Gold Member
Whoop whoop my scales are moving still! Lets hope valentines day night out won't ruin my weight loss!! Xx
Yay! Me too
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Whoop whoop my scales are moving still! Lets hope valentines day night out won't ruin my weight loss!! Xx
Prunes! Lol
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Lol! It's the hearing thing! Our staff toilet on the ward is right next to our nurses station/reception desk lol! Xx
I have been lurking and reading and keeping up to date with go well everyone's doing! Well done everyone!
I've not been AWOL I've been a little lost though little thins have slipped mainly my bread consumption and lack of exercise with has ended with me in an everlasting fluctuation cycle!
I don't know how many leaves have more than one side but I swear I've found another so I'm turning it and starting again! I'm still cc - trying to exercise at least once on every day I have off of work - and so far this week I've stuck to it - only two days in though!
I read an article about how the last two stones can mentally be the hardest as you've begun to like and enjoy your new body things can get complacent. And that's exactly what happened to me!
I was enjoying the clothes the 12-14 tops were making me feel amazing! But since Xmas the 12a have been a bit snug and one of my 12 dresses won't even do up!!
And I am feeling fat again! I was happy but I'm not anymore! I'm now feeling fat blobby like and have that need to loose weight again!
I still need to shift the last of the Xmas weight then I can get back towards my 12!
I have also been reconsidering my target 10at seems so low and so far away - and with my struggles I'm not sure ill ever get there.
So I've changed my target as of this week to 12st. Then if it flows nicely ill reconsider each half a stone as it goes!
But I think I'd be happy at 12.
Well my rants over. I'm off to catch up with each of you!
Wish me luck this week! Xx
Exactly! That's why I did it!
Once I've met that target it'll be much easier to manage lowering it by half a stone each time! X