Gold Member
nomoremuffintop said:ummm...
Don't eat that roast chicken and you'll be fine! X
nomoremuffintop said:ummm...
nomoremuffintop said:Well... how crap am I? woke this morning and because my weight had stayed the same I got the hump and stuffed half a pork pie smothered in chilli in my gob which then made me feel even worse and pathetic and moody, had to go out at lunch time into town to pay bills and realised I'd over looked a few things so was very short and am now behind on some things because I just over spent last few weeks on the budget this then annoyed me and I am so weak I just at to make myself feel 'better' .... kids and hubby wanted some lunch from greggs so I went in and ordered there's which was silly because the smell of stodgy comfort food was too much and I ended up with a sausage and bean bake and half the baby's ginger bread bloke. I'm now sitting here debating on chinese for dinner which I don't want and can't afford but i have the devil sitting on my shoulder telling me its a good idea!!! So fed up with my weakness![]()
nomoremuffintop said:Just to let you all know the muff is still alive but failing epically at getting back in the zone. Each day I start off with all intention of doing ts but I mess up and eat toast mid morning. Its like im addicted to.toast even though iv never really liked it until recently. Weight now 12.8ts is the plan for tomorrow..... Will try my best. But seen as I havent managed a whole day ts even though iv tried every day for the last 3 weeks im feeling doubtful Xx
nomoremuffintop said:Duude! Im totally doing this today.... A row with hubby ladt night about me moaning I cant do up (not even close) my blue size 14 skinny jeans that I loved so much has made me realise I have to just suck it up and get on with ithe told me he dont care if im fat but if I do then only i can do something about it. I knew this all along but just needed to hear it loud and clear. So im drinking mint tea until I pop today and having an early night. 4 weeks straight ts is my only option if I want to be 160lb again in time for xmas xx
nomoremuffintop said:i lasted all day on day 1 then ate terrys choc orange giant cookies and dunkin donutsi actually took them to bed with me! i ate half a loaf of bread and jam and crisps yesterday and then pizza and all the extras you would find in pizza hut but i made it at home and then drank vodka in front of the tv last night. today im having roast chicken and im fed up of trying but i will TRY again tomorrow
nomoremuffintop said:well needless to say i didnt make it back on the wagon on mondaybut.... i have 99% completed today with more or less no problems at all
very pleased and hoping a miracle will happen and ill be 11stone again by new year xx
nomoremuffintop said:I failed yesterday but I'm back today. Half a latte so far and I'm hiding in my room. Managed to get the iPhone to turn on and connect to wifi thank god but i cant use it in general because the home nutton doesnt work and i need that for everytjong! so here's hoping I can stay on track now I'm back on "mingle mins" xx