Rhubarb crumble!
Indeed you heard me right. Crumble is my favorite of the puddings and I was thinking about it the other night and decided to try this.
You will need:
One ramekin or small crumble container
Enough raw rhubarb as it takes to fill it
(or enough cooked rhubarb to 2/3 fill it)
40g almond flour (approx)
1 tbsp butter (approx)
Sweetener of choice (I use liquid hermestas)
The measurements are a bit vaguey as it all depends on the size of your crumble container.
Basically, you want enough rhubarb to form a nice layer.
That was my frozen rhubarb. I stewed it down with a bit of sweetener and poured off most of the excess juice.
Then I took my almond flour, butter and sweetener and rubbed it all together to make little yummy almondy buttery lumps, which I then crammed in on top of my rhubarb in said crumble container (mine was a le creuset ramekin I got cheap in the m&s sale and which is the only fancy piece of kitchenware I own).
Don't smoosh it down flat, leave lumps so they get a bit browner than the rest. Oh, I forgot the oven preheating. I did 180 degrees in a fan oven.
Then I popped my rhubarby almondy mix in a baking tray and ovened it for about ten minutes until it was brown and crusty, and I got this:
And it is yummy. Crunchy on the top, a bit deliciously soggy where the flour mix meets the rhubarb.
Please note:
A) this is an owl recipe not an induction one as it includes nuts. Rhubarb however is induction friendly and is delicious stewed with sweetener and cream.
B) it doesn't taste exactly like ye olde classic British crumble. It tastes more almondy. I suspect because it has almonds in it. Personally I find almonds yummy but if you don't like them, you won't like this.
C) around 5g carbs and 400 cals for the version I made for myself - you'd need to adjust according to your own quantities. Nice and filling though and will be a nice warm comforting treat for cold days.