MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Haha loving the sound of your weekend!!!! Early to bed tonight for you mrs!!!! Lol

Wow that's some epic weekend minks. Sounds like u had a great time makes my weekend sound mind numbingly boring hehe! :) x

I'm tired just reading that!!! Not a dro of alcohol passed my angelic lips all weekend (polish halo) c

How bad was I ay?! Paying for it now, the lack of sleep and over indulgence has shocked my system. I feel like death warmed up and that I could yack at any given moment. Head, chest and neck aches, sore throat and feel proper rough. Unsure if its just the heavy weekend or if I have some form of bug that is flying about - 3 people in the office have gone home today because they feel (and to be fair, look) rough.

WI tonight and its a taster night. Great. I can't be bothered to stay at all, just want to go, weigh and leave. But I will still take something for the group and possibly stay? Even if I weigh everyone in and then booger off about 8:30 thats better than nothing right??

Eurgh, who knows. I'm not even looking for a loss tonight, just not a huge gain would be nice!
Oh! And food shopping is coming tonight so weekly meals to batch cook up are :

Campfire stew (sausages) - I freaking love this dinner so much right now. Complete comfort food.
Chicken and cauliflower Curry - will add spinach or BNS to this too to bulk it out with SF
Leek and cheese topped shepherd’s pie - inspired by good old Delia Smith!
Beef Stew - Slow cooker Styleee
Roast Chicken - Standard Sunday roast!
Chicken noodle soup - Leftovers
Minestrone soup - New soup to try finally yay!
Taster evening tonight. Had no idea what to make that would be 'hallowe'en' themed so went for bonfire themed instead :D rebel, I know. Whipped up a sweet potato and bean chilli. Never made it before and just pulled cupboard staples and decided from there.

Enough leftover for lunch tomorrow yay!

1.5 off tonight.

Well disappointed with the turn out for taster night. I was the only one that took something! Glad I did now!! Only a handful stayed too, guess people get scared when your consultant isn't there - she is on holiday for 3 weeks.

I guess I have enough lunch for 2 days now!
1.5 off tonight.

Well disappointed with the turn out for taster night. I was the only one that took something! Glad I did now!! Only a handful stayed too, guess people get scared when your consultant isn't there - she is on holiday for 3 weeks.

I guess I have enough lunch for 2 days now!
That is an excellent loss. Well done.
Well done on the loss and hoping you feel better soon! Xx

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Cheers guys. Feeling better than I did earlier but not 100%. Just had a plate of my sweet potato n bean chilli, first thing I've eaten as I felt so sick earlier. Dunno if today will be green or EE, depends how I feel when I get in as to what's for tea.

jo-85 said:
Well done on the loss sweetie and hope your nearly feeling human again :) x

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Feeling a bit better today although gone very chesty - still, at least I'm not feeling like death anymore! Xxx

emma_partington27 said:
Hey minks thanks for ur msg hun im feeling abit more positive today as for yesterday it went out the window :( i dont think i could leave i would miss u all too much was just thinking a few days to read my stuff get my food diaries going again :)
glad there is some positive feeling sweetie. If you need a few days then take a few days. Just remember how hard you have worked to lose 3 stone and more! Take your time, start a fresh and come back with a new sense of motivation :) and don't keep us waiting long!! Xxx
Dinner last night was lovely, masses of super free. Had chicken provencal (the tiniest piece of chicken EVER!), with courgette, onion, tomato (that cooked with the chicken), roasties, 1 yorky pud, cauli and broccoli.

Food today!
breakfast has been really nice actually.
Had a cuppa (1/2 syn) with a malted milk biccie 2 syns. An apple, followed by grilled mushrooms on toast - HexB and 2.5 syns for lurpak light butter spread stuff.

Lunch - I was super prepared and made it last night. Massive salad with ham, HexA cheddar and boiled egg.

Dinner.... Dunno yet. Got lots of options and debating between burgers, meatballs, minestrone soup or potato and veg hash n beans. Decisions decisions!

Hope all are ok and the weather isn't as grey and dank as it is here :( xxx