Silver Member
Morning my shrinking ladies
) Have we all had a good weekend?
Cinderz - Thats frickin fantastic. My god, if ou keep that up you will lose quite a bit for ya hols, even in 2 weks and you will feel amazing. I'm even getting excited for you haha. Yip, I'm sck of this wether too, but just thnk, you will be sunning it up before you know it, you lucky bugger hehehe.
Bella - Bet you felt great and refreshed off your pamper day. I must do that more often. How good are you at ya walking man!!! You should be mega proud of yourslf. plus walking is as gud as any exercise, especially if you power walk in parts or go up hills. I cant wait till I get Sky in to watch all those programmes you are on about as I love weight loss shows, etc.
Stacey - Pleased everything went well with ya pops. He'll be home beore you know it. Ive never watched the Harry Potter films. I really should one day as everyone raves about them. Have you watched the Twilight films? I love them. Read all the books too.
Well, I hae had a bit of a calorie laden weekend. I was good friday (bar the copious amounts of alcahol - but I think I dance mosof that off in the club haha). But then Saturday I had the munchies and had about 2500 cals then Sunday I reacked up around 3000 cals. Those Big Tasty's at Maccy D's have alot to aswer for. But I'll be dead good agan today adn I was soooo good last week bar Saturday and Sunday.
I did get weighed though on Saturday when I got up and was down to 12.2. So I probaly lost quite a bit last week (just cant tell how much though asnot sure how much I put on week before). Scales going in the right direction again tho so am happy.
Gym tonight and I hope I can be as good all this week as I was alast week. Fingers crossed!
Well, I better get back to work but will spe4ak to yous soon xxx
Cinderz - Thats frickin fantastic. My god, if ou keep that up you will lose quite a bit for ya hols, even in 2 weks and you will feel amazing. I'm even getting excited for you haha. Yip, I'm sck of this wether too, but just thnk, you will be sunning it up before you know it, you lucky bugger hehehe.
Bella - Bet you felt great and refreshed off your pamper day. I must do that more often. How good are you at ya walking man!!! You should be mega proud of yourslf. plus walking is as gud as any exercise, especially if you power walk in parts or go up hills. I cant wait till I get Sky in to watch all those programmes you are on about as I love weight loss shows, etc.
Stacey - Pleased everything went well with ya pops. He'll be home beore you know it. Ive never watched the Harry Potter films. I really should one day as everyone raves about them. Have you watched the Twilight films? I love them. Read all the books too.
Well, I hae had a bit of a calorie laden weekend. I was good friday (bar the copious amounts of alcahol - but I think I dance mosof that off in the club haha). But then Saturday I had the munchies and had about 2500 cals then Sunday I reacked up around 3000 cals. Those Big Tasty's at Maccy D's have alot to aswer for. But I'll be dead good agan today adn I was soooo good last week bar Saturday and Sunday.
I did get weighed though on Saturday when I got up and was down to 12.2. So I probaly lost quite a bit last week (just cant tell how much though asnot sure how much I put on week before). Scales going in the right direction again tho so am happy.
Gym tonight and I hope I can be as good all this week as I was alast week. Fingers crossed!
Well, I better get back to work but will spe4ak to yous soon xxx