cinderz, i was going to ask the same thing. Where IS Kassy? I hope she's ok??
Well done both of your for being good. cinderz, good call resisting the curry and having beans on toast instead - that takes a lot of willpower so admire you for doing it!

Stacy, well done on the walking, keep it up and enjoy HP tonight! i haven't seen any of them or read any of the books...think I might have to get involved! lol
Have any of you heard of the movie Holes? It's a disney one but apparently is really good. I've borrowed it from someone at work so going to watch that over the weekend.
Did my walk this morning as still have wed evening commitments with my bessy mate to do legs, bums and tums at the gym til my membership goes on hold so can't let her down! Managed 2.16 miles in 38mis and burnt 272kcals! woop woop!
Have been soooo good again today too. Fruit and yogurt for brekkie with a cup of green tea, coffee with 1 sugar mid morning and same lunch as yesterday again except I had red pepper instead of yellow! Ooooh, I'm such a rebel! lol Going to have jacket potato and beans for dinner with a couple of WW sausages! Yum!
Don't forget girls, drink your water! xxXXxx