Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

afternoon ML... yes, I know what you mean about not being under control. I can feel very anxious when going to a place where I know the food will be difficult - like yesterday's indian ... and chinese are just the worst! Although I think chinese and thai are my favourites!
Yes love Chinese and thai but only eat crispy duck now ;)

I also think psychologically I wanted the chips and cake etc others were having and so it left me feeling 'still hungry', because I hadn't eaten those things and my brain was expecting me to.

Am at home now and the meal is settling in. Feeling much fuller, have made tea and realized I didn't actually fancy anything else to eat.
I can relate to why you said so much ML... I often think I'm hungry when I'm not! And sometimes feel deprived lol
the crumble sounds lovely, i cant imagine coming off induction i just dont have the confidence to take that leap
Technically I'm off induction because I take a lot of meds which come to at least 10/11g carbs - as I couldn't restrict myself to 9g carbs from food daily I allow myself 30g and as I'm doing that I figure I may as well let myself eat from the first two rungs of owl - nuts and berries. I have berries pretty rarely and nuts a couple of times a week in measured portions. I have to say I've lost as well doing this as I have on full induction - which I e stayed on every time when I've done Atkins before. Nuts and berries are really the only things I have extra to eat though - I'm still only eating 20g carbs, but have to allow for an extra 11 from my meds.
i really do need to get to grips with this counting carbs, i guess i just stick in the induction phase, eat whole foods and not deviate from the low carb veggie list because i have not got my head round what to do in owl. i did at one point thing ok, i will introduce strawberries and had them with cream but knocked myself out of ketosis and i think frightened myself of trying again
I know exactly what you mean, I have never really moved from induction but this time I intend to do it properly, nuts or most likely nut butter, (I find it easier to control), berries and full fat natural yog....all the things i love that you can't eat on other diets....
Mainly you just have to weigh and measure everything you eat, including induction veggies. Strawberries have 6g carbs per 100g for example and if you're eating the big ones that's not a vast amount, but they're still hard to knock yourself out of ketosis with for most people. However when I had a bit of natural yogurt for a few days running I stalled, then gained, so yogurt isn't something I'd reintroduce until I'm maintaining. It's very much trial and error to see what works for you.
The older I get I realise nothing is simple, trial and error then.... won't start owl til i am happy with my weight, I need to get back to posted and another 3 lb....... after that I don't mind how long it takes, as long as weight doesn't go up.
Food today:

15g peanut butter

Salade paysanne @ cafe rouge

Made but not eaten yet: zero noodles in chicken broth - hoping for a chicken noodle soup type affair. May also have a bit of cheese or salami. Oh and I had tea at cafe rouge with a dash of milk.

Carbs: hard to work out with the unpredictable lunch element but doubtful its more than 30. My rough guesstimating came up with 27.
Oo... Must get more noodles but I think they sort of didn't help me lose weight the last time but might try again! What did you use for the chicken broth? Xx
Idk if they help weight loss specifically but they don't stall it - I eat the powder they're made from mixed with my alpro pretty much every other day. I think they can make you heavier the next day just because of the fibre level, like mims, but they also ahem clear you out so in the long run its beneficial. My take and personal experience anyway. But I rarely have the noodles just because they're not exactly delicious :) just popped them in a bowl of broth to soak when I was having my hungry moment earlier. Broth is from marks. Xx
Hi ML, sounds like you are back on track and always appreciate your support for all while managing your own struggles. Keep it up
Trying, trying. Having one of those days where I'm fed up with not being able to have what everyone else does but c'est la vie. Diet or be fat, there's the choice.

Food today:

Pancetta, scallops and mushrooms

Venison steak

Cheese and spring onion

Mfp: 20g carbs inc meds.

Really didn't feel like eating anything and barely got to 1000 cals which means I'm too heavily in ketosis and need more carby veg tomorrow.
Morning, sorry to hear you are going through a rough time, but eating the wrong things will only make you feel worse, both physically and mentally, I don't think anyone who loves the affect atkins has on their body will ever go back full time to eating what is considered to be a normal diet. Occasional breakouts only........ keep going you will get there.
Hi ML - agree always good to get plenty of veggies in. Worth cooking them down (how about ratatouille with some fresh tomatoes) if you are not in the mood for a lot of bulk/chewing
Trying, trying. Having one of those days where I'm fed up with not being able to have what everyone else does but c'est la vie. Diet or be fat, there's the choice.

Know what you mean. 99% of the time I'm happy with what I'm eating, but there are times when I'd give anything to be like my super-skinny OH and be able to scarf down brioche, croissants, doughnuts etc. without consequences. He never has to think twice about whether to eat something he fancies - he just does it! And the worst thing is that naturally slim people have no idea how flipping lucky they are... they just think we have no willpower or some such nonsense...:rolleyes:

Hope your appetite has recovered today - no fun having to eat when you don't want to :( xx
Yes, I could go on about the scientific basis for naturally skinny people just happening to be blessed in terms of hormones and other genetic quirks of circumstance but I shan't.

What I will say is I'd like to punch anyone who has ever told me to 'just eat less, move more' or that dieting just takes willpower. I did a VLCD for several months - I'd like to see most of them manage to stop eating for that long. It's not willpower it's a life of self denial and the knowledge that our bodies won't regulate themselves in the way that naturally skinny people's bodies tend do. We have to regulate ourselves, for life, and while the brain is smarter than the body, the body is the one with those chemical imbalances and ancient animal cravings.

For me though it kind of is my head. I know carby things make me feel bad. The food I eat now is tasty and doesn't make me feel ill. That should be the end of the discussion, yes? Except that my brain is still that little fat girl at school who just wants to be normal but isn't because of how big she is, who sees that difference compounded upon daily by not being allowed sweets or crisps while everyone else has them at break, and so buys too many on the few occasions she gets the chance and eats them in secret. To feel normal. To get to be like everyone else. Ridiculous isn't it.

Anyway - am not off plan or anything. Just was trying to figure out what I'm going to eat at the Paralympics (thinking probably chicken and salad to take in and maybe a burger without the bun while there) and my mum (only my parents know I'm dieting) telling me I should just 'have a day to eat what you like, it's a day out'.

I'd love to.

I would love to.

But it will likely put my weight loss back a week if I do.

I was very tempted but I think I'm just going to do my best to stay on plan. I want to be thin more than I want an ice cream. Above all I want to get the the point where I can fricking relax about food enough to have an ice cream if I want and not have to worry.

/end giant ramble.
Oodles of hugs ML... I'm so relating to you... Xx
Yes me too, though when i was a kid i was skinny, i got fat because puberty brought lumps n bumps early to me, i dieted to be like everyone else, they were jealous of my curves but i hated being different. That started me on the yoyo dieting that just means more gets put on each time. Having kids also sealed my fate.

I can remember once i had a donut and the look i got from my husband. I pointed out just how little i had actually eaten that day and if i was thin he would have thought nothing of it, he did feel shamed after!

Its just so unfair!