Hiya everyone
Zesty - You kept that one quiet haha. Or did I miss it on a post? Did you have a fab time? How long were you there for? Was weather lush?
I'm defo back on my diet today. Feeling very positive too. Slightly devestated tho as the scales weighed in at 11.12 today

That means I have put on 10lb in 3 months. I am so impatient tho and just want it off now but am gonna be good and do it properly so it stays off. Fingers crossed I can stick at it well and have a good stint. I dont wanna allow myself treat days yet, until I am down to say 11.2, then I will allow myself one treat day a week. Until then am gonna slog my guts out at the gym and watch what I eat, so i'll keep yous posted as to how I do.
Food diary today looks like this:
Speacial K cereal
WW meal and vedge
Chicken black bean stir fry
Off to gym tonight too.
I have even done myself a new ticker to monitor my weight loss journey as the one I did have was the old one that showed my weight loss so far so thought I would start with a new fresh one! Get this last 21lb off!!!!!! I WILL BE 10ST 5LB READY FOR TURKEY!!!!
How has everyones weekend been? You all been up to much?
I went wedding dress shopping on Saturday. And found THE dress. I am soooo chuffed. I'll post a pic of it below. It costs £420 in the shop but I have seen it online for £254. I have emailed the designer to ask if the website I have seen it on are genuine and not sell fakes. If I dont hear from them I'll get it from the shop just to be safe. I am gonna wait until say November/December tho to get it, see what size I am then. If I get it now and lose weight I will need to pay for alterations so bet off waiting.

Then Sunday we went to fairground with the kids. Was a great day.
I really made the most of my last days of non-diet food and really think Ive got it out my system - chinease, sheesy chops, belly pork, indian takeaway. You name it, Ive ate it haha. Not suprised ive crept up to 11.12 the way I bhave been going on. Hope I have good losses in my first weeks to keep me motivated. Just wish the Xenical was back in the pharmacies. Cant belive its been out of stock now for 6 months!!!!!