Holiday Countdown!
Okay don't laugh but I'm on a downer because I feel old. I'm 32, going to be 33 in May & although I have a good job I don't feel like I've achieved much in my life and I feel super old. It really gets me down. All my school friends and Uni friends are engaged, married, have babies & I have none of them! I'm probably putting too much pressure on myself but it really gets me down a lot. I just feel like life is passing me by so quickly.
I understand I now feel like an utter idiot xx
Snap, snap and snaparoo babes. I rent a flat, don't drive and can't afford holidays to top that off
But! You have to look at the positives and achievements you do have in life. You went to uni - that's amazing. I'd love to be able to say I was able to have done that. You work in a demanding and highly skilled profession. You can drive!! I've only picked out these 3 things because they are the main achievements you have mentioned on here but I'm pretty sure you can think of more.
The thing is, you have two choices. You either continue to do what you're doing and enjoy and let it go with the flow. Or if you want things to drastically change - pull your finger out and change it. I know it sounds hard but really, it is that simple. It may take planning and it may take time but really, you just gotta do it if you want it.
Otherwise, just take it easy and chill honey. Don't put pressure on yourself and get stressed. And never expect a man to understand, tut tut