MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

mrstore said:
Oh he is gorgeous!!! Enjoy your lunch

Lunch was super enjoyed!
From this....


To this....


To this....!


Awesome feast and all for 1/2 a syn!
Good day today.

Caught up with buddy and her cute little man, luncheon at harvester, over to mums, got a hand me down winter coat from her which fits like a glove and is a size 14..... That's right... A 14! Aaaahhhh! Fitted jacket and gorgeous, it's too small for her now but surprisingly fit me. Dead chuffed. Home now for the night, quiet night in.... What to do???
MinkyDinky said:
Good day today.

Caught up with buddy and her cute little man, luncheon at harvester, over to mums, got a hand me down winter coat from her which fits like a glove and is a size 14..... That's right... A 14! Aaaahhhh! Fitted jacket and gorgeous, it's too small for her now but surprisingly fit me. Dead chuffed. Home now for the night, quiet night in.... What to do???

Wow well dun hun on the 14's coat xx brill xx
Dinner eaten, pretty quick chilli and pasta. Had my HexA of cheese on top and my HexB of wholemeal bread. 1.5 syns on lighter butter.


Syns for the day:
2 for biscuit
1 for tea
0.5 for dressing on salad
2 for chocolate toffifee (think that's what it's called?)
1.5 for butter.

Only 7? Thought I'd used more. Might have a hifi light rocky road to end the day on a sweet treat. Turned down a sausage roll this evening, although the pastry looked perfect on it.

Off to The Boys mums for dinner tomorrow, unsure what we are having but think it's a roast. Already told him to pass it on to her that I won't be having roast potatoes, alcohol or pudding so not to offer or just plate up - always feel really rude saying no as we don't see her too often.

Anywho, going to finish watching this cheesetastic movie and then beddy byes xx
Wooo looking very slim there! :D xx
Minky - Last night I posted how bored I was after everyone had gone to bed and there was nothing on the tv - you suggested lots of good ideas. Well tonight I have just spent over 2 hours reading all of your posts, and what an amazing journey I find yours has been. Fantastic achievement girl you look absolutely fab.

You are an inspiration and in some cases a lifeline for lots of people who are still on their journey. Your posts are not only funny, heart warming and honest, but they show how a real person copes with the everyday battles we all have with ourselves. Simply amazing. Well done you and I will be watching how your journey progresses as I know your goal is now so close.
Minky - Last night I posted how bored I was after everyone had gone to bed and there was nothing on the tv - you suggested lots of good ideas. Well tonight I have just spent over 2 hours reading all of your posts, and what an amazing journey I find yours has been. Fantastic achievement girl you look absolutely fab.

You are an inspiration and in some cases a lifeline for lots of people who are still on their journey. Your posts are not only funny, heart warming and honest, but they show how a real person copes with the everyday battles we all have with ourselves. Simply amazing. Well done you and I will be watching how your journey progresses as I know your goal is now so close.

Awww thank you so much for such a lovely post Texty :) Its always so nice to hear positive things from other posters and it really does help with motivation to know that someone somewhere has found inspiration from my journey. This website is so full of amazing stories and wonderful people, it makes me thankful to have stubled upon it at the beginning of my journey :)

Hope you are good and found something to do in the end! :D xx