

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xJoanneJJx said:
How'd you make the onion rings? One of my faves! :) have a good weekend xx

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There is like a new craze on here about smash chicken?? Mix dry smash with spices/herbs, dip raw onion in egg, then into the dry mix, repeat, spray on a tray and bake in the oven. Take about 15-20 mins, turning once and respraying. I really enjoyed them and so did The Boy. People have done it with chicken breasts, strips and chunks (like nuggets!) and mushrooms (adding garlic powder for crispy garlic mushrooms!). Someone else (can't remember who!) done it with different veggies to make like a tempura battered veg side dish.

Start smashing everything!!! Have a great day sweetie! Xxx
I am so hungry right now! Been super busy this morning and only had time for 2 cuppas and a biscuit (3 syns in total).

Currently looking after my friends little baby boy while she gets ready for me to take her out to lunch. Heading to harvester and I'm going to indulge in a juicy rare steak, jacket spud and salad. Nom! Can't wait.

All the excitement has worn him out...
