I finish next saturday, (well... its a nightshift, so next sunday morning)... wooooooo! 
then a couple of work shifts... the HOLIDAY
yay... not back at uni til september so its a nice break... i will prob work a little bit over the summer though.
go you for gettign all this walking in. I might play badminton tomorrow maybe... thats fun and gets you running around! better than nothing i suppose!
Will definately look out for the yoghurts, its got to be better than nasty plain fat free yoghrut... bleugh... and muller lights bleugh.....:jelous:
I have stayed away from the cake, feeling a bit dizzy tho so will get a banana when i un-attach myself from my dent in the sofa! I dont really get chance to watch much on Sky so i miss all the good shows! plus all the good stuff is usually on when im finishing a shift or getting home from work, then i just toddle off to bed coz im a lightweight and cant do late nights/5.30am starts!
Hehe... me too! I wonder where shes got to!! xx
then a couple of work shifts... the HOLIDAY
Will definately look out for the yoghurts, its got to be better than nasty plain fat free yoghrut... bleugh... and muller lights bleugh.....:jelous:
I have stayed away from the cake, feeling a bit dizzy tho so will get a banana when i un-attach myself from my dent in the sofa! I dont really get chance to watch much on Sky so i miss all the good shows! plus all the good stuff is usually on when im finishing a shift or getting home from work, then i just toddle off to bed coz im a lightweight and cant do late nights/5.30am starts!
Hehe... me too! I wonder where shes got to!! xx